blob: 3c7828ecc93aefb94632b91560d14456a08c2ab1 [file] [log] [blame]
= How does Camel compare to Synapse?
We are Camel developers so take what you read here with a pinch of salt.
If you want to read a less biased comparison[try reading this
review which has a slight Synapse bias since the author mostly uses
Synapse] :smile:
However we think the main differences are:
* the Camel community is way more active according to the[nabble statistics] (Synapse is
inside the Apache Web Services bar) or by comparing[Camel] and[Synapse] on markmail.
* Camel is the default routing engine included in[Apache ActiveMQ] for Message Orientated
middleware with EIP and[Apache ServiceMix]
the ESB based around OSGi and JBI at Apache - both of which are[very popular too].
* Camel is designed from the ground up around
xref:{eip-vc}:eips:enterprise-integration-patterns.adoc[Enterprise Integration
Patterns] -- having an EIP pattern language implemented in
xref:ROOT:dsl.adoc[Java] and xref:ROOT:spring.adoc[Spring XML].
* Camel is designed to work with pretty much all kinds of
xref:ROOT:transport.adoc[transport] as well as working with any
xref:ROOT:data-format.adoc[Data Format]. When we first looked at Synapse it
was based around Axis 2 and WS-* though apparently thats no longer the