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= How can I become a committer
First of all you need to get involved and
xref:ROOT:contributing.adoc[Contribute] via the mail list, forums, edit the
documentation, work on the issue tracker and submit patches.
Once you're contributing and your work is good, one of our
xref:ROOT:team.adoc[Team] may invite you to be a committer (after we've
called a vote). When that happens, if you accept, the following process
kicks into place...
Note that becoming a committer is not just about submitting some
patches; its also about helping out on the development and user
xref:ROOT:mailing-lists.adoc[Discussion Forums],
helping with documentation and the issue tracker.
== Becoming a committer steps
* Download and print the Apache Contributor License Agreement from[here]. You need to
sign it and fax it to Apache. In the past I've found its often faster to
also post it via snail mail :smile:
* wait for your name to appear on the list of[received
* once thats done let us know and we can apply to Apache Infrastructure
to have your account created; we'll also need to know
** your full name
** your preferred email address
** your preferred unix account name
== Getting started at Apache
Firstly add yourself to the xref:ROOT:team.adoc[Team] page
Now go read the instructions on the[new committers guide].
Its also worth viewing
== More information
You can find more information about being a[committer at Apache here].
== Getting Karma in JIRA and Confluence
Mail the dev list and ask for karma for JIRA / Confluence giving them
details of your username you used to register with them both. We can
then grant the necessary karma so you can start grabbing JIRA issues or
editing the wiki
== Getting Karma in Jenkins / Hudson
Mail the PMC chair and ask for karma for Jenkins / Hudson as described[here].