blob: 25d5bd84f146d81077e8dfe0de9a385612e9f05f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.camel.CamelContext;
import org.apache.camel.ExtendedCamelContext;
import org.apache.camel.PropertyBindingException;
import org.apache.camel.spi.GeneratedPropertyConfigurer;
import org.apache.camel.spi.PropertyConfigurer;
import org.apache.camel.util.StringHelper;
import org.apache.camel.util.StringQuoteHelper;
import static org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty;
* A convenient support class for binding String valued properties to an instance which
* uses a set of conventions:
* <ul>
* <li>property placeholders - Keys and values using Camels property placeholder will be resolved</li>
* <li>nested - Properties can be nested using the dot syntax (OGNL and builder pattern using with as prefix), eg</li>
* <li>map</li> - Properties can lookup in Map's using map syntax, eg foo[bar] where foo is the name of the property that is a Map instance, and bar is the name of the key.</li>
* <li>list</li> - Properties can refer or add to in List's using list syntax, eg foo[0] where foo is the name of the property that is a
* List instance, and 0 is the index. To refer to the last element, then use last as key.</li>
* <li>reference by bean id - Values can refer to other beans in the registry by prefixing with with # or #bean: eg #myBean or #bean:myBean</li>
* <li>reference by type - Values can refer to singleton beans by their type in the registry by prefixing with #type: syntax, eg</li>
* <li>autowire by type - Values can refer to singleton beans by auto wiring by setting the value to #autowired</li>
* <li>reference new class - Values can refer to creating new beans by their class name by prefixing with #class, eg
* The class is created using a default no-arg constructor, however if you need to create the instance via a factory method
* then you specify the method as shown:
* Or if you need to create the instance via constructor parameters then you can specify the parameters as shown:
*'Hello World', 5, true)</li>.
* <li>ignore case - Whether to ignore case for property keys<li>
* </ul>
public final class PropertyBindingSupport {
* To use a fluent builder style to configure this property binding support.
public static class Builder {
private CamelContext camelContext;
private Object target;
private Map<String, Object> properties;
private boolean removeParameters = true;
private boolean mandatory;
private boolean nesting = true;
private boolean deepNesting = true;
private boolean reference = true;
private boolean placeholder = true;
private boolean fluentBuilder = true;
private boolean allowPrivateSetter = true;
private boolean ignoreCase;
private String optionPrefix;
private PropertyConfigurer configurer;
* CamelContext to be used
public Builder withCamelContext(CamelContext camelContext) {
this.camelContext = camelContext;
return this;
* Target object that should have parameters bound
public Builder withTarget(Object target) { = target;
return this;
* The properties to use for binding
public Builder withProperties(Map<String, Object> properties) {
if ( == null) { = properties;
} else {
// there may be existing options so add those if missing
// we need to mutate existing as we are may be removing bound properties; = properties;
return this;
* Adds property to use for binding
public Builder withProperty(String key, Object value) {
if ( == null) { = new LinkedHashMap<>();
}, value);
return this;
* Whether parameters should be removed when its bound
public Builder withRemoveParameters(boolean removeParameters) {
this.removeParameters = removeParameters;
return this;
* Whether all parameters should be mandatory and successfully bound
public Builder withMandatory(boolean mandatory) {
this.mandatory = mandatory;
return this;
* Whether nesting is in use
public Builder withNesting(boolean nesting) {
this.nesting = nesting;
return this;
* Whether deep nesting is in use, where Camel will attempt to walk as deep as possible by creating new objects in the OGNL graph if
* a property has a setter and the object can be created from a default no-arg constructor.
public Builder withDeepNesting(boolean deepNesting) {
this.deepNesting = deepNesting;
return this;
* Whether reference parameter (syntax starts with #) is in use
public Builder withReference(boolean reference) {
this.reference = reference;
return this;
* Whether to use Camels property placeholder to resolve placeholders on keys and values
public Builder withPlaceholder(boolean placeholder) {
this.placeholder = placeholder;
return this;
* Whether fluent builder is allowed as a valid getter/setter
public Builder withFluentBuilder(boolean fluentBuilder) {
this.fluentBuilder = fluentBuilder;
return this;
* Whether properties should be filtered by prefix. *
* Note that the prefix is removed from the key before the property is bound.
public Builder withAllowPrivateSetter(boolean allowPrivateSetter) {
this.allowPrivateSetter = allowPrivateSetter;
return this;
* Whether to ignore case in the property names (keys).
public Builder withIgnoreCase(boolean ignoreCase) {
this.ignoreCase = ignoreCase;
return this;
* Whether properties should be filtered by prefix. *
* Note that the prefix is removed from the key before the property is bound.
public Builder withOptionPrefix(String optionPrefix) {
this.optionPrefix = optionPrefix;
return this;
* Whether to use the configurer to configure the properties.
public Builder withConfigurer(PropertyConfigurer configurer) {
this.configurer = configurer;
return this;
* Binds the properties to the target object, and removes the property that was bound from properties.
* @return true if one or more properties was bound
public boolean bind() {
// mandatory parameters
org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.notNull(camelContext, "camelContext");
org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.notNull(target, "target");
org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.notNull(properties, "properties");
return doBindProperties(camelContext, target, properties, optionPrefix, ignoreCase, removeParameters, mandatory,
nesting, deepNesting, fluentBuilder, allowPrivateSetter, reference, placeholder, configurer);
* Binds the properties to the target object, and removes the property that was bound from properties.
* @param camelContext the camel context
* @param target the target object
* @param properties the properties where the bound properties will be removed from
* @return true if one or more properties was bound
public boolean bind(CamelContext camelContext, Object target, Map<String, Object> properties) {
CamelContext context = camelContext != null ? camelContext : this.camelContext;
Object obj = target != null ? target :;
Map<String, Object> prop = properties != null ? properties :;
// mandatory parameters
org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.notNull(context, "camelContext");
org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.notNull(obj, "target");
org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.notNull(prop, "properties");
return doBindProperties(context, obj, prop, optionPrefix, ignoreCase, removeParameters, mandatory,
nesting, deepNesting, fluentBuilder, allowPrivateSetter, reference, placeholder, configurer);
* Binds the property to the target object.
* @param camelContext the camel context
* @param target the target object
* @param key the property key
* @param value the property value
* @return true if the property was bound
public boolean bind(CamelContext camelContext, Object target, String key, Object value) {
org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.notNull(camelContext, "camelContext");
org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.notNull(target, "target");
org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.notNull(key, "key");
org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.notNull(value, "value");
Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>(1);
properties.put(key, value);
return doBindProperties(camelContext, target, properties, optionPrefix, ignoreCase, removeParameters, mandatory,
nesting, deepNesting, fluentBuilder, allowPrivateSetter, reference, placeholder, configurer);
private PropertyBindingSupport() {
public static Builder build() {
return new Builder();
public interface OnAutowiring {
* Callback when a property was autowired on a bean
* @param target the targeted bean
* @param propertyName the name of the property
* @param propertyType the type of the property
* @param value the property value
void onAutowire(Object target, String propertyName, Class propertyType, Object value);
* This will discover all the properties on the target, and automatic bind the properties that are null by
* looking up in the registry to see if there is a single instance of the same type as the property.
* This is used for convention over configuration to automatic configure resources such as DataSource, Amazon Logins and
* so on.
* @param camelContext the camel context
* @param target the target object
* @return true if one ore more properties was auto wired
public static boolean autowireSingletonPropertiesFromRegistry(CamelContext camelContext, Object target) {
return autowireSingletonPropertiesFromRegistry(camelContext, target, false, false, null);
* This will discover all the properties on the target, and automatic bind the properties by
* looking up in the registry to see if there is a single instance of the same type as the property.
* This is used for convention over configuration to automatic configure resources such as DataSource, Amazon Logins and
* so on.
* @param camelContext the camel context
* @param target the target object
* @param bindNullOnly whether to only autowire if the property has no default value or has not been configured explicit
* @param deepNesting whether to attempt to walk as deep down the object graph by creating new empty objects on the way if needed (Camel can only create
* new empty objects if they have a default no-arg constructor, also mind that this may lead to creating many empty objects, even
* if they will not have any objects autowired from the registry, so use this with caution)
* @param callback optional callback when a property was auto wired
* @return true if one ore more properties was auto wired
public static boolean autowireSingletonPropertiesFromRegistry(CamelContext camelContext, Object target,
boolean bindNullOnly, boolean deepNesting, OnAutowiring callback) {
try {
if (target != null) {
Set<Object> parents = new HashSet<>();
return doAutowireSingletonPropertiesFromRegistry(camelContext, target, parents, bindNullOnly, deepNesting, callback);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PropertyBindingException(target, e);
return false;
private static boolean doAutowireSingletonPropertiesFromRegistry(CamelContext camelContext, Object target, Set<Object> parents,
boolean bindNullOnly, boolean deepNesting, OnAutowiring callback) throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<>();
camelContext.adapt(ExtendedCamelContext.class).getBeanIntrospection().getProperties(target, properties, null);
boolean hit = false;
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
Object value = entry.getValue();
// skip based on some known names
if ("basicPropertyBinding".equals(key)) {
boolean skip = parents.contains(value) || value instanceof CamelContext;
if (skip) {
// we have already covered this as parent of parents so dont walk down this as we want to avoid
// circular dependencies when walking the OGNL graph, also we dont want to walk down CamelContext
Class<?> type = getGetterType(camelContext, target, key, false);
if (type != null && CamelContext.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
// the camel context is usually bound by other means so don't bind it to the target object
// and most important do not walk it down and re-configure it.
// In some cases, such as Camel Quarkus, the Registry and the Context itself are added to
// the IoC Container and an attempt to auto re-wire the Context may ends up in a circular
// reference and a subsequent stack overflow.
if (isComplexUserType(type)) {
// if the property has not been set and its a complex type (not simple or string etc)
if (!bindNullOnly || value == null) {
Set lookup = camelContext.getRegistry().findByType(type);
if (lookup.size() == 1) {
value = lookup.iterator().next();
if (value != null) {
hit |= camelContext.adapt(ExtendedCamelContext.class).getBeanIntrospection().setProperty(camelContext, target, key, value);
if (hit && callback != null) {
callback.onAutowire(target, key, type, value);
// attempt to create new instances to walk down the tree if its null (deepNesting option)
if (value == null && deepNesting) {
// okay is there a setter so we can create a new instance and set it automatic
Method method = findBestSetterMethod(camelContext, target.getClass(), key, true, true, false);
if (method != null) {
Class<?> parameterType = method.getParameterTypes()[0];
if (parameterType != null && org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.hasDefaultPublicNoArgConstructor(parameterType)) {
Object instance = camelContext.getInjector().newInstance(parameterType);
if (instance != null) {, target, instance);
target = instance;
// remember this as parent and also autowire nested properties
// do not walk down if it point to our-selves (circular reference)
value = instance;
hit |= doAutowireSingletonPropertiesFromRegistry(camelContext, value, parents, bindNullOnly, deepNesting, callback);
} else if (value != null) {
// remember this as parent and also autowire nested properties
// do not walk down if it point to our-selves (circular reference)
hit |= doAutowireSingletonPropertiesFromRegistry(camelContext, value, parents, bindNullOnly, deepNesting, callback);
return hit;
* Binds the properties to the target object, and removes the property that was bound from properties.
* <p/>
* This method uses the default settings, and if you need to configure any setting then use
* the fluent builder {@link #build()} where each option can be customized, such as whether parameter
* should be removed, or whether options are mandatory etc.
* @param camelContext the camel context
* @param target the target object
* @param properties the properties where the bound properties will be removed from
* @return true if one or more properties was bound
* @see #build()
public static boolean bindProperties(CamelContext camelContext, Object target, Map<String, Object> properties) {
// mandatory parameters
org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.notNull(camelContext, "camelContext");
org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.notNull(target, "target");
org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.notNull(properties, "properties");
return, target, properties);
* Binds the properties with the given prefix to the target object, and removes the property that was bound from properties.
* Note that the prefix is removed from the key before the property is bound.
* @param camelContext the camel context
* @param target the target object
* @param properties the properties where the bound properties will be removed from
* @param optionPrefix the prefix used to filter properties
* @param ignoreCase whether to ignore case for property keys
* @param removeParameter whether to remove bound parameters
* @param mandatory whether all parameters must be bound
* @param nesting whether nesting is in use
* @param deepNesting whether deep nesting is in use, where Camel will attempt to walk as deep as possible by creating new objects in the OGNL graph if
* a property has a setter and the object can be created from a default no-arg constructor.
* @param fluentBuilder whether fluent builder is allowed as a valid getter/setter
* @param allowPrivateSetter whether autowiring components allows to use private setter method when setting the value
* @param reference whether reference parameter (syntax starts with #) is in use
* @param placeholder whether to use Camels property placeholder to resolve placeholders on keys and values
* @param configurer to use an optional {@link org.apache.camel.spi.PropertyConfigurer} to configure the properties
* @return true if one or more properties was bound
private static boolean doBindProperties(CamelContext camelContext, Object target, Map<String, Object> properties,
String optionPrefix, boolean ignoreCase, boolean removeParameter, boolean mandatory,
boolean nesting, boolean deepNesting, boolean fluentBuilder, boolean allowPrivateSetter,
boolean reference, boolean placeholder,
PropertyConfigurer configurer) {
org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.notNull(camelContext, "camelContext");
org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.notNull(target, "target");
org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.notNull(properties, "properties");
final String uOptionPrefix = ignoreCase && isNotEmpty(optionPrefix) ? optionPrefix.toUpperCase(Locale.US) : "";
final int size = properties.size();
if (configurer instanceof GeneratedPropertyConfigurer) {
GeneratedPropertyConfigurer gen = (GeneratedPropertyConfigurer) configurer;
for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object>> iter = properties.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry<String, Object> entry =;
String key = entry.getKey();
Object value = entry.getValue();
// property configurer does not support nested names so skip if the name has a dot
if (key.indexOf('.') == -1) {
try {
// GeneratedPropertyConfigurer works by invoking the methods directly but it does
// not resolve property placeholders eventually defined in the value before invoking
// the setter.
if (value instanceof String) {
value = camelContext.resolvePropertyPlaceholders((String) value);
value = resolveValue(camelContext, target, key, value, ignoreCase, fluentBuilder, allowPrivateSetter);
boolean hit = gen.configure(camelContext, target, key, value, ignoreCase);
if (removeParameter && hit) {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PropertyBindingException(target, key, value, e);
// must set reference parameters first before the other bindings
setReferenceProperties(camelContext, target, properties);
// sort the keys by nesting level
.sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(s -> StringHelper.countChar(s, '.')))
.forEach(key -> {
final String propertyKey = key;
final Object value = properties.get(key);
if (isNotEmpty(optionPrefix)) {
boolean match = key.startsWith(optionPrefix) || ignoreCase && key.toUpperCase(Locale.US).startsWith(uOptionPrefix);
if (!match) {
key = key.substring(optionPrefix.length());
boolean bound = bindProperty(camelContext, target, key, value, ignoreCase, nesting, deepNesting, fluentBuilder, allowPrivateSetter, reference, placeholder);
if (bound && removeParameter) {
if (mandatory && !bound) {
throw new PropertyBindingException(target, propertyKey, value);
return properties.size() != size;
private static boolean bindProperty(CamelContext camelContext, Object target, String name, Object value,
boolean ignoreCase, boolean nesting, boolean deepNesting, boolean fluentBuilder,
boolean allowPrivateSetter, boolean reference, boolean placeholder) {
try {
if (target != null && name != null) {
return setProperty(camelContext, target, name, value, false, ignoreCase, nesting, deepNesting, fluentBuilder, allowPrivateSetter, reference, placeholder);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PropertyBindingException(target, name, value, e);
return false;
private static Object resolveValue(CamelContext context, Object target, String name, Object value,
boolean ignoreCase, boolean fluentBuilder, boolean allowPrivateSetter) throws Exception {
if (value instanceof String) {
if (value.toString().startsWith("#class:")) {
// its a new class to be created
String className = value.toString().substring(7);
String factoryMethod = null;
String parameters = null;
if (className.endsWith(")") && className.indexOf('(') != -1) {
parameters = StringHelper.after(className, "(");
parameters = parameters.substring(0, parameters.length() - 1); // clip last )
className = StringHelper.before(className, "(");
if (className != null && className.indexOf('#') != -1) {
factoryMethod = StringHelper.after(className, "#");
className = StringHelper.before(className, "#");
Class<?> type = context.getClassResolver().resolveMandatoryClass(className);
if (factoryMethod != null) {
value = context.getInjector().newInstance(type, factoryMethod);
} else if (parameters != null) {
// special to support constructor parameters
value = newInstanceConstructorParameters(context, type, parameters);
} else {
value = context.getInjector().newInstance(type);
if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot create instance of class: " + className);
} else if (value.toString().startsWith("#type:")) {
// its reference by type, so lookup the actual value and use it if there is only one instance in the registry
String typeName = value.toString().substring(6);
Class<?> type = context.getClassResolver().resolveMandatoryClass(typeName);
Set<?> types = context.getRegistry().findByType(type);
if (types.size() == 1) {
value = types.iterator().next();
} else if (types.size() > 1) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot select single type: " + typeName + " as there are " + types.size() + " beans in the registry with this type");
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot select single type: " + typeName + " as there are no beans in the registry with this type");
} else if (value.toString().equals("#autowired")) {
// we should get the type from the setter
Method method = findBestSetterMethod(context, target.getClass(), name, fluentBuilder, allowPrivateSetter, ignoreCase);
if (method != null) {
Class<?> parameterType = method.getParameterTypes()[0];
Set<?> types = context.getRegistry().findByType(parameterType);
if (types.size() == 1) {
value = types.iterator().next();
} else if (types.size() > 1) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot select single type: " + parameterType + " as there are " + types.size() + " beans in the registry with this type");
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot select single type: " + parameterType + " as there are no beans in the registry with this type");
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find setter method with name: " + name + " on class: " + target.getClass().getName() + " to use for autowiring");
} else if (value.toString().startsWith("#bean:")) {
String key = value.toString().substring(6);
value = context.getRegistry().lookupByName(key);
return value;
private static boolean setProperty(CamelContext context, Object target, String name, Object value, boolean mandatory,
boolean ignoreCase, boolean nesting, boolean deepNesting, boolean fluentBuilder,
boolean allowPrivateSetter, boolean reference, boolean placeholder) throws Exception {
String refName = null;
if (placeholder) {
// resolve property placeholders
name = context.resolvePropertyPlaceholders(name);
if (value instanceof String) {
// resolve property placeholders
value = context.resolvePropertyPlaceholders(value.toString());
String ognlPath = name;
// if name has dot then we need to OGNL walk it
if (nesting) {
if (name.indexOf('.') > 0) {
String[] parts = name.split("\\.");
Object newTarget = target;
Class<?> newClass = target.getClass();
// we should only iterate until until 2nd last so we use -1 in the for loop
for (int i = 0; i < parts.length - 1; i++) {
String part = parts[i];
Object prop = getOrElseProperty(context, newTarget, part, null, ignoreCase);
if (prop == null) {
if (!deepNesting) {
// okay we cannot go further down
// okay is there a setter so we can create a new instance and set it automatic
Method method = findBestSetterMethod(context, newClass, part, fluentBuilder, allowPrivateSetter, ignoreCase);
if (method != null) {
Class<?> parameterType = method.getParameterTypes()[0];
Object instance = null;
if (parameterType != null && org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.hasDefaultPublicNoArgConstructor(parameterType)) {
instance = context.getInjector().newInstance(parameterType);
if (instance != null) {, newTarget, instance);
newTarget = instance;
newClass = newTarget.getClass();
} else {
if (mandatory) {
// there is no getter with this given name, so lets report this as a problem
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find getter method: " + part + " on bean: " + newClass + " when binding property: " + ognlPath);
} else {
newTarget = prop;
newClass = newTarget.getClass();
if (newTarget != target) {
// okay we found a nested property, then lets change to use that
target = newTarget;
name = parts[parts.length - 1];
if (reference && value instanceof String) {
if (value.toString().startsWith("#bean:")) {
// okay its a reference so swap to lookup this which is already supported in IntrospectionSupport
refName = "#" + ((String) value).substring(6);
value = null;
} else {
value = resolveValue(context, target, name, value, ignoreCase, fluentBuilder, allowPrivateSetter);
boolean hit = context.adapt(ExtendedCamelContext.class).getBeanIntrospection().setProperty(context, context.getTypeConverter(), target, name, value, refName, fluentBuilder, allowPrivateSetter, ignoreCase);
if (!hit && mandatory) {
// there is no setter with this given name, so lets report this as a problem
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find setter method: " + name + " on bean: " + target + " of type: " + target.getClass().getName() + " when binding property: " + ognlPath);
return hit;
private static Object getOrElseProperty(CamelContext context, Object target, String property, Object defaultValue, boolean ignoreCase) {
String key = property;
String lookupKey = null;
// support maps in keys
if (property.contains("[") && property.endsWith("]")) {
int pos = property.indexOf('[');
lookupKey = property.substring(pos + 1, property.length() - 1);
key = property.substring(0, pos);
Object answer = context.adapt(ExtendedCamelContext.class).getBeanIntrospection().getOrElseProperty(target, key, defaultValue, ignoreCase);
if (answer instanceof Map && lookupKey != null) {
Map map = (Map) answer;
answer = map.getOrDefault(lookupKey, defaultValue);
} else if (answer instanceof List) {
List list = (List) answer;
if (isNotEmpty(lookupKey)) {
int idx = Integer.valueOf(lookupKey);
answer = list.get(idx);
} else {
if (list.isEmpty()) {
answer = null;
} else {
answer = list.get(list.size() - 1);
return answer != null ? answer : defaultValue;
private static Method findBestSetterMethod(CamelContext context, Class clazz, String name,
boolean fluentBuilder, boolean allowPrivateSetter, boolean ignoreCase) {
// is there a direct setter?
Set<Method> candidates = context.adapt(ExtendedCamelContext.class).getBeanIntrospection().findSetterMethods(clazz, name, false, allowPrivateSetter, ignoreCase);
if (candidates.size() == 1) {
return candidates.iterator().next();
// okay now try with builder pattern
if (fluentBuilder) {
candidates = context.adapt(ExtendedCamelContext.class).getBeanIntrospection().findSetterMethods(clazz, name, fluentBuilder, allowPrivateSetter, ignoreCase);
if (candidates.size() == 1) {
return candidates.iterator().next();
return null;
private static Class getGetterType(CamelContext context, Object target, String name, boolean ignoreCase) {
try {
if (ignoreCase) {
Method getter = context.adapt(ExtendedCamelContext.class).getBeanIntrospection().getPropertyGetter(target.getClass(), name, true);
if (getter != null) {
return getter.getReturnType();
} else {
Method getter = context.adapt(ExtendedCamelContext.class).getBeanIntrospection().getPropertyGetter(target.getClass(), name, false);
if (getter != null) {
return getter.getReturnType();
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
// ignore
return null;
private static boolean isComplexUserType(Class type) {
// lets consider all non java, as complex types
return type != null && !type.isPrimitive() && !type.getName().startsWith("java.");
private static void setReferenceProperties(CamelContext context, Object target, Map<String, Object> parameters) {
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object>> it = parameters.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<String, Object> entry =;
String name = entry.getKey();
// we only support basic keys
if (name.contains(".") || name.contains("[") || name.contains("]")) {
Object v = entry.getValue();
String value = v != null ? v.toString() : null;
if (isReferenceParameter(value)) {
try {
boolean hit = context.adapt(ExtendedCamelContext.class).getBeanIntrospection().setProperty(context, context.getTypeConverter(), target, name, null, value, true, false, false);
if (hit) {
// must remove as its a valid option and we could configure it
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PropertyBindingException(target, e);
* Is the given parameter a reference parameter (starting with a # char)
* @param parameter the parameter
* @return <tt>true</tt> if its a reference parameter
private static boolean isReferenceParameter(String parameter) {
return parameter != null && parameter.trim().startsWith("#");
private static Object newInstanceConstructorParameters(CamelContext camelContext, Class<?> type, String parameters) throws Exception {
String[] params = StringQuoteHelper.splitSafeQuote(parameters, ',');
Constructor found = findMatchingConstructor(type.getConstructors(), params);
if (found != null) {
Object[] arr = new Object[found.getParameterCount()];
for (int i = 0; i < found.getParameterCount(); i++) {
Class<?> paramType = found.getParameterTypes()[i];
Object param = params[i];
Object val = camelContext.getTypeConverter().convertTo(paramType, param);
// unquote text
if (val instanceof String) {
val = StringHelper.removeLeadingAndEndingQuotes((String) val);
arr[i] = val;
return found.newInstance(arr);
return null;
* Finds the best matching constructor for the given parameters.
* <p/>
* This implementation is similar to the logic in camel-bean.
* @param constructors the constructors
* @param params the parameters
* @return the constructor, or null if no matching constructor can be found
private static Constructor findMatchingConstructor(Constructor<?>[] constructors, String[] params) {
List<Constructor> candidates = new ArrayList<>();
Constructor fallbackCandidate = null;
for (Constructor ctr : constructors) {
if (ctr.getParameterCount() != params.length) {
boolean matches = true;
for (int i = 0; i < ctr.getParameterCount(); i++) {
String parameter = params[i];
if (parameter != null) {
// must trim
parameter = parameter.trim();
Class<?> parameterType = getValidParameterType(parameter);
Class<?> expectedType = ctr.getParameterTypes()[i];
if (parameterType != null && expectedType != null) {
// skip java.lang.Object type, when we have multiple possible methods we want to avoid it if possible
if (Object.class.equals(expectedType)) {
fallbackCandidate = ctr;
matches = false;
boolean matchingTypes = isParameterMatchingType(parameterType, expectedType);
if (!matchingTypes) {
matches = false;
if (matches) {
return candidates.size() == 1 ? candidates.get(0) : fallbackCandidate;
* Determines and maps the given value is valid according to the supported
* values by the bean component.
* <p/>
* This implementation is similar to the logic in camel-bean.
* @param value the value
* @return the parameter type the given value is being mapped as, or <tt>null</tt> if not valid.
private static Class<?> getValidParameterType(String value) {
if (org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.isEmpty(value)) {
return null;
// trim value
value = value.trim();
// single quoted is valid
if (value.startsWith("'") && value.endsWith("'")) {
return String.class;
// double quoted is valid
if (value.startsWith("\"") && value.endsWith("\"")) {
return String.class;
// true or false is valid (boolean)
if (value.equals("true") || value.equals("false")) {
return Boolean.class;
// null is valid (to force a null value)
if (value.equals("null")) {
return Object.class;
// simple language tokens is valid
if (StringHelper.hasStartToken(value, "simple")) {
return Object.class;
// numeric is valid
boolean numeric = true;
for (char ch : value.toCharArray()) {
if (!Character.isDigit(ch)) {
numeric = false;
if (numeric) {
return Number.class;
// not valid
return null;
private static boolean isParameterMatchingType(Class<?> parameterType, Class<?> expectedType) {
if (Number.class.equals(parameterType)) {
// number should match long/int/etc.
if (Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(expectedType) || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(expectedType)
|| int.class.isAssignableFrom(expectedType) || long.class.isAssignableFrom(expectedType)) {
return true;
if (Boolean.class.equals(parameterType)) {
// boolean should match both Boolean and boolean
if (Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(expectedType) || boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(expectedType)) {
return true;
return parameterType.isAssignableFrom(expectedType);