blob: a2ca51cbfd41a1b513bf8a368dd97e26f447ea05 [file] [log] [blame]
== JBPM Component
*Available as of Camel version 2.6*
The *jbpm* component provides integration with Business Process
Management (BPM) Suit[jBPM]. It uses
kie-remote-client API to interact with jBPM instance over REST. The
component supports only producer.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their `pom.xml`
for this component:
<version>x.x.x</version><!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->
### URI format
### URI Options
// component options: START
The JBPM component has no options.
// component options: END
// endpoint options: START
The JBPM endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
==== Path Parameters (1 parameters):
| Name | Description | Default | Type
| *connectionURL* | *Required* The URL to the jBPM server. | | URL
==== Query Parameters (25 parameters):
| Name | Description | Default | Type
| *attachmentId* (producer) | attachId to use when retrieving attachments | | Long
| *contentId* (producer) | contentId to use when retrieving attachments | | Long
| *deploymentId* (producer) | *Required* The id of the deployment | | String
| *event* (producer) | the data associated with this event when signalEvent operation is performed | | Object
| *eventType* (producer) | the type of event to use when signalEvent operation is performed | | String
| *identifier* (producer) | identifier the global identifier | | String
| *language* (producer) | The language to use when filtering user tasks | | String
| *maxNumber* (producer) | the maximum number of rules that should be fired | | Integer
| *operation* (producer) | The operation to perform | startProcess | String
| *processId* (producer) | the id of the process that should be acted upon | | String
| *processInstanceId* (producer) | the id of the process instance | | Long
| *targetUserId* (producer) | The targetUserId used when delegating a task | | String
| *task* (producer) | The task instance to use with task operations | | Task
| *taskId* (producer) | the id of the task | | Long
| *timeout* (producer) | A timeout value | | Integer
| *userId* (producer) | userId to use with task operations | | String
| *value* (producer) | the value to assign to the global identifier | | Object
| *workItemId* (producer) | the id of the work item | | Long
| *entities* (advanced) | The potentialOwners when nominateTask operation is performed | | List
| *extraJaxbClasses* (advanced) | To load additional classes when working with XML | | Class[]
| *parameters* (advanced) | the variables that should be set for various operations | | Map
| *synchronous* (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be strictly used, or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if supported). | false | boolean
| *statuses* (filter) | The list of status to use when filtering tasks | | List
| *password* (security) | Password for authentication | | String
| *userName* (security) | Username for authentication | | String
// endpoint options: END
### Message Headers
|Name |Default Value |Type |Description
|CamelJBPMValue |null |Object |the value to assign to the global identifier
|CamelJBPMOperation |PUT |String |The operation to perform. The operation name must be prefixed with
CamelJBPMOperation and the name of the operation. See the full list
above. It is case insensitive.
|CamelJBPMProcessId |null |String |the id of the process that should be acted upon
|CamelJBPMProcessInstanceId |0 |Long |the id of the process instance
|CamelJBPMParameters |null |Map<String, Object> |the variables that should be set for various operations
|CamelJBPMEventType |null |String |the type of event to use when signalEvent operation is performed
|CamelJBPMEvent |null |String |The type of the received event. Possible values defined here
|CamelJBPMMaxNumber |null |Integer |the maximum number of rules that should be fired
|CamelJBPMIdentifier |null |long |identifier the global identifier
|CamelJBPMWorkItemId |0 |Long |the id of the work item
|CamelJBPMTaskId |0 |Long |the id of the task
|CamelJBPMTask |null |Task |The task instance to use with task operations
|CamelJBPMUserId |null |String |userId to use with task operations
|CamelJBPMTargetUserId |null |String |The targetUserId used when delegating a task
|CamelJBPMLanguage |null |String |The language to use when filtering user tasks
|CamelJBPMAttachmentId |0 |Long |attachId to use when retrieving attachments
|CamelJBPMContentId |0 |Long |contentId to use when retrieving attachments
|CamelJBPMEntityList |null |List<OrganizationalEntity> |The potentialOwners when nominateTask operation is performed
|CamelJBPMStatusList |null |List<Status> |The list of status to use when filtering tasks
### Example
Below is an example route that starts a business process with id
project1.integration-test and deploymentId
.setHeader(JBPMConstants.PROCESS_ID, constant("project1.integration-test"))
 + "&deploymentId=org.kie.example:project1:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT");
### See Also
* Configuring Camel
* Component
* Endpoint
* Getting Started