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= XML Tokenize Language
:page-source: core/camel-jaxp/src/main/docs/xtokenize-language.adoc
*Since Camel 2.14*
The xml tokenizer language is a built-in language in camel-core, which
is a truly XML-aware tokenizer that can be used with the Splitter as the
conventional Tokenizer to efficiently and
effectively tokenize XML documents. XMLTokenizer is capable of not only
recognizing XML namespaces and hierarchical structures of the document
but also more efficiently tokenizing XML documents than the conventional
For more details see Splitter.
== XML Tokenizer Options
// language options: START
The XML Tokenize language supports 4 options, which are listed below.
| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
| headerName | | String | Name of header to tokenize instead of using the message body.
| mode | | String | The extraction mode. The available extraction modes are: i - injecting the contextual namespace bindings into the extracted token (default) w - wrapping the extracted token in its ancestor context u - unwrapping the extracted token to its child content t - extracting the text content of the specified element
| group | | Integer | To group N parts together
| trim | true | Boolean | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks
// language options: END