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= POJO producing
There are two different ways to send messages to any Camel
xref:endpoint.adoc[Endpoint] from a POJO.
== Via `@EndpointInject`
To allow sending of messages from POJOs you can use the `org.apache.camel.EndpointInject` annotation.
This will inject a `org.apache.camel.ProducerTemplate` so that the bean can participate in message exchanges.
Example: Send a message to the *``* ActiveMQ queue:
public class Foo {
ProducerTemplate producer;
public void doSomething() {
if (whatever) {
The downside of this is that your code is now dependent on a Camel API,
the *`ProducerTemplate`*. The next section describes how to remove this
See xref:pojo-consuming.adoc[POJO Consuming] for how to use a property
on the bean as endpoint configuration, e.g., using the *`property`*
attribute on *`@Produce`*, *`@EndpointInject`*.
== Hiding the Camel APIs From Your Code Using `@Produce`
We recommend xref:hiding-middleware.adoc[Hiding Middleware] APIs from
your application code so the next option might be more suitable. You can
add the *`@Produce`* annotation to an injection point (a field or
property setter) using a *`ProducerTemplate`* *or* using some interface
you use in your business logic. Example:
public interface MyListener {
String sayHello(String name);
public class MyBean {
protected MyListener producer;
public void doSomething() {
// lets send a message
String response = producer.sayHello("James");
Here Camel will automatically inject a smart client side proxy at
the *`@Produce`* annotation - an instance of the *`MyListener`*
instance. When we invoke methods on this interface the method call is
turned into an object and using the Camel
xref:spring-remoting.adoc[Spring Remoting] mechanism it is sent to the
endpoint - in this case the xref:components::activemq-component.adoc[ActiveMQ] endpoint to
queue *`foo`*; then the caller blocks for a response.
If you want to make asynchronous message sends then use an
xref:using-exchange-pattern-annotations.adoc[@InOnly] annotation on the injection point.