blob: dd813a1ccd9db55d096975987197698d8f153a2d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.camel.component.jcache.policy;
import javax.cache.Cache;
import javax.cache.CacheManager;
import javax.cache.Caching;
import javax.cache.configuration.MutableConfiguration;
import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
import org.apache.camel.LoggingLevel;
import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
import org.apache.camel.component.mock.MockEndpoint;
import org.apache.camel.language.simple.types.SimpleIllegalSyntaxException;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class JCachePolicyProcessorTest extends JCachePolicyTestBase {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JCachePolicyProcessorTest.class);
//Basic test to verify value gets cached and route is not executed for the second time
public void testValueGetsCached() throws Exception {
final String key = randomString();
MockEndpoint mock = getMockEndpoint("mock:value");
Cache cache = lookupCache("simple");
//Send first, key is not in cache
Object responseBody = this.template().requestBody("direct:cached-simple", key);
//We got back the value, mock was called once, value got cached.
assertEquals(generateValue(key), cache.get(key));
assertEquals(generateValue(key), responseBody);
assertEquals(1, mock.getExchanges().size());
//Send again, key is already in cache
responseBody = this.template().requestBody("direct:cached-simple", key);
//We got back the stored value, but the mock was not called again
assertEquals(generateValue(key), cache.get(key));
assertEquals(generateValue(key), responseBody);
assertEquals(1, mock.getExchanges().size());
//Verify policy applies only on the section of the route wrapped
public void testPartial() throws Exception {
final String key = randomString();
MockEndpoint mock = getMockEndpoint("mock:value");
MockEndpoint mockUnwrapped = getMockEndpoint("mock:unwrapped");
//Send first, key is not in cache
Object responseBody = this.template().requestBody("direct:cached-partial", key);
//We got back the value, mock was called once, value got cached.
Cache cache = lookupCache("simple");
assertEquals(generateValue(key), cache.get(key));
assertEquals(generateValue(key), responseBody);
assertEquals(1, mock.getExchanges().size());
assertEquals(1, mockUnwrapped.getExchanges().size());
//Send again, key is already in cache
responseBody = this.template().requestBody("direct:cached-partial", key);
//We got back the stored value, the mock was not called again, but the unwrapped mock was
assertEquals(generateValue(key), cache.get(key));
assertEquals(generateValue(key), responseBody);
assertEquals(1, mock.getExchanges().size());
assertEquals(2, mockUnwrapped.getExchanges().size());
//Cache is closed
public void testClosedCache() throws Exception {
final String key = randomString();
MockEndpoint mock = getMockEndpoint("mock:value");
//Send first, key is not in cache
Object responseBody = this.template().requestBody("direct:cached-closed", key);
//We got back the value, mock was called once
assertEquals(generateValue(key), responseBody);
assertEquals(1, mock.getExchanges().size());
//Send again, cache is closed
responseBody = this.template().requestBody("direct:cached-closed", key);
//We got back the stored value, mock was called again
assertEquals(generateValue(key), responseBody);
assertEquals(2, mock.getExchanges().size());
//Key is already stored
public void testValueWasCached() throws Exception {
final String key = randomString();
final String value = "test";
MockEndpoint mock = getMockEndpoint("mock:value");
//Prestore value in cache
Cache cache = lookupCache("simple");
cache.put(key, value);
//Send first, key is already in cache
Object responseBody = this.template().requestBody("direct:cached-simple", key);
//We got back the value, mock was not called, cache was not modified
assertEquals(value, cache.get(key));
assertEquals(value, responseBody);
assertEquals(0, mock.getExchanges().size());
//Null final body
public void testNullResult() throws Exception {
final String key = randomString();
MockEndpoint mock = getMockEndpoint("mock:value");
mock.whenAnyExchangeReceived(e -> e.getMessage().setBody(null));
//Send first
this.template().requestBody("direct:cached-simple", key);
assertEquals(1, mock.getExchanges().size());
//Send again, nothing was cached
this.template().requestBody("direct:cached-simple", key);
assertEquals(2, mock.getExchanges().size());
//Use a key expression ${header.mykey}
public void testKeyExpression() throws Exception {
final String key = randomString();
final String body = randomString();
MockEndpoint mock = getMockEndpoint("mock:value");
Cache cache = lookupCache("simple");
//Send first, key is not in cache
Object responseBody = this.template().requestBodyAndHeader("direct:cached-byheader", body, "mykey", key);
//We got back the value, mock was called once, value got cached.
assertEquals(generateValue(body), cache.get(key));
assertEquals(generateValue(body), responseBody);
assertEquals(1, mock.getExchanges().size());
//Send again, use another body, but the same key
responseBody = this.template().requestBodyAndHeader("direct:cached-byheader", randomString(), "mykey", key);
//We got back the stored value, and the mock was not called again
assertEquals(generateValue(body), cache.get(key));
assertEquals(generateValue(body), responseBody);
assertEquals(1, mock.getExchanges().size());
//Key is null, ${header.mykey} is not set
public void testKeyNull() throws Exception {
final String key = randomString();
String body = randomString();
MockEndpoint mock = getMockEndpoint("mock:value");
Cache cache = lookupCache("simple");
//Send first, expected header is not set
Object responseBody = this.template().requestBody("direct:cached-byheader", body);
//We got back the value, mock was called once, nothing is cached.
assertEquals(generateValue(body), responseBody);
assertEquals(1, mock.getExchanges().size());
//Send again, use another body, but the same key
body = randomString();
responseBody = this.template().requestBody("direct:cached-byheader", body);
//We got back the value, mock was called again, nothing is cached
assertEquals(generateValue(body), responseBody);
assertEquals(2, mock.getExchanges().size());
//Use an invalid key expression causing an exception
public void testInvalidKeyExpression() throws Exception {
final String body = randomString();
MockEndpoint mock = getMockEndpoint("mock:value");
Cache cache = lookupCache("simple");
Exchange response = this.template().request("direct:cached-invalidkey",
e -> e.getMessage().setBody(body));
//Exception is on the exchange, cache is empty, onException was called.
assertIsInstanceOf(SimpleIllegalSyntaxException.class, response.getException().getCause());
assertEquals("exception-" + body, response.getMessage().getBody());
assertEquals(0, mock.getExchanges().size());
//Value is cached after handled exception
public void testHandledException() throws Exception {
final String key = randomString();
MockEndpoint mock = getMockEndpoint("mock:value");
Cache cache = lookupCache("simple");
//Send first, key is not in cache
Object responseBody = this.template().requestBody("direct:cached-exception", key);
//We got back the value after exception handler, mock was called once, value got cached.
assertEquals("handled-" + generateValue(key), cache.get(key));
assertEquals("handled-" + generateValue(key), responseBody);
assertEquals(1, mock.getExchanges().size());
//Nothing is cached after an unhandled exception
public void testException() throws Exception {
final String key = randomString();
MockEndpoint mock = getMockEndpoint("mock:value");
mock.whenAnyExchangeReceived(e -> {
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected");
Cache cache = lookupCache("simple");
Exchange response = this.template().request("direct:cached-exception",
e -> e.getMessage().setBody(key));
//Exception is on the exchange, cache is empty
assertEquals("unexpected", response.getException().getMessage());
assertEquals(1, mock.getExchanges().size());
protected RouteBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception {
return new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {
CacheManager cacheManager = Caching.getCachingProvider().getCacheManager();
//Simple cache - with default config
Cache cache = cacheManager.createCache("simple", new MutableConfiguration<>());
JCachePolicy jcachePolicy = new JCachePolicy();
//Example to wrap only part of the route
.log(LoggingLevel.DEBUG, LOG, "Executing route, not found in cache. body:${body}")
.log(LoggingLevel.DEBUG, LOG, "This is always called. body:${body}")
//Cache after exception handling
.throwException(new Exception("test"));
//Closed cache
cache = cacheManager.createCache("closed", new MutableConfiguration<>());
jcachePolicy = new JCachePolicy();
//Use ${header.mykey} as the key
jcachePolicy = new JCachePolicy();
//Use an invalid keyExpression
jcachePolicy = new JCachePolicy();