blob: 19e3410171fcf4883c6c10ffc14cafc289cfaf0a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.camel;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.camel.builder.Builder;
import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
import org.apache.camel.builder.ValueBuilder;
import org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext;
import org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultExchange;
import org.apache.camel.processor.ErrorHandlerSupport;
import org.apache.camel.util.PredicateAssertHelper;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* A bunch of useful testing methods
public abstract class TestSupport extends TestCase {
protected static final String LS = System.getProperty("line.separator");
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestSupport.class);
protected Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
// Builder methods for expressions used when testing
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Runs the bare test sequence only if this platform is supported
* @throws Throwable if any exception is thrown
public void runBare() throws Throwable {
if (canRunOnThisPlatform()) {
//start with a clean slate
// make sure we cleanup the platform mbean server
protected boolean canRunOnThisPlatform() {
return true;
* Returns a value builder for the given header
public static ValueBuilder header(String name) {
return Builder.header(name);
* Returns a value builder for the given exchange property
* @deprecated use {@link #exchangeProperty(String)}
public static ValueBuilder property(String name) {
return Builder.exchangeProperty(name);
* Returns a value builder for the given exchange property
public static ValueBuilder exchangeProperty(String name) {
return Builder.exchangeProperty(name);
* Returns a predicate and value builder for the inbound body on an exchange
public static ValueBuilder body() {
return Builder.body();
* Returns a predicate and value builder for the inbound message body as a
* specific type
public static <T> ValueBuilder bodyAs(Class<T> type) {
return Builder.bodyAs(type);
* Returns a predicate and value builder for the outbound body on an
* exchange
* @deprecated use {@link #body()}
public static ValueBuilder outBody() {
return Builder.outBody();
* Returns a predicate and value builder for the outbound message body as a
* specific type
* @deprecated use {@link #bodyAs(Class)}
public static <T> ValueBuilder outBodyAs(Class<T> type) {
return Builder.outBodyAs(type);
* Returns a predicate and value builder for the fault body on an
* exchange
public static ValueBuilder faultBody() {
return Builder.faultBody();
* Returns a predicate and value builder for the fault message body as a
* specific type
* @deprecated use {@link #bodyAs(Class)}
public static <T> ValueBuilder faultBodyAs(Class<T> type) {
return Builder.faultBodyAs(type);
* Returns a value builder for the given system property
public static ValueBuilder systemProperty(String name) {
return Builder.systemProperty(name);
* Returns a value builder for the given system property
public static ValueBuilder systemProperty(String name, String defaultValue) {
return Builder.systemProperty(name, defaultValue);
// Assertions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
public static <T> T assertIsInstanceOf(Class<T> expectedType, Object value) {
assertNotNull("Expected an instance of type: " + expectedType.getName() + " but was null", value);
assertTrue("object should be a " + expectedType.getName() + " but was: " + value + " with type: "
+ value.getClass().getName(), expectedType.isInstance(value));
return expectedType.cast(value);
public static void assertEndpointUri(Endpoint endpoint, String uri) {
assertNotNull("Endpoint is null when expecting endpoint for: " + uri, endpoint);
assertEquals("Endoint uri for: " + endpoint, uri, endpoint.getEndpointUri());
* Asserts the In message on the exchange contains the expected value
public static Object assertInMessageHeader(Exchange exchange, String name, Object expected) {
return assertMessageHeader(exchange.getIn(), name, expected);
* Asserts the Out message on the exchange contains the expected value
public static Object assertOutMessageHeader(Exchange exchange, String name, Object expected) {
return assertMessageHeader(exchange.getOut(), name, expected);
* Asserts that the given exchange has an OUT message of the given body value
* @param exchange the exchange which should have an OUT message
* @param expected the expected value of the OUT message
* @throws InvalidPayloadException is thrown if the payload is not the expected class type
public static void assertInMessageBodyEquals(Exchange exchange, Object expected) throws InvalidPayloadException {
assertNotNull("Should have a response exchange!", exchange);
Object actual;
if (expected == null) {
actual = exchange.getIn().getMandatoryBody();
assertEquals("in body of: " + exchange, expected, actual);
} else {
actual = exchange.getIn().getMandatoryBody(expected.getClass());
assertEquals("in body of: " + exchange, expected, actual);
LOG.debug("Received response: " + exchange + " with in: " + exchange.getIn());
* Asserts that the given exchange has an OUT message of the given body value
* @param exchange the exchange which should have an OUT message
* @param expected the expected value of the OUT message
* @throws InvalidPayloadException is thrown if the payload is not the expected class type
public static void assertOutMessageBodyEquals(Exchange exchange, Object expected) throws InvalidPayloadException {
assertNotNull("Should have a response exchange!", exchange);
Object actual;
if (expected == null) {
actual = exchange.getOut().getMandatoryBody();
assertEquals("output body of: " + exchange, expected, actual);
} else {
actual = exchange.getOut().getMandatoryBody(expected.getClass());
assertEquals("output body of: " + exchange, expected, actual);
LOG.debug("Received response: " + exchange + " with out: " + exchange.getOut());
public static Object assertMessageHeader(Message message, String name, Object expected) {
Object value = message.getHeader(name);
assertEquals("Header: " + name + " on Message: " + message, expected, value);
return value;
public static Object assertProperty(Exchange exchange, String name, Object expected) {
Object value = exchange.getProperty(name);
assertEquals("Property: " + name + " on Exchange: " + exchange, expected, value);
return value;
* Asserts that the given expression when evaluated returns the given answer
public static Object assertExpression(Expression expression, Exchange exchange, Object expected) {
Object value;
if (expected != null) {
value = expression.evaluate(exchange, expected.getClass());
} else {
value = expression.evaluate(exchange, Object.class);
LOG.debug("Evaluated expression: " + expression + " on exchange: " + exchange + " result: " + value);
assertEquals("Expression: " + expression + " on Exchange: " + exchange, expected, value);
return value;
* Asserts that the predicate returns the expected value on the exchange
public static void assertPredicateMatches(Predicate predicate, Exchange exchange) {
assertPredicate(predicate, exchange, true);
* Asserts that the predicate returns the expected value on the exchange
public static void assertPredicateDoesNotMatch(Predicate predicate, Exchange exchange) {
try {
PredicateAssertHelper.assertMatches(predicate, "Predicate should match: ", exchange);
} catch (AssertionError e) {
LOG.debug("Caught expected assertion error: " + e);
assertPredicate(predicate, exchange, false);
* Asserts that the predicate returns the expected value on the exchange
public static boolean assertPredicate(final Predicate predicate, Exchange exchange, boolean expected) {
if (expected) {
PredicateAssertHelper.assertMatches(predicate, "Predicate failed: ", exchange);
boolean value = predicate.matches(exchange);
LOG.debug("Evaluated predicate: " + predicate + " on exchange: " + exchange + " result: " + value);
assertEquals("Predicate: " + predicate + " on Exchange: " + exchange, expected, value);
return value;
* Resolves an endpoint and asserts that it is found
public static Endpoint resolveMandatoryEndpoint(CamelContext context, String uri) {
Endpoint endpoint = context.getEndpoint(uri);
assertNotNull("No endpoint found for URI: " + uri, endpoint);
return endpoint;
* Resolves an endpoint and asserts that it is found
public static <T extends Endpoint> T resolveMandatoryEndpoint(CamelContext context, String uri,
Class<T> endpointType) {
T endpoint = context.getEndpoint(uri, endpointType);
assertNotNull("No endpoint found for URI: " + uri, endpoint);
return endpoint;
* Creates an exchange with the given body
protected Exchange createExchangeWithBody(CamelContext camelContext, Object body) {
Exchange exchange = new DefaultExchange(camelContext);
Message message = exchange.getIn();
message.setHeader("testName", getName());
message.setHeader("testClass", getClass().getName());
return exchange;
public static <T> T assertOneElement(List<T> list) {
assertEquals("Size of list should be 1: " + list, 1, list.size());
return list.get(0);
* Asserts that a list is of the given size
public static <T> List<T> assertListSize(List<T> list, int size) {
return assertListSize("List", list, size);
* Asserts that a list is of the given size
public static <T> List<T> assertListSize(String message, List<T> list, int size) {
assertEquals(message + " should be of size: "
+ size + " but is: " + list, size, list.size());
return list;
* Asserts that a list is of the given size
public static <T> Collection<T> assertCollectionSize(Collection<T> list, int size) {
return assertCollectionSize("List", list, size);
* Asserts that a list is of the given size
public static <T> Collection<T> assertCollectionSize(String message, Collection<T> list, int size) {
assertEquals(message + " should be of size: "
+ size + " but is: " + list, size, list.size());
return list;
* A helper method to create a list of Route objects for a given route builder
public static List<Route> getRouteList(RouteBuilder builder) throws Exception {
CamelContext context = new DefaultCamelContext();
List<Route> answer = context.getRoutes();
return answer;
* Asserts that the text contains the given string
* @param text the text to compare
* @param containedText the text which must be contained inside the other text parameter
public static void assertStringContains(String text, String containedText) {
assertNotNull("Text should not be null!", text);
assertTrue("Text: " + text + " does not contain: " + containedText, text.contains(containedText));
* If a processor is wrapped with a bunch of DelegateProcessor or DelegateAsyncProcessor objects
* this call will drill through them and return the wrapped Processor.
public static Processor unwrap(Processor processor) {
while (true) {
if (processor instanceof DelegateProcessor) {
processor = ((DelegateProcessor) processor).getProcessor();
} else {
return processor;
* If a processor is wrapped with a bunch of DelegateProcessor or DelegateAsyncProcessor objects
* this call will drill through them and return the Channel.
* <p/>
* Returns null if no channel is found.
public static Channel unwrapChannel(Processor processor) {
while (true) {
if (processor instanceof Channel) {
return (Channel) processor;
} else if (processor instanceof DelegateProcessor) {
processor = ((DelegateProcessor) processor).getProcessor();
} else if (processor instanceof ErrorHandlerSupport) {
processor = ((ErrorHandlerSupport) processor).getOutput();
} else {
return null;
* Recursively delete a directory, useful to zapping test data
* @param file the directory to be deleted
public static void deleteDirectory(String file) {
deleteDirectory(new File(file));
* Recursively delete a directory, useful to zapping test data
* @param file the directory to be deleted
public static void deleteDirectory(File file) {
if (file.isDirectory()) {
File[] files = file.listFiles();
for (File child : files) {
* create the directory
* @param file the directory to be created
public static void createDirectory(String file) {
File dir = new File(file);
* To be used for folder/directory comparison that works across different platforms such
* as Window, Mac and Linux.
public static void assertDirectoryEquals(String expected, String actual) {
assertDirectoryEquals(null, expected, actual);
* To be used for folder/directory comparison that works across different platforms such
* as Window, Mac and Linux.
public static void assertDirectoryEquals(String message, String expected, String actual) {
// must use single / as path separators
String expectedPath = expected.replace('\\', '/');
String actualPath = actual.replace('\\', '/');
if (message != null) {
assertEquals(message, expectedPath, actualPath);
} else {
assertEquals(expectedPath, actualPath);
* To be used to check is a file is found in the file system
public static void assertFileExists(String filename) {
File file = new File(filename);
assertTrue("File " + filename + " should exist", file.exists());
* To be used to check is a file is <b>not</b> found in the file system
public static void assertFileNotExists(String filename) {
File file = new File(filename);
assertFalse("File " + filename + " should not exist", file.exists());
* Is this OS the given platform.
* <p/>
* Uses <tt></tt> from the system properties to determine the OS.
* @param platform such as Windows
* @return <tt>true</tt> if its that platform.
public static boolean isPlatform(String platform) {
String osName = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
return osName.contains(platform.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
* Is this Java by the given vendor.
* <p/>
* Uses <tt>java.vendor</tt> from the system properties to determine the vendor.
* @param vendor such as IBM
* @return <tt>true</tt> if its that vendor.
public static boolean isJavaVendor(String vendor) {
String javaVendor = System.getProperty("java.vendor").toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
return javaVendor.contains(vendor.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
* Is this version the given Java version.
* <p/>
* Uses <tt>java.version</tt> from the system properties to determine the version.
* @param version such as 1.6
* @return <tt>true</tt> if its that vendor.
public static boolean isJavaVersion(String version) {
String javaVersion = System.getProperty("java.version");
return javaVersion.contains(version.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH));