blob: 9347f130c2a9274c6b5e0d5d8022de86daa8774d [file] [log] [blame]
=== Expressions
Expressions and Predicates can then be used to
create the various link:enterprise-integration-patterns.adoc[Enterprise
Integration Patterns] in the DSL or
XML Configuration like the
Recipient List. +
To support dynamic rules Camel supports pluggable[Expression]
strategies using a variety of different Languages.
==== API
If you are outside of the DSL and want to create your own
expressions you can either implement the[Expression
interface], reuse one of the other builders or try the[ExpressionBuilder
===== Expression
The API for a Camel Expression is defined in the
`org.apache.camel.Expression` interface as shown:
public interface Expression {
* Returns the value of the expression on the given exchange
* @param exchange the message exchange on which to evaluate the expression
* @param type the expected type of the evaluation result
* @return the value of the expression
<T> T evaluate(Exchange exchange, Class<T> type);
===== Predicate
The API for a Camel Predicate is defined in the
`org.apache.camel.Predicate` interface as shown:
public interface Predicate {
* Evaluates the predicate on the message exchange and returns true if this
* exchange matches the predicate
* @param exchange the message exchange
* @return true if the predicate matches
boolean matches(Exchange exchange);
==== Expression Languages
The following languages are supported out of the box
* <<bean-language,Bean Language>> for using Java for expressions
* <<constant-language,Constant>>
* the unified <<el-language,EL>> from JSP and JSF
* <<header-language,Header>>
* <<jsonpath-language,JSonPath>>
* <<jxpath-language,JXPath>>
* <<mvel-component,Mvel>>
* <<ognl-language,OGNL>>
* <<ref-language,Ref Language>>
* ExchangeProperty
* Scripting Languages such as
** BeanShell
** JavaScript
** <<groovy-language,Groovy>>
** <<python-language,Python>>
** <<php-language,PHP>>
** <<ruby-language,Ruby>>
* <<simple-language,Simple>>
** <<file-language,File Language>>
* <<spel-language,Spring Expression Language>>
* <<sql-component,SQL>>
* Tokenizer
* <<xpath-language,XPath>>
* <<xquery-component,XQuery>>
Most of these languages is also supported used as
link:annotation-based-expression-language.html[Annotation Based
Expression Language].
==== Using Expressions in your IDE
To use different expression and predicates in your IDE you need to
perform a static import of the builder class for the language(s) you
wish to use.
|Language(s) |Builder class to import
|Scripting Languages such as
BeanShell, JavaScript,
<<groovy-language,Groovy>>, <<groovy-language,PHP>>, <<groovy-language,Python>>
and <<ruby-language,Ruby>> |[org.apache.camel.builder.script.ScriptBuilder]
|<<sql-component,SQL>> |[org.apache.camel.builder.josql.SqlBuilder]
|<<xpath-language,XPath>> |[org.apache.camel.builder.xml.XPathBuilder]
|<<xquery-component,XQuery>> |[org.apache.camel.builder.saxon.XQueryBuilder]
===== See Also
* Predicate