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== Tokenize Language
*Available as of Camel version 2.0*
The tokenizer language is a built-in language in camel-core, which is
most often used only with the Splitter EIP to split
a message using a token-based strategy. +
The tokenizer language is intended to tokenize text documents using a
specified delimiter pattern. It can also be used to tokenize XML
documents with some limited capability. For a truly XML-aware
tokenization, the use of the XMLTokenizer
language is recommended as it offers a faster, more efficient
tokenization specifically for XML documentsFor more details
see Splitter.
=== Tokenize Options
// language options: START
The Tokenize language supports 10 options, which are listed below.
| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
| token | | String | The (start) token to use as tokenizer, for example you can use the new line token. You can use simple language as the token to support dynamic tokens.
| endToken | | String | The end token to use as tokenizer if using start/end token pairs. You can use simple language as the token to support dynamic tokens.
| inheritNamespaceTagName | | String | To inherit namespaces from a root/parent tag name when using XML You can use simple language as the tag name to support dynamic names.
| headerName | | String | Name of header to tokenize instead of using the message body.
| regex | false | Boolean | If the token is a regular expression pattern. The default value is false
| xml | false | Boolean | Whether the input is XML messages. This option must be set to true if working with XML payloads.
| includeTokens | false | Boolean | Whether to include the tokens in the parts when using pairs The default value is false
| group | | String | To group N parts together, for example to split big files into chunks of 1000 lines. You can use simple language as the group to support dynamic group sizes.
| skipFirst | false | Boolean | To skip the very first element
| trim | true | Boolean | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks
// language options: END