blob: 551c524fd1bbb09943ef6b510d0eec025e6d4b44 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.camel.component.mock;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
import org.apache.camel.Expression;
import org.apache.camel.Predicate;
* A builder of expressions or predicates based on values.
* <p/>
* This implementation is a derived copy of the <tt>org.apache.camel.builder.ValueBuilder</tt> from camel-core,
* that are specialized for being used with the mock component and separated from camel-core.
public class MockValueBuilder implements Expression, Predicate {
private Expression expression;
private boolean not;
public MockValueBuilder(Expression expression) {
this.expression = expression;
public <T> T evaluate(Exchange exchange, Class<T> type) {
return expression.evaluate(exchange, type);
public boolean matches(Exchange exchange) {
return PredicateBuilder.toPredicate(getExpression()).matches(exchange);
public Expression getExpression() {
return expression;
public String toString() {
return expression.toString();
// Predicate builders
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
public Predicate matches(Expression expression) {
return onNewPredicate(ExpressionToPredicateAdapter.toPredicate(expression));
public MockExpressionClause<Predicate> matches() {
// chicken-and-egg situation as we need to return an ExpressionClause
// which needs a right-hand side that is being built via the fluent
// builder that is returned, and therefore we need to use a ref
// to the expression (right hand side) that will be used below
// in the onNewPredicate where the actual matching is executed
final AtomicReference<Expression> ref = new AtomicReference<>();
final MockExpressionClause<Predicate> answer = new MockExpressionClause<>(
onNewPredicate(new Predicate() {
public boolean matches(Exchange exchange) {
Expression left = expression;
Expression right = ref.get();
return PredicateBuilder.isEqualTo(left, right).matches(exchange);
public String toString() {
return expression + " == " + ref.get();
final Expression right = new ExpressionAdapter() {
public Object evaluate(Exchange exchange) {
return answer.evaluate(exchange, Object.class);
// okay now we can set the reference to the right-hand-side
return answer;
public Predicate isNotEqualTo(Object value) {
Expression right = asExpression(value);
return onNewPredicate(PredicateBuilder.isNotEqualTo(expression, right));
public Predicate isEqualTo(Object value) {
Expression right = asExpression(value);
return onNewPredicate(PredicateBuilder.isEqualTo(expression, right));
public Predicate isEqualToIgnoreCase(Object value) {
Expression right = asExpression(value);
return onNewPredicate(PredicateBuilder.isEqualToIgnoreCase(expression, right));
public Predicate isLessThan(Object value) {
Expression right = asExpression(value);
return onNewPredicate(PredicateBuilder.isLessThan(expression, right));
public Predicate isLessThanOrEqualTo(Object value) {
Expression right = asExpression(value);
return onNewPredicate(PredicateBuilder.isLessThanOrEqualTo(expression, right));
public Predicate isGreaterThan(Object value) {
Expression right = asExpression(value);
return onNewPredicate(PredicateBuilder.isGreaterThan(expression, right));
public Predicate isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Object value) {
Expression right = asExpression(value);
return onNewPredicate(PredicateBuilder.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(expression, right));
public Predicate isInstanceOf(Class<?> type) {
return onNewPredicate(PredicateBuilder.isInstanceOf(expression, type));
public Predicate isNull() {
return onNewPredicate(PredicateBuilder.isNull(expression));
public Predicate isNotNull() {
return onNewPredicate(PredicateBuilder.isNotNull(expression));
public Predicate not(Predicate predicate) {
return onNewPredicate(PredicateBuilder.not(predicate));
public Predicate in(Object... values) {
List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object value : values) {
Expression right = asExpression(value);
right = ExpressionBuilder.convertToExpression(right, expression);
Predicate predicate = onNewPredicate(PredicateBuilder.isEqualTo(expression, right));
return in(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[predicates.size()]));
public Predicate in(Predicate... predicates) {
return onNewPredicate(;
public Predicate startsWith(Object value) {
Expression right = asExpression(value);
return onNewPredicate(PredicateBuilder.startsWith(expression, right));
public Predicate endsWith(Object value) {
Expression right = asExpression(value);
return onNewPredicate(PredicateBuilder.endsWith(expression, right));
* Create a predicate that the left hand expression contains the value of
* the right hand expression
* @param value the element which is compared to be contained within this
* expression
* @return a predicate which evaluates to true if the given value expression
* is contained within this expression value
public Predicate contains(Object value) {
Expression right = asExpression(value);
return onNewPredicate(PredicateBuilder.contains(expression, right));
* Creates a predicate which is true if this expression matches the given
* regular expression
* @param regex the regular expression to match
* @return a predicate which evaluates to true if the expression matches the
* regex
public Predicate regex(String regex) {
return onNewPredicate(PredicateBuilder.regex(expression, regex));
// Expression builders
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
public MockValueBuilder tokenize() {
return tokenize("\n");
public MockValueBuilder tokenize(String token) {
Expression newExp = ExpressionBuilder.tokenizeExpression(expression, token);
return onNewValueBuilder(newExp);
public MockValueBuilder tokenize(String token, int group, boolean skipFirst) {
return tokenize(token, "" + group, skipFirst);
public MockValueBuilder tokenize(String token, String group, boolean skipFirst) {
Expression newExp = ExpressionBuilder.tokenizeExpression(expression, token);
if (group == null && skipFirst) {
// wrap in skip first (if group then it has its own skip first logic)
newExp = ExpressionBuilder.skipFirstExpression(newExp);
newExp = ExpressionBuilder.groupIteratorExpression(newExp, token, group, skipFirst);
return onNewValueBuilder(newExp);
* Tokenizes the string conversion of this expression using the given
* regular expression
public MockValueBuilder regexTokenize(String regex) {
Expression newExp = ExpressionBuilder.regexTokenizeExpression(expression, regex);
return onNewValueBuilder(newExp);
* Replaces all occurrences of the regular expression with the given
* replacement
public MockValueBuilder regexReplaceAll(String regex, String replacement) {
Expression newExp = ExpressionBuilder.regexReplaceAll(expression, regex, replacement);
return onNewValueBuilder(newExp);
* Replaces all occurrences of the regular expression with the given
* replacement
public MockValueBuilder regexReplaceAll(String regex, Expression replacement) {
Expression newExp = ExpressionBuilder.regexReplaceAll(expression, regex, replacement);
return onNewValueBuilder(newExp);
* Converts the current value to the given type using the registered type
* converters
* @param type the type to convert the value to
* @return the current builder
public MockValueBuilder convertTo(Class<?> type) {
Expression newExp = ExpressionBuilder.convertToExpression(expression, type);
return onNewValueBuilder(newExp);
* Converts the current value to a String using the registered type converters
* @return the current builder
public MockValueBuilder convertToString() {
return convertTo(String.class);
* Appends the string evaluation of this expression with the given value
* @param value the value or expression to append
* @return the current builder
public MockValueBuilder append(Object value) {
Expression newExp = ExpressionBuilder.append(expression, asExpression(value));
return onNewValueBuilder(newExp);
* Prepends the string evaluation of this expression with the given value
* @param value the value or expression to prepend
* @return the current builder
public MockValueBuilder prepend(Object value) {
Expression newExp = ExpressionBuilder.prepend(expression, asExpression(value));
return onNewValueBuilder(newExp);
* Sorts the current value using the given comparator. The current value must be convertable
* to a {@link List} to allow sorting using the comparator.
* @param comparator the comparator used by sorting
* @return the current builder
public MockValueBuilder sort(Comparator<?> comparator) {
Expression newExp = ExpressionBuilder.sortExpression(expression, comparator);
return onNewValueBuilder(newExp);
* Negates the built expression.
* @return the current builder
public MockValueBuilder not() {
not = true;
return this;
// Implementation methods
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* A strategy method to allow derived classes to deal with the newly created
* predicate in different ways
protected Predicate onNewPredicate(Predicate predicate) {
if (not) {
return PredicateBuilder.not(predicate);
} else {
return predicate;
protected Expression asExpression(Object value) {
if (value instanceof Expression) {
return (Expression)value;
} else {
return ExpressionBuilder.constantExpression(value);
protected MockValueBuilder onNewValueBuilder(Expression exp) {
return new MockValueBuilder(exp);