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= Camel Maven Plugin
The Camel Maven Plugin supports the following goals
- camel:run - To run your Camel application
- camel:validate - To validate your source code for invalid Camel endpoint uris
- camel:route-coverage - To report the coverage of your Camel routes after unit testing
== camel:run
The `camel:run` goal of the Camel Maven Plugin is used to run your Camel Spring configurations in a forked JVM from Maven.
A good example application to get you started is the Spring Example.
cd examples/camel-example-spring
mvn camel:run
This makes it very easy to spin up and test your routing rules without having to write a main(...) method;
it also lets you create multiple jars to host different sets of routing rules and easily test them independently.
How this works is that the plugin will compile the source code in the maven project,
then boot up a Spring ApplicationContext using the XML configuration files on the classpath at `META-INF/spring/*.xml`
If you want to boot up your Camel routes a little faster, you could try the `camel:embedded` instead.
=== Options
The maven plugin *run* goal supports the following options which can be configured from the command line (use `-D` syntax), or defined in the `pom.xml` file in the `<configuration>` tag.
| Parameter | Default Value | Description
| duration | -1 | Sets the time duration (seconds) that the application will run for before terminating. A value <= 0 will run forever.
| durationIdle | -1 | Sets the idle time duration (seconds) duration that the application can be idle before terminating. A value <= 0 will run forever.
| durationMaxMessages | -1 | Sets the duration of maximum number of messages that the application will process before terminating.
| logClasspath | false | Whether to log the classpath when starting
=== Running OSGi Blueprint
The `camel:run` plugin also supports running a Blueprint application, and by default it scans for OSGi blueprint files in
You would need to configure the camel:run plugin to use blueprint, by setting useBlueprint to true as shown below
This allows you to boot up any Blueprint services you wish - whether they are Camel-related, or any other Blueprint.
The `camel:run` goal is able to auto detect if camel-blueprint is on the classpath or there is blueprint XML files
in the project, and therefore you no longer have to configure the useBlueprint option.
=== Using limited Blueprint container
We use the Felix Connector project as the blueprint container. This project is not a full fledged blueprint container.
For that you can use Apache Karaf or Apache ServiceMix.
You can use the applicationContextUri configuration to specify an explicit blueprint XML file, such as:
<!-- ConfigAdmin options which have been added since Camel 2.12.0 -->
The `applicationContextUri` will currently load the file from the classpath, so in the example above the
`myBlueprint.xml` file must be in the root of the classpath.
The `configAdminPid` is the pid name which will be used as the pid name for configuration admin service when
loading the persistence properties file.
The `configAdminFileName` is the file name which will be used to load the configuration admin service properties file.
=== Running CDI
The `camel:run` plugin also supports running a CDI application
This allows you to boot up any CDI services you wish - whether they are Camel-related, or any other CDI enabled services.
You should add the CDI container of your choice (e.g. Weld or OpenWebBeans) to the dependencies of the camel-maven-plugin such as in this example.
From the source of Camel you can run a CDI example via
cd examples/camel-example-cdi
mvn compile camel:run
=== Logging the classpath
You can configure whether the classpath should be logged when `camel:run` executes.
You can enable this in the configuration using:
=== Using live reload of XML files
You can configure the plugin to scan for XML file changes and trigger a reload of the Camel routes which are contained in those XML files.
Then the plugin watches this directory. This allows you to edit the source code from your editor and save the file, and have
the running Camel application pickup those changes.
Notice its only changes of Camel routes, eg `<routes>`, or `<route>` which is supported.
You cannot change Spring or OSGi Blueprint `<bean>` elements.
== camel:validate
For validating the source code for mis configured Camel:
- endpoint uris
- simple expressions or predicates
- duplicate route ids
Then you can run the validate goal from the command line or from within your Java editor such as IDEA or Eclipse.
mvn camel:validate
You can also enable the plugin to automatic run as part of the build to catch these errors.
The phase determines when the plugin runs. In the sample above the phase is `process-classes` which runs after
the compilation of the main source code.
The maven plugin can also be configured to validate the test source code , which means that the phase should be
changed accordingly to `process-test-classes` as shown below:
=== Running the goal on any Maven project
You can also run the validate goal on any Maven project without having to add the plugin to the `pom.xml` file.
Doing so requires to specify the plugin using its fully qualified name. For example to run the goal on
the `camel-example-cdi` from Apache Camel you can run
$cd camel-example-cdi
$mvn org.apache.camel:camel-maven-plugin:2.20.0:validate
which then runs and outputs the following:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Camel :: Example :: CDI 2.20.0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- camel-maven-plugin:2.20.0:validate (default-cli) @ camel-example-cdi ---
[INFO] Endpoint validation success: (4 = passed, 0 = invalid, 0 = incapable, 0 = unknown components)
[INFO] Simple validation success: (0 = passed, 0 = invalid)
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The validation passed, and 4 endpoints was validated. Now suppose we made a typo in one of the Camel endpoint uris in the source code, such as:
is changed to include a typo error in the `period` option
And when running the validate goal again reports the following:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Camel :: Example :: CDI 2.20.0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- camel-maven-plugin:2.20.0:validate (default-cli) @ camel-example-cdi ---
[WARNING] Endpoint validation error at: org.apache.camel.example.cdi.MyRoutes(
perid Unknown option. Did you mean: [period]
[WARNING] Endpoint validation error: (3 = passed, 1 = invalid, 0 = incapable, 0 = unknown components)
[INFO] Simple validation success: (0 = passed, 0 = invalid)
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
=== Options
The maven plugin *validate* goal supports the following options which can be configured from the command line (use `-D` syntax), or defined in the `pom.xml` file in the `<configuration>` tag.
| Parameter | Default Value | Description
| downloadVersion | true | Whether to allow downloading Camel catalog version from the internet. This is needed if the project uses a different Camel version than this plugin is using by default.
| failOnError | false | Whether to fail if invalid Camel endpoints was found. By default the plugin logs the errors at WARN level.
| logUnparseable | false | Whether to log endpoint URIs which was un-parsable and therefore not possible to validate.
| includeJava | true | Whether to include Java files to be validated for invalid Camel endpoints.
| includeXml | true | Whether to include XML files to be validated for invalid Camel endpoints.
| includeTest | false | Whether to include test source code.
| includes | | To filter the names of java and xml files to only include files matching any of the given list of patterns (wildcard and regular expression). Multiple values can be separated by comma.
| excludes | | To filter the names of java and xml files to exclude files matching any of the given list of patterns (wildcard and regular expression). Multiple values can be separated by comma.
| ignoreUnknownComponent | true | Whether to ignore unknown components.
| ignoreIncapable | true | Whether to ignore incapable of parsing the endpoint uri or simple expression.
| ignoreLenientProperties | true | Whether to ignore components that uses lenient properties. When this is true, then the uri validation is stricter but would fail on properties that are not part of the component but in the uri because of using lenient properties. For example using the HTTP components to provide query parameters in the endpoint uri.
| duplicateRouteId | true | *Camel 2.20* Whether to validate for duplicate route ids. Route ids should be unique and if there are duplicates then Camel will fail to startup.
| showAll | false | Whether to show all endpoints and simple expressions (both invalid and valid).
=== Validating include test
If you have a Maven project then you can run the plugin to validate the endpoints in the unit test source code as well.
You can pass in the options using `-D` style as shown:
$cd myproject
$mvn org.apache.camel:camel-maven-plugin:2.20.0:validate -DincludeTest=true
== camel:route-coverage
For generating a report of the coverage of your Camel routes from unit testing.
In the same manner you can generate Java code coverage reports, then this is the same but for Camel routes.
You can therefore use this to know which parts of your Camel routes has been used or not.
=== Enabling route coverage
You can enable route coverage while running unit tests either by
- setting global JVM system property enabling for all test classes
- using `@EnableRouteCoverage` annotation per test class if using `camel-test-spring` module
- overriding `isDumpRouteCoverage` method per test class if using `camel-test` module
==== Enabling via JVM system property
You can turn on the JVM system property `CamelTestRouteCoverage` to enable route coverage for all tests cases.
This can be done either in the configuration of the `maven-surefire-plugin`:
Or from the command line when running tests:
mvn clean test -DCamelTestRouteCoverage=true
==== Enabling via @EnableRouteCoverage annotation
You need to enable route coverage in the unit tests classes. You can do this by adding the `@EnableRouteCoverage`
annotation to the test class if you are testing using `camel-test-spring`:
@SpringBootTest(classes = SampleCamelApplication.class)
public class FooApplicationTest {
==== Enabling via isDumpRouteCoverage method
However if you are using `camel-test` and your unit tests are extending `CamelTestSupport` then you can
turn on route coverage as shown:
public boolean isDumpRouteCoverage() {
return true;
Routes that can be route coveraged must have an unique id assigned, in other words you cannot use anonymous routes.
You do this using `routeId` in Java DSL:
And in XML DSL you just assign the route id via the id attribute
<route id="cheesy">
<from uri="jms:queue:cheese"/>
<to uri="log:foo"/>
=== Generating route coverage report
After unit testing with:
mvn test
You can then run the goal to report the route coverage
mvn camel:route-coverage
Which then reports which routes has missing route coverage with precise source code line reporting:
[INFO] --- camel-maven-plugin:2.21.0:route-coverage (default-cli) @ camel-example-spring-boot-xml ---
[INFO] Discovered 1 routes
[INFO] Route coverage summary:
File: src/main/resources/my-camel.xml
RouteId: hello
Line # Count Route
------ ----- -----
28 1 from
29 1 transform
32 1 filter
34 0 to
36 1 to
Coverage: 4 out of 5 (80.0%)
Here we can see that the 2nd last line with `to` has `0` in the count column, and therefore is not covered.
We can also see that this is one line 34 in the source code file, which is in the `my-camel.xml` XML file.
=== Options
The maven plugin *coverage* goal supports the following options which can be configured from the command line (use `-D` syntax),
or defined in the `pom.xml` file in the `<configuration>` tag.
| Parameter | Default Value | Description
| failOnError | false | Whether to fail if any of the routes has not 100% coverage.
| includeTest | false | Whether to include test source code.
| includes | | To filter the names of java and xml files to only include files matching any of the given list of
patterns (wildcard and regular expression). Multiple values can be separated by comma.
| excludes | | To filter the names of java and xml files to exclude files matching any of the given list of
patterns (wildcard and regular expression). Multiple values can be separated by comma.
| anonymousRoutes | false | Whether to allow anonymous routes (routes without any route id assigned).
By using route id's then its safer to match the route cover data with the route source code.
Anonymous routes are less safe to use for route coverage as its harder to know exactly which route
that was tested corresponds to which of the routes from the source code.