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Camel XMPP
Welcome to the Camel XMPP transport for communicating with Jabber servers.
For more details see
Using Spring based xml configuration in 'activemq.xml'
In this example an xmpp user called 'bot' will propagate any messages to the queue 'gimme_an_a' to a muc
called 'monitor'. The conference subdomain is part of openfire muc jid implementation (i guess). Notice
the quoted ampersands.
<camelContext id="camel" xmlns="">
<from uri="activemq:gimme_an_a"/>
<to uri="xmpp://bot@freetwix.hh/?port=5222&amp;password=meapassword&amp;room=monitor@conference.freetwix.hh"/>
Running the Integration Tests
To run the intergration tests you need a Jabber server to communicate with such as Jive Software's WildFire
To enable the integration tests set the maven property
xmpp.enable = true
You may also want to overload the default value of the server to connect with via
xmpp.url = xmpp://camel@localhost/?login=false&room=