blob: 5ba54944be7889466eff19ef0de8b2c3c2c2bf1f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.camel.dataformat.univocity;
import com.univocity.parsers.common.AbstractParser;
import com.univocity.parsers.common.AbstractWriter;
import com.univocity.parsers.common.CommonParserSettings;
import com.univocity.parsers.common.CommonSettings;
import com.univocity.parsers.common.CommonWriterSettings;
import com.univocity.parsers.common.Format;
import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
import org.apache.camel.spi.DataFormat;
import org.apache.camel.spi.DataFormatName;
import static org.apache.camel.util.IOHelper.getCharsetName;
* This abstract class contains all the common parts for all the uniVocity parsers.
* <p/>
* @param <F> uniVocity format class
* @param <CWS> uniVocity writer settings class
* @param <W> uniVocity writer class
* @param <CPS> uniVocity parser settings class
* @param <P> uniVocity parser class
* @param <DF> the data format class (for providing a fluent API)
public abstract class AbstractUniVocityDataFormat<F extends Format, CWS extends CommonWriterSettings<F>,
W extends AbstractWriter<CWS>, CPS extends CommonParserSettings<F>, P extends AbstractParser<CPS>, DF extends AbstractUniVocityDataFormat<F, CWS, W, CPS, P, DF>>
extends ServiceSupport implements DataFormat, DataFormatName {
protected String nullValue;
protected Boolean skipEmptyLines;
protected Boolean ignoreTrailingWhitespaces;
protected Boolean ignoreLeadingWhitespaces;
protected boolean headersDisabled;
protected String[] headers;
protected Boolean headerExtractionEnabled;
protected Integer numberOfRecordsToRead;
protected String emptyValue;
protected String lineSeparator;
protected Character normalizedLineSeparator;
protected Character comment;
protected boolean lazyLoad;
protected boolean asMap;
private volatile CWS writerSettings;
private final Object writerSettingsToken = new Object();
private volatile Marshaller<W> marshaller;
// We're using a ThreadLocal for the parser settings because in order to retrieve the headers we need to change the
// settings each time we're parsing...
private volatile ThreadLocal<CPS> parserSettings;
private final Object parserSettingsToken = new Object();
private volatile Unmarshaller<P> unmarshaller;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void marshal(Exchange exchange, Object body, OutputStream stream) throws Exception {
if (writerSettings == null) {
synchronized (writerSettingsToken) {
if (writerSettings == null) {
writerSettings = createAndConfigureWriterSettings();
marshaller = new Marshaller<W>(headers, headers == null);
Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(stream, getCharsetName(exchange));
try {
marshaller.marshal(exchange, body, createWriter(writer, writerSettings));
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public Object unmarshal(Exchange exchange, InputStream stream) throws Exception {
if (parserSettings == null) {
synchronized (parserSettingsToken) {
if (parserSettings == null) {
parserSettings = new ThreadLocal<CPS>() {
protected CPS initialValue() {
return createAndConfigureParserSettings();
unmarshaller = new Unmarshaller<P>(lazyLoad, asMap);
Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(stream, getCharsetName(exchange));
try {
HeaderRowProcessor headerRowProcessor = new HeaderRowProcessor();
CPS settings = parserSettings.get();
return unmarshaller.unmarshal(reader, createParser(settings), headerRowProcessor);
} finally {
* Gets the String representation of a null value.
* If {@code null} then the default settings value is used.
* @return the String representation of a null value
* @see com.univocity.parsers.common.CommonSettings#getNullValue()
public String getNullValue() {
return nullValue;
* Sets the String representation of a null value.
* If {@code null} then the default settings value is used.
* @param nullValue the String representation of a null value
* @return current data format instance, fluent API
* @see com.univocity.parsers.common.CommonSettings#setNullValue(String)
public DF setNullValue(String nullValue) {
this.nullValue = nullValue;
return self();
* Gets whether or not empty lines should be ignored.
* If {@code null} then the default settings value is used.
* @return whether or not empty lines should be ignored
* @see com.univocity.parsers.common.CommonSettings#getSkipEmptyLines()
public Boolean getSkipEmptyLines() {
return skipEmptyLines;
* Sets whether or not empty lines should be ignored.
* If {@code null} then the default settings value is used.
* @param skipEmptyLines whether or not empty lines should be ignored
* @return current data format instance, fluent API
* @see com.univocity.parsers.common.CommonSettings#setSkipEmptyLines(boolean)
public DF setSkipEmptyLines(Boolean skipEmptyLines) {
this.skipEmptyLines = skipEmptyLines;
return self();
* Gets whether or not trailing whitespaces should be ignored.
* If {@code null} then the default settings value is used.
* @return whether or not trailing whitespaces should be ignored
* @see com.univocity.parsers.common.CommonSettings#getIgnoreTrailingWhitespaces()
public Boolean getIgnoreTrailingWhitespaces() {
return ignoreTrailingWhitespaces;
* Sets whether or not trailing whitespaces should be ignored.
* If {@code null} then the default settings value is used.
* @param ignoreTrailingWhitespaces whether or not trailing whitespaces should be ignored
* @return current data format instance, fluent API
* @see com.univocity.parsers.common.CommonSettings#setIgnoreTrailingWhitespaces(boolean)
public DF setIgnoreTrailingWhitespaces(Boolean ignoreTrailingWhitespaces) {
this.ignoreTrailingWhitespaces = ignoreTrailingWhitespaces;
return self();
* Gets whether or not leading whitespaces should be ignored.
* If {@code null} then the default settings value is used.
* @return whether or not leading whitespaces should be ignored
* @see com.univocity.parsers.common.CommonSettings#getIgnoreLeadingWhitespaces()
public Boolean getIgnoreLeadingWhitespaces() {
return ignoreLeadingWhitespaces;
* Sets whether or not leading whitespaces should be ignored.
* If {@code null} then the default settings value is used.
* @param ignoreLeadingWhitespaces whether or not leading whitespaces should be ignored
* @return current data format instance, fluent API
* @see com.univocity.parsers.common.CommonSettings#setIgnoreLeadingWhitespaces(boolean)
public DF setIgnoreLeadingWhitespaces(Boolean ignoreLeadingWhitespaces) {
this.ignoreLeadingWhitespaces = ignoreLeadingWhitespaces;
return self();
* Gets whether or not headers are disabled.
* If {@code true} then it passes {@code null} to
* {@link com.univocity.parsers.common.CommonSettings#setHeaders(String...)} in order to disabled them.
* @return whether or not headers are disabled
* @see com.univocity.parsers.common.CommonSettings#getHeaders()
public boolean isHeadersDisabled() {
return headersDisabled;
* Sets whether or not headers are disabled.
* If {@code true} then it passes {@code null} to
* {@link com.univocity.parsers.common.CommonSettings#setHeaders(String...)} in order to disabled them.
* @param headersDisabled whether or not headers are disabled
* @return current data format instance, fluent API
* @see com.univocity.parsers.common.CommonSettings#setHeaders(String...)
public DF setHeadersDisabled(boolean headersDisabled) {
this.headersDisabled = headersDisabled;
return self();
* Gets the headers.
* If {@code null} then the default settings value is used.
* @return the headers
* @see com.univocity.parsers.common.CommonSettings#getHeaders()
public String[] getHeaders() {
return headers;
* Sets the headers.
* If {@code null} then the default settings value is used.
* @param headers the headers
* @return current data format instance, fluent API
* @see com.univocity.parsers.common.CommonSettings#setHeaders(String...)
public DF setHeaders(String[] headers) {
this.headers = headers;
return self();
* Gets whether or not the header extraction is enabled.
* If {@code null} then the default settings value is used.
* @return whether or not the header extraction is enabled
* @see com.univocity.parsers.common.CommonParserSettings#isHeaderExtractionEnabled()
public Boolean getHeaderExtractionEnabled() {
return headerExtractionEnabled;
* Sets whether or not the header extraction is enabled.
* If {@code null} then the default settings value is used.
* @param headerExtractionEnabled whether or not the header extraction is enabled
* @return current data format instance, fluent API
* @see com.univocity.parsers.common.CommonParserSettings#setHeaderExtractionEnabled(boolean)
public DF setHeaderExtractionEnabled(Boolean headerExtractionEnabled) {
this.headerExtractionEnabled = headerExtractionEnabled;
return self();
* Gets the number of records to read.
* If {@code null} then the default settings value is used.
* @return the number of records to read
* @see com.univocity.parsers.common.CommonParserSettings#getNumberOfRecordsToRead()
public Integer getNumberOfRecordsToRead() {
return numberOfRecordsToRead;
* Sets the number of records to read.
* If {@code null} then the default settings value is used.
* @param numberOfRecordsToRead the number of records to read
* @return current data format instance, fluent API
* @see com.univocity.parsers.common.CommonParserSettings#setNumberOfRecordsToRead(int)
public DF setNumberOfRecordsToRead(Integer numberOfRecordsToRead) {
this.numberOfRecordsToRead = numberOfRecordsToRead;
return self();
* Gets the String representation of an empty value.
* If {@code null} then the default settings value is used.
* @return the String representation of an empty value
* @see com.univocity.parsers.common.CommonWriterSettings#getEmptyValue()
public String getEmptyValue() {
return emptyValue;
* Sets the String representation of an empty value.
* If {@code null} then the default settings value is used.
* @param emptyValue the String representation of an empty value
* @return current data format instance, fluent API
* @see com.univocity.parsers.common.CommonWriterSettings#setEmptyValue(String)
public DF setEmptyValue(String emptyValue) {
this.emptyValue = emptyValue;
return self();
* Gets the line separator.
* If {@code null} then the default format value is used.
* @return the line separator
* @see com.univocity.parsers.common.Format#getLineSeparatorString()
public String getLineSeparator() {
return lineSeparator;
* Sets the line separator.
* If {@code null} then the default format value is used.
* @param lineSeparator the line separator
* @return current data format instance, fluent API
* @see Format#setLineSeparator(String)
public DF setLineSeparator(String lineSeparator) {
this.lineSeparator = lineSeparator;
return self();
* Gets the normalized line separator.
* If {@code null} then the default format value is used.
* @return the normalized line separator
* @see com.univocity.parsers.common.Format#getNormalizedNewline()
public Character getNormalizedLineSeparator() {
return normalizedLineSeparator;
* Sets the normalized line separator.
* If {@code null} then the default format value is used.
* @param normalizedLineSeparator the normalized line separator
* @return current data format instance, fluent API
* @see Format#setNormalizedNewline(char)
public DF setNormalizedLineSeparator(Character normalizedLineSeparator) {
this.normalizedLineSeparator = normalizedLineSeparator;
return self();
* Gets the comment symbol.
* If {@code null} then the default format value is used.
* @return the comment symbol
* @see com.univocity.parsers.common.Format#getComment()
public Character getComment() {
return comment;
* Gets the comment symbol.
* If {@code null} then the default format value is used.
* @param comment the comment symbol
* @return current data format instance, fluent API
* @see com.univocity.parsers.common.Format#setComment(char)
public DF setComment(Character comment) {
this.comment = comment;
return self();
* Gets whether or not the unmarshalling should read lines lazily.
* @return whether or not the unmarshalling should read lines lazily
public boolean isLazyLoad() {
return lazyLoad;
* Sets whether or not the unmarshalling should read lines lazily.
* @param lazyLoad whether or not the unmarshalling should read lines lazily
* @return current data format instance, fluent API
public DF setLazyLoad(boolean lazyLoad) {
this.lazyLoad = lazyLoad;
return self();
* Gets whether or not the unmarshalling should produces maps instead of lists.
* @return whether or not the unmarshalling should produces maps instead of lists
public boolean isAsMap() {
return asMap;
* Sets whether or not the unmarshalling should produces maps instead of lists.
* @param asMap whether or not the unmarshalling should produces maps instead of lists
* @return current data format instance, fluent API
public DF setAsMap(boolean asMap) {
this.asMap = asMap;
return self();
* Creates a new instance of the writer settings.
* @return New instance of the writer settings
protected abstract CWS createWriterSettings();
* Configures the writer settings.
* @param settings Writer settings to configure
protected void configureWriterSettings(CWS settings) {
if (emptyValue != null) {
* Creates a new instance of the uniVocity writer.
* @param writer Output writer to use
* @param settings Writer settings to use
* @return New uinstance of the uniVocity writer
protected abstract W createWriter(Writer writer, CWS settings);
* Creates a new instance of the parser settings.
* @return New instance of the parser settings
protected abstract CPS createParserSettings();
* Configure the parser settings.
* @param settings Parser settings to configure
protected void configureParserSettings(CPS settings) {
if (headerExtractionEnabled != null) {
if (numberOfRecordsToRead != null) {
* Creates a new instance of the uniVocity parser.
* @param settings Parser settings to use
* @return New instance of the uniVocity parser
protected abstract P createParser(CPS settings);
* Configures the format.
* @param format format to configure
protected void configureFormat(F format) {
if (lineSeparator != null) {
if (normalizedLineSeparator != null) {
if (comment != null) {
* Creates and configures the writer settings.
* @return new configured instance of the writer settings
final CWS createAndConfigureWriterSettings() {
CWS settings = createWriterSettings();
return settings;
* Creates and configures the parser settings.
* @return new configured instance of the parser settings
final CPS createAndConfigureParserSettings() {
CPS settings = createParserSettings();
return settings;
* Configures the common settings shared by parser and writer.
* @param settings settings to configure
private void configureCommonSettings(CommonSettings<F> settings) {
if (nullValue != null) {
if (skipEmptyLines != null) {
if (ignoreTrailingWhitespaces != null) {
if (ignoreLeadingWhitespaces != null) {
if (headersDisabled) {
settings.setHeaders((String[]) null);
} else if (headers != null) {
* Returns {@code this} as the proper data format type. It helps the fluent API with inheritance.
* @return {@code this} as the proper data format type
private DF self() {
return (DF) this;
protected void doStart() throws Exception {
writerSettings = null;
marshaller = null;
parserSettings = null;
unmarshaller = null;
protected void doStop() throws Exception {
// noop