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= ReactiveExecutor VertX
:page-source: components/camel-reactive-executor-vertx/src/main/docs/reactive-executor-vertx.adoc
*Since Camel 3.0*
The camel-reactive-executor-vertx is a VertX based implementation of the `ReactiveExecutor` SPI.
By default Camel uses its own reactive engine for routing messages, but you can plugin
different engines via a SPI interface. This is a VertX based plugin that uses the VertX event loop
for processing message during routing.
NOTE: At this time this component is an experiment so use it with care.
== VertX instance
This implementation will by default create a default `io.vertx.core.Vertx` instance to be used.
However you can configure an existing instance using the getter/setter on the `VertXReactiveExecutor` class.
== Auto detection from classpath
To use this implementation all you need to do is to add the `camel-reactive-executor-vertx` dependency to the classpath,
and Camel should auto-detect this on startup and log as follows:
Using ReactiveExecutor: org.apache.camel.reactive.vertx.VertXReactiveExecutor@2a62b5bc
== Manual enabling
If you use OSGi or the implementation is not added to the classpath, you need to enable this explict such:
CamelContext camel = ...
camel.setReactiveExecutor(new VertXReactiveExecutor());
Or in XML DSL (spring or blueprint XML file) you can declare the factory as a `<bean>`:
<bean id="vertxReactiveExecutor" class="org.apache.camel.reactive.vertx.VertXReactiveExecutor"/>
and then Camel should detect the bean and use the reactive executor.