blob: 953aef3917505c8863be12ac924eca1fa85be068 [file] [log] [blame]
= Swagger Java Component
*Since Camel 2.16*
The Rest DSL can be integrated with
the `camel-swagger-java` module which is used for exposing the REST
services and their APIs using[Swagger].
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to
their `pom.xml` for this component:
<!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->
The camel-swagger-java module can be used from
the REST components (without the need for servlet)
== Using Swagger in rest-dsl
You can enable the swagger api from the rest-dsl by configuring the
`apiContextPath` dsl as shown below:
public class UserRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {
public void configure() throws Exception {
// configure we want to use servlet as the component for the rest DSL
// and we enable json binding mode
// and output using pretty print
.dataFormatProperty("prettyPrint", "true")
// setup context path and port number that netty will use
// add swagger api-doc out of the box
.apiProperty("api.title", "User API").apiProperty("api.version", "1.2.3")
// and enable CORS
.apiProperty("cors", "true");
// this user REST service is json only
rest("/user").description("User rest service")
.get("/{id}").description("Find user by id").outType(User.class)
.param().name("id").type(path).description("The id of the user to get").dataType("int").endParam()
.put().description("Updates or create a user").type(User.class)
.param().name("body").type(body).description("The user to update or create").endParam()
.get("/findAll").description("Find all users").outType(User[].class)
== Options
The swagger module can be configured using the following options. To
configure using a servlet you use the init-param as shown above. When
configuring directly in the rest-dsl, you use the appropriate method,
such as `enableCORS`, `host,contextPath`, dsl. The options
with `` is configured using `apiProperty` dsl.
|Option |Type |Description
|cors |Boolean |Whether to enable CORS. Notice this only enables CORS for the api
browser, and not the actual access to the REST services. Is default
|swagger.version |String |Swagger spec version. Is default 2.0.
|host |String |To setup the hostname. If not configured camel-swagger-java will
calculate the name as localhost based.
|schemes |String |The protocol schemes to use. Multiple values can be
separated by comma such as "http,https". The default value is "http".
|base.path |String |*Required*: To setup the base path where the REST services is available.
The path is relative (eg do not start with http/https) and
camel-swagger-java will calculate the absolute base path at runtime,
which will be `protocol://host:port/context-path/base.path`
|api.path |String |To setup the path where the API is available (eg /api-docs). The path is
relative (eg do not start with http/https) and camel-swagger-java will
calculate the absolute base path at runtime, which will be `protocol://host:port/context-path/api.path`
So using relative paths is much easier. See above for an example.
|api.version |String |The version of the api. Is default 0.0.0.
|api.title |String |The title of the application.
|api.description |String |A short description of the application.
|api.termsOfService |String |A URL to the Terms of Service of the API.
| |String |Name of person or organization to contact
| |String |An email to be used for API-related correspondence.
| |String |A URL to a website for more contact information.
| |String |The license name used for the API.
|api.license.url |String |A URL to the license used for the API.
|apiContextIdListing |boolean |Whether to allow listing all the CamelContext names in the JVM that has
REST services. When enabled then the root path of the api-doc will list
all the contexts. When disabled then no context ids is listed and the
root path of the api-doc lists the current CamelContext. Is default
|apiContextIdPattern |String |A pattern that allows to filter which CamelContext names is shown in the
context listing. The pattern is using regular expression and * as
wildcard. Its the same pattern matching as used by
== Adding Security Definitions in API doc
*Since Camel 2.22.0*
The Rest DSL now supports declaring Swagger `securityDefinitions` in the generated API document.
For example as shown below:
rest("/user").tag("dude").description("User rest service")
// setup security definitions
Here we have setup two security definitions
- OAuth2 - with implicit authorization with the provided url
- Api Key - using an api key that comes from HTTP header named _myHeader_
Then you need to specify on the rest operations which security to use by referring to
their key (petstore_auth or api_key).
.get("/{id}/{date}").description("Find user by id and date").outType(User.class)
.put().description("Updates or create a user").type(User.class)
.security("petstore_auth", "write:pets,read:pets")
Here the get operation is using the Api Key security and the put operation
is using OAuth security with permitted scopes of read and write pets.
== ContextIdListing enabled
When contextIdListing is enabled then its detecting all the running
CamelContexts in the same JVM. These contexts are listed in the root
path, eg `/api-docs` as a simple list of names in json format. To access
the swagger documentation then the context-path must be appended with
the Camel context id, such as `api-docs/myCamel`. The
option apiContextIdPattern can be used to filter the names in this list.
== JSon or Yaml
*Since Camel 2.17*
The camel-swagger-java module supports both JSon and Yaml out of the
box. You can specify in the request url what you want returned by using
/swagger.json or /swagger.yaml for either one. If none is specified then
the HTTP Accept header is used to detect if json or yaml can be
accepted. If either both is accepted or none was set as accepted then
json is returned as the default format.
== Examples
In the Apache Camel distribution we ship
the `camel-example-swagger-cdi` and `camel-example-swagger-java` which
demonstrates using this Swagger component.