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= Using Exchange Pattern Annotations
When working with xref:pojo-producing.adoc[POJO Producing] or
xref:spring-remoting.adoc[Spring Remoting] you invoke methods which
typically by default are InOut for xref:request-reply.adoc[Request
Reply]. That is there is an In message and an Out for the result.
Typically invoking this operation will be synchronous, the caller will
block until the server returns a result.
Camel has flexible xref:exchange-pattern.adoc[Exchange Pattern] support
- so you can also support the xref:event-message.adoc[Event Message]
pattern to use InOnly for asynchronous or one way operations. These are
often called 'fire and forget' like sending a JMS message but not
waiting for any response.
From 1.5 onwards Camel supports annotations for specifying the message
exchange pattern on regular Java methods, classes or interfaces.
== Specifying InOnly methods
Typically the default InOut is what most folks want but you can
customize to use InOnly using an annotation.
public interface Foo {
Object someInOutMethod(String input);
String anotherInOutMethod(Cheese input);
void someInOnlyMethod(Document input);
The above code shows three methods on an interface; the first two use
the default InOut mechanism but the *someInOnlyMethod* uses the InOnly
annotation to specify it as being a oneway method call.
== Class level annotations
You can also use class level annotations to default all methods in an
interface to some pattern such as
public interface Foo {
void someInOnlyMethod(Document input);
void anotherInOnlyMethod(String input);
Annotations will also be detected on base classes or interfaces. So for
example if you created a client side proxy for
public class MyFoo implements Foo {
Then the methods inherited from Foo would be InOnly.
== Overloading a class level annotation
You can overload a class level annotation on specific methods. A common
use case for this is if you have a class or interface with many InOnly
methods but you want to just annote one or two methods as InOut
public interface Foo {
void someInOnlyMethod(Document input);
void anotherInOnlyMethod(String input);
String someInOutMethod(String input);
In the above Foo interface the *someInOutMethod* will be InOut
== Using your own annotations
You might want to create your own annotations to represent a group of
different bits of metadata; such as combining synchrony, concurrency and
transaction behaviour.
So you could annotate your annotation with the @Pattern annotation to
default the exchange pattern you wish to use.
For example lets say we want to create our own annotation called
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
// lets add the message exchange pattern to it
// lets add some other annotations - maybe transaction behaviour?
public @interface MyAsyncService {
Now we can use this annotation and Camel will figure out the correct
exchange pattern...
public interface Foo {
void someInOnlyMethod(Document input);
void anotherInOnlyMethod(String input);
String someInOutMethod(String input);