blob: 67f5283a96c947ecd86135bd4313f8337e8ef492 [file] [log] [blame]
= XML Configuration
We recommend developers use the Java xref:dsl.adoc[Domain Specific Language] when writing routing rules as this provides maximum IDE
completion and functionality while being the most expressive. However if
you wish to put your routing rules in XML you can via the Camel XML
Camel XML uses xref:components::spring.adoc[Spring] 2 namespaces; so that you can
configure your routing rules within your
xref:components::spring.adoc[Spring XML configuration file]; you can also use
xref:faq/how-do-i-configure-endpoints.adoc[Java code to configure components and endpoints].
For examples on how to use Camel XML, see the
xref:enterprise-integration-patterns.adoc[Enterprise Integration Patterns] or refer to the xref:components::spring.adoc[Spring Support].