blob: 2e22c9e6fe459d78539c247fc0bc1865fafc423c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.camel;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.camel.spi.Synchronization;
import org.apache.camel.spi.UnitOfWork;
* The base message exchange interface providing access to the request, response
* and fault {@link Message} instances. Different providers such as JMS, JBI,
* CXF and HTTP can provide their own derived API to expose the underlying
* transport semantics to avoid the leaky abstractions of generic APIs.
* @version $Revision$
public interface Exchange {
String AGGREGATED_INDEX = "CamelAggregatedIndex";
String AGGREGATED_SIZE = "CamelAggregatedSize";
String ASYNC_WAIT = "CamelAsyncWait";
String BATCH_INDEX = "CamelBatchIndex";
String BATCH_SIZE = "CamelBatchSize";
String BATCH_COMPLETE = "CamelBatchComplete";
String BEAN_METHOD_NAME = "CamelBeanMethodName";
String BEAN_HOLDER = "CamelBeanHolder";
String BEAN_MULTI_PARAMETER_ARRAY = "CamelBeanMultiParameterArray";
String CHARSET_NAME = "CamelCharsetName";
String CONTENT_TYPE = "CamelContentType";
String DATASET_INDEX = "CamelDataSetIndex";
String EXCEPTION_CAUGHT = "CamelExceptionCaught";
String EXCEPTION_HANDLED = "CamelExceptionHandled";
String FAILURE_HANDLED = "CamelFailureHandled";
String FILE_LOCAL_WORK_PATH = "CamelFileLocalWorkPath";
String FILE_NAME = "CamelFileName";
String FILE_NAME_ONLY = "CamelFileNameOnly";
String FILE_NAME_PRODUCED = "CamelFileNameProduced";
String FILE_PATH = "CamelFilePath";
String FILE_PARENT = "CamelFileParent";
String FILTERED = "CamelFiltered";
String HTTP_CHARACTER_ENCODING = "CamelHttpCharacterEncoding";
String HTTP_METHOD = "CamelHttpMethod";
String HTTP_PATH = "CamelHttpPath";
String HTTP_QUERY = "CamelHttpQuery";
String HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE = "CamelHttpResponseCode";
String HTTP_URI = "CamelHttpUri";
String INTERCEPTED_ENDPOINT = "CamelInterceptedEndpoint";
String LOG_DEBUG_BODY_MAX_CHARS = "CamelLogDebugBodyMaxChars";
String LOOP_INDEX = "CamelLoopIndex";
String LOOP_SIZE = "CamelLoopSize";
String MULTICAST_INDEX = "CamelMulticastIndex";
String ON_COMPLETION = "CamelOnCompletion";
String ROUTE_STOP = "CamelRouteStop";
String REDELIVERED = "CamelRedelivered";
String REDELIVERY_COUNTER = "CamelRedeliveryCounter";
String SPLIT_INDEX = "CamelSplitIndex";
String SPLIT_SIZE = "CamelSplitSize";
String TIMER_FIRED_TIME = "CamelTimerFiredTime";
String TIMER_NAME = "CamelTimerName";
String TIMER_PERIOD = "CamelTimerPeriod";
String TIMER_TIME = "CamelTimerTime";
String TRANSACTED = "CamelTransacted";
String ROLLBACK_ONLY = "CamelRollbackOnly";
* Returns the {@link ExchangePattern} (MEP) of this exchange.
* @return the message exchange pattern of this exchange
ExchangePattern getPattern();
* Allows the {@link ExchangePattern} (MEP) of this exchange to be customized.
* This typically won't be required as an exchange can be created with a specific MEP
* by calling {@link Endpoint#createExchange(ExchangePattern)} but it is here just in case
* it is needed.
* @param pattern the pattern
void setPattern(ExchangePattern pattern);
* Returns a property associated with this exchange by name
* @param name the name of the property
* @return the value of the given header or null if there is no property for
* the given name
Object getProperty(String name);
* Returns a property associated with this exchange by name and specifying
* the type required
* @param name the name of the property
* @param type the type of the property
* @return the value of the given header or null if there is no property for
* the given name or null if it cannot be converted to the given
* type
<T> T getProperty(String name, Class<T> type);
* Sets a property on the exchange
* @param name of the property
* @param value to associate with the name
void setProperty(String name, Object value);
* Removes the given property on the exchange
* @param name of the property
* @return the old value of the property
Object removeProperty(String name);
* Returns all of the properties associated with the exchange
* @return all the headers in a Map
Map<String, Object> getProperties();
* Returns the inbound request message
* @return the message
Message getIn();
* Sets the inbound message instance
* @param in the inbound message
void setIn(Message in);
* Returns the outbound message, lazily creating one if one has not already
* been associated with this exchange.
* <p/>
* If you want to test whether an OUT message have been set or not, use the {@link #hasOut()} method.
* @return the response
Message getOut();
* Returns whether an OUT message has been set or not.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if an OUT message exists, <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
boolean hasOut();
* Returns the outbound message; optionally lazily creating one if one has
* not been associated with this exchange
* @param lazyCreate <tt>true</tt> will lazy create the out message
* @return the response
* @deprecated use {@link #hasOut()} or {@link #getOut()}. Will be remove in Camel 2.0 GA.
Message getOut(boolean lazyCreate);
* Sets the outbound message
* @param out the outbound message
void setOut(Message out);
* Returns the fault message
* @return the fault
Message getFault();
* Returns whether a FAULT message has been set or not.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if a FAULT message exists, <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
boolean hasFault();
* Returns the fault message; optionally lazily creating one if one has
* not been associated with this exchange
* @param lazyCreate <tt>true</tt> will lazy create the fault message
* @return the fault
* @deprecated use {@link #hasFault()} or {@link #getFault()}. Will be remove in Camel 2.0 GA.
Message getFault(boolean lazyCreate);
* Removes the fault message.
void removeFault();
* Returns the exception associated with this exchange
* @return the exception (or null if no faults)
Exception getException();
* Returns the exception associated with this exchange.
* <p/>
* Is used to get the caused exception that typically have been wrapped in some sort
* of Camel wrapper exception
* <p/>
* The stategy is to look in the exception hieracy to find the first given cause that matches the type.
* Will start from the bottom (the real cause) and walk upwards.
* @param type the exception type
* @return the exception (or null if no faults or if no caused exception matched)
<T> T getException(Class<T> type);
* Sets the exception associated with this exchange
* @param e the caused exception
void setException(Exception e);
* Returns true if this exchange failed due to either an exception or fault
* @return true if this exchange failed due to either an exception or fault
* @see Exchange#getException()
* @see Exchange#getFault()
boolean isFailed();
* Returns true if this exchange is transacted
boolean isTransacted();
* Returns true if this exchange is marked for rollback
boolean isRollbackOnly();
* Returns the container so that a processor can resolve endpoints from URIs
* @return the container which owns this exchange
CamelContext getContext();
* Creates a new exchange instance with empty messages, headers and properties
Exchange newInstance();
* Creates a copy of the current message exchange so that it can be
* forwarded to another destination
Exchange copy();
* Creates a new instance and copies from the current message exchange so that it can be
* forwarded to another destination as a new instance. Unlike regular copy this operation
* will not share the same {@link org.apache.camel.spi.UnitOfWork} so its should be used
* for async messaging, where the original and copied exchange are independent.
* @param handoverOnCompletion whether the on completion callbacks should be handed over to the new copy.
Exchange newCopy(boolean handoverOnCompletion);
* Copies the data into this exchange from the given exchange
* @param source is the source from which headers and messages will be copied
void copyFrom(Exchange source);
* Returns the endpoint which originated this message exchange if a consumer on an endpoint created the message exchange
* otherwise this property will be null
Endpoint getFromEndpoint();
* Sets the endpoint which originated this message exchange. This method
* should typically only be called by {@link org.apache.camel.Endpoint} implementations
* @param fromEndpoint the endpoint which is originating this message exchange
void setFromEndpoint(Endpoint fromEndpoint);
* Returns the unit of work that this exchange belongs to; which may map to
* zero, one or more physical transactions
UnitOfWork getUnitOfWork();
* Sets the unit of work that this exchange belongs to; which may map to
* zero, one or more physical transactions
void setUnitOfWork(UnitOfWork unitOfWork);
* Returns the exchange id (unique)
String getExchangeId();
* Set the exchange id
void setExchangeId(String id);
* Adds a {@link org.apache.camel.spi.Synchronization} to be invoked as callback when
* this exchange is completed.
* @param onCompletion the callback to invoke on completion of this exchange
void addOnCompletion(Synchronization onCompletion);