blob: 0d788907d1147caed275ffca2dd5cc4173bf4562 [file] [log] [blame]
= RabbitMQ Component
*Since Camel 2.12*
*Both producer and consumer is supported*
The RabbitMQ component allows you produce and consume messages from[RabbitMQ] instances. Using the RabbitMQ AMQP
client, this component offers a pure RabbitMQ approach over the generic[AMQP] component.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their `pom.xml`
for this component:
<!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->
== URI format
The old syntax is *deprecated*:
Instead the hostname and port is configured on the component level, or
can be provided as uri query parameters instead.
The new syntax is:
Where *hostname* is the hostname of the running rabbitmq instance or
cluster. Port is optional and if not specified then defaults to the
RabbitMQ client default (5672). The exchange name determines which
exchange produced messages will sent to. In the case of consumers, the
exchange name determines which exchange the queue will bind to.
== Options
// component options: START
The RabbitMQ component supports 52 options, which are listed below.
| Name | Description | Default | Type
| *hostname* (common) | The hostname of the running RabbitMQ instance or cluster. | | String
| *portNumber* (common) | Port number for the host with the running rabbitmq instance or cluster. | 5672 | int
| *username* (security) | Username in case of authenticated access | guest | String
| *password* (security) | Password for authenticated access | guest | String
| *vhost* (common) | The vhost for the channel | / | String
| *addresses* (common) | If this option is set, camel-rabbitmq will try to create connection based on the setting of option addresses. The addresses value is a string which looks like server1:12345, server2:12345 | | String
| *connectionFactory* (common) | To use a custom RabbitMQ connection factory. When this option is set, all connection options (connectionTimeout, requestedChannelMax...) set on URI are not used | | ConnectionFactory
| *threadPoolSize* (consumer) | The consumer uses a Thread Pool Executor with a fixed number of threads. This setting allows you to set that number of threads. | 10 | int
| *autoDetectConnection Factory* (advanced) | Whether to auto-detect looking up RabbitMQ connection factory from the registry. When enabled and a single instance of the connection factory is found then it will be used. An explicit connection factory can be configured on the component or endpoint level which takes precedence. | true | boolean
| *connectionTimeout* (advanced) | Connection timeout | 60000 | int
| *requestedChannelMax* (advanced) | Connection requested channel max (max number of channels offered) | 2047 | int
| *requestedFrameMax* (advanced) | Connection requested frame max (max size of frame offered) | 0 | int
| *requestedHeartbeat* (advanced) | Connection requested heartbeat (heart-beat in seconds offered) | 60 | int
| *automaticRecovery Enabled* (advanced) | Enables connection automatic recovery (uses connection implementation that performs automatic recovery when connection shutdown is not initiated by the application) | | Boolean
| *networkRecoveryInterval* (advanced) | Network recovery interval in milliseconds (interval used when recovering from network failure) | 5000 | Integer
| *topologyRecoveryEnabled* (advanced) | Enables connection topology recovery (should topology recovery be performed) | | Boolean
| *prefetchEnabled* (consumer) | Enables the quality of service on the RabbitMQConsumer side. You need to specify the option of prefetchSize, prefetchCount, prefetchGlobal at the same time | false | boolean
| *prefetchSize* (consumer) | The maximum amount of content (measured in octets) that the server will deliver, 0 if unlimited. You need to specify the option of prefetchSize, prefetchCount, prefetchGlobal at the same time | | int
| *prefetchCount* (consumer) | The maximum number of messages that the server will deliver, 0 if unlimited. You need to specify the option of prefetchSize, prefetchCount, prefetchGlobal at the same time | | int
| *prefetchGlobal* (consumer) | If the settings should be applied to the entire channel rather than each consumer You need to specify the option of prefetchSize, prefetchCount, prefetchGlobal at the same time | false | boolean
| *channelPoolMaxSize* (producer) | Get maximum number of opened channel in pool | 10 | int
| *channelPoolMaxWait* (producer) | Set the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for a channel from the pool | 1000 | long
| *requestTimeout* (advanced) | Set timeout for waiting for a reply when using the InOut Exchange Pattern (in milliseconds) | 20000 | long
| *requestTimeoutChecker Interval* (advanced) | Set requestTimeoutCheckerInterval for inOut exchange | 1000 | long
| *transferException* (advanced) | When true and an inOut Exchange failed on the consumer side send the caused Exception back in the response | false | boolean
| *publisher Acknowledgements* (producer) | When true, the message will be published with publisher acknowledgements turned on | false | boolean
| *publisher AcknowledgementsTimeout* (producer) | The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a basic.ack response from RabbitMQ server | | long
| *guaranteedDeliveries* (producer) | When true, an exception will be thrown when the message cannot be delivered (basic.return) and the message is marked as mandatory. PublisherAcknowledgement will also be activated in this case. See also publisher acknowledgements - When will messages be confirmed. | false | boolean
| *mandatory* (producer) | This flag tells the server how to react if the message cannot be routed to a queue. If this flag is set, the server will return an unroutable message with a Return method. If this flag is zero, the server silently drops the message. If the header is present rabbitmq.MANDATORY it will override this option. | false | boolean
| *immediate* (producer) | This flag tells the server how to react if the message cannot be routed to a queue consumer immediately. If this flag is set, the server will return an undeliverable message with a Return method. If this flag is zero, the server will queue the message, but with no guarantee that it will ever be consumed. If the header is present rabbitmq.IMMEDIATE it will override this option. | false | boolean
| *args* (advanced) | Specify arguments for configuring the different RabbitMQ concepts, a different prefix is required for each: Exchange: Queue: arg.queue. Binding: arg.binding. For example to declare a queue with message ttl argument: \http://localhost:5672/exchange/queueargs=arg.queue.x-message-ttl=60000 | | Map
| *clientProperties* (advanced) | Connection client properties (client info used in negotiating with the server) | | Map
| *sslProtocol* (security) | Enables SSL on connection, accepted value are true, TLS and 'SSLv3 | | String
| *trustManager* (security) | Configure SSL trust manager, SSL should be enabled for this option to be effective | | TrustManager
| *autoAck* (consumer) | If messages should be auto acknowledged | true | boolean
| *autoDelete* (common) | If it is true, the exchange will be deleted when it is no longer in use | true | boolean
| *durable* (common) | If we are declaring a durable exchange (the exchange will survive a server restart) | true | boolean
| *exclusive* (common) | Exclusive queues may only be accessed by the current connection, and are deleted when that connection closes. | false | boolean
| *exclusiveConsumer* (consumer) | Request exclusive access to the queue (meaning only this consumer can access the queue). This is useful when you want a long-lived shared queue to be temporarily accessible by just one consumer. | false | boolean
| *passive* (common) | Passive queues depend on the queue already to be available at RabbitMQ. | false | boolean
| *skipQueueDeclare* (common) | If true the producer will not declare and bind a queue. This can be used for directing messages via an existing routing key. | false | boolean
| *skipQueueBind* (common) | If true the queue will not be bound to the exchange after declaring it | false | boolean
| *skipExchangeDeclare* (common) | This can be used if we need to declare the queue but not the exchange | false | boolean
| *declare* (common) | If the option is true, camel declare the exchange and queue name and bind them together. If the option is false, camel won't declare the exchange and queue name on the server. | true | boolean
| *deadLetterExchange* (common) | The name of the dead letter exchange | | String
| *deadLetterQueue* (common) | The name of the dead letter queue | | String
| *deadLetterRoutingKey* (common) | The routing key for the dead letter exchange | | String
| *deadLetterExchangeType* (common) | The type of the dead letter exchange | direct | String
| *allowNullHeaders* (producer) | Allow pass null values to header | false | boolean
| *basicPropertyBinding* (advanced) | Whether the component should use basic property binding (Camel 2.x) or the newer property binding with additional capabilities | false | boolean
| *lazyStartProducer* (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel's routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean
| *bridgeErrorHandler* (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean
// component options: END
// endpoint options: START
The RabbitMQ endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
=== Path Parameters (1 parameters):
| Name | Description | Default | Type
| *exchangeName* | *Required* The exchange name determines which exchange produced messages will sent to. In the case of consumers, the exchange name determines which exchange the queue will bind to. | | String
=== Query Parameters (59 parameters):
| Name | Description | Default | Type
| *addresses* (common) | If this option is set, camel-rabbitmq will try to create connection based on the setting of option addresses. The addresses value is a string which looks like server1:12345, server2:12345 | | String
| *autoDelete* (common) | If it is true, the exchange will be deleted when it is no longer in use | true | boolean
| *automaticRecoveryEnabled* (common) | Enables connection automatic recovery (uses connection implementation that performs automatic recovery when existing connection has failures) | true | Boolean
| *connectionFactory* (common) | To use a custom RabbitMQ connection factory. When this option is set, all connection options (connectionTimeout, requestedChannelMax...) set on URI are not used | | ConnectionFactory
| *deadLetterExchange* (common) | The name of the dead letter exchange | | String
| *deadLetterExchangeType* (common) | The type of the dead letter exchange | direct | String
| *deadLetterQueue* (common) | The name of the dead letter queue | | String
| *deadLetterRoutingKey* (common) | The routing key for the dead letter exchange | | String
| *declare* (common) | If the option is true, camel declare the exchange and queue name and bind them together. If the option is false, camel won't declare the exchange and queue name on the server. | true | boolean
| *durable* (common) | If we are declaring a durable exchange (the exchange will survive a server restart) | true | boolean
| *exchangeType* (common) | The exchange type such as direct or topic. | direct | String
| *exclusive* (common) | Exclusive queues may only be accessed by the current connection, and are deleted when that connection closes. | false | boolean
| *hostname* (common) | The hostname of the running rabbitmq instance or cluster. | | String
| *passive* (common) | Passive queues depend on the queue already to be available at RabbitMQ. | false | boolean
| *portNumber* (common) | Port number for the host with the running rabbitmq instance or cluster. Default value is 5672. | | int
| *queue* (common) | The queue to receive messages from | | String
| *routingKey* (common) | The routing key to use when binding a consumer queue to the exchange. For producer routing keys, you set the header rabbitmq.ROUTING_KEY. | | String
| *skipExchangeDeclare* (common) | This can be used if we need to declare the queue but not the exchange | false | boolean
| *skipQueueBind* (common) | If true the queue will not be bound to the exchange after declaring it | false | boolean
| *skipQueueDeclare* (common) | If true the producer will not declare and bind a queue. This can be used for directing messages via an existing routing key. | false | boolean
| *vhost* (common) | The vhost for the channel | / | String
| *autoAck* (consumer) | If messages should be auto acknowledged | true | boolean
| *bridgeErrorHandler* (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean
| *concurrentConsumers* (consumer) | Number of concurrent consumers when consuming from broker. (eg similar as to the same option for the JMS component). | 1 | int
| *exclusiveConsumer* (consumer) | Request exclusive access to the queue (meaning only this consumer can access the queue). This is useful when you want a long-lived shared queue to be temporarily accessible by just one consumer. | false | boolean
| *prefetchCount* (consumer) | The maximum number of messages that the server will deliver, 0 if unlimited. You need to specify the option of prefetchSize, prefetchCount, prefetchGlobal at the same time | | int
| *prefetchEnabled* (consumer) | Enables the quality of service on the RabbitMQConsumer side. You need to specify the option of prefetchSize, prefetchCount, prefetchGlobal at the same time | false | boolean
| *prefetchGlobal* (consumer) | If the settings should be applied to the entire channel rather than each consumer You need to specify the option of prefetchSize, prefetchCount, prefetchGlobal at the same time | false | boolean
| *prefetchSize* (consumer) | The maximum amount of content (measured in octets) that the server will deliver, 0 if unlimited. You need to specify the option of prefetchSize, prefetchCount, prefetchGlobal at the same time | | int
| *exceptionHandler* (consumer) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | | ExceptionHandler
| *exchangePattern* (consumer) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. | | ExchangePattern
| *threadPoolSize* (consumer) | The consumer uses a Thread Pool Executor with a fixed number of threads. This setting allows you to set that number of threads. | 10 | int
| *allowNullHeaders* (producer) | Allow pass null values to header | false | boolean
| *bridgeEndpoint* (producer) | If the bridgeEndpoint is true, the producer will ignore the message header of rabbitmq.EXCHANGE_NAME and rabbitmq.ROUTING_KEY | false | boolean
| *channelPoolMaxSize* (producer) | Get maximum number of opened channel in pool | 10 | int
| *channelPoolMaxWait* (producer) | Set the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for a channel from the pool | 1000 | long
| *guaranteedDeliveries* (producer) | When true, an exception will be thrown when the message cannot be delivered (basic.return) and the message is marked as mandatory. PublisherAcknowledgement will also be activated in this case. See also publisher acknowledgements - When will messages be confirmed. | false | boolean
| *immediate* (producer) | This flag tells the server how to react if the message cannot be routed to a queue consumer immediately. If this flag is set, the server will return an undeliverable message with a Return method. If this flag is zero, the server will queue the message, but with no guarantee that it will ever be consumed. If the header is present rabbitmq.IMMEDIATE it will override this option. | false | boolean
| *lazyStartProducer* (producer) | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel's routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | boolean
| *mandatory* (producer) | This flag tells the server how to react if the message cannot be routed to a queue. If this flag is set, the server will return an unroutable message with a Return method. If this flag is zero, the server silently drops the message. If the header is present rabbitmq.MANDATORY it will override this option. | false | boolean
| *publisherAcknowledgements* (producer) | When true, the message will be published with publisher acknowledgements turned on | false | boolean
| *publisherAcknowledgements Timeout* (producer) | The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a basic.ack response from RabbitMQ server | | long
| *args* (advanced) | Specify arguments for configuring the different RabbitMQ concepts, a different prefix is required for each: Exchange: Queue: arg.queue. Binding: arg.binding. For example to declare a queue with message ttl argument: \http://localhost:5672/exchange/queueargs=arg.queue.x-message-ttl=60000 | | Map
| *basicPropertyBinding* (advanced) | Whether the endpoint should use basic property binding (Camel 2.x) or the newer property binding with additional capabilities | false | boolean
| *clientProperties* (advanced) | Connection client properties (client info used in negotiating with the server) | | Map
| *connectionTimeout* (advanced) | Connection timeout | 60000 | int
| *networkRecoveryInterval* (advanced) | Network recovery interval in milliseconds (interval used when recovering from network failure) | 5000 | Integer
| *requestedChannelMax* (advanced) | Connection requested channel max (max number of channels offered) | 2047 | int
| *requestedFrameMax* (advanced) | Connection requested frame max (max size of frame offered) | 0 | int
| *requestedHeartbeat* (advanced) | Connection requested heartbeat (heart-beat in seconds offered) | 60 | int
| *requestTimeout* (advanced) | Set timeout for waiting for a reply when using the InOut Exchange Pattern (in milliseconds) | 20000 | long
| *requestTimeoutChecker Interval* (advanced) | Set requestTimeoutCheckerInterval for inOut exchange | 1000 | long
| *synchronous* (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be strictly used, or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if supported). | false | boolean
| *topologyRecoveryEnabled* (advanced) | Enables connection topology recovery (should topology recovery be performed) | | Boolean
| *transferException* (advanced) | When true and an inOut Exchange failed on the consumer side send the caused Exception back in the response | false | boolean
| *password* (security) | Password for authenticated access | guest | String
| *sslProtocol* (security) | Enables SSL on connection, accepted value are true, TLS and 'SSLv3 | | String
| *trustManager* (security) | Configure SSL trust manager, SSL should be enabled for this option to be effective | | TrustManager
| *username* (security) | Username in case of authenticated access | guest | String
// endpoint options: END
// spring-boot-auto-configure options: START
== Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->
The component supports 53 options, which are listed below.
| Name | Description | Default | Type
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.addresses* | If this option is set, camel-rabbitmq will try to create connection based on the setting of option addresses. The addresses value is a string which looks like server1:12345, server2:12345 | | String
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.allow-null-headers* | Allow pass null values to header | false | Boolean
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.args* | Specify arguments for configuring the different RabbitMQ concepts, a different prefix is required for each: Exchange: Queue: arg.queue. Binding: arg.binding. For example to declare a queue with message ttl argument: \http://localhost:5672/exchange/queueargs=arg.queue.x-message-ttl=60000 | | Map
| ** | If messages should be auto acknowledged | true | Boolean
| ** | If it is true, the exchange will be deleted when it is no longer in use | true | Boolean
| ** | Whether to auto-detect looking up RabbitMQ connection factory from the registry. When enabled and a single instance of the connection factory is found then it will be used. An explicit connection factory can be configured on the component or endpoint level which takes precedence. | true | Boolean
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.automatic-recovery-enabled* | Enables connection automatic recovery (uses connection implementation that performs automatic recovery when connection shutdown is not initiated by the application) | | Boolean
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.basic-property-binding* | Whether the component should use basic property binding (Camel 2.x) or the newer property binding with additional capabilities | false | Boolean
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.bridge-error-handler* | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | Boolean
| ** | Get maximum number of opened channel in pool | 10 | Integer
| ** | Set the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for a channel from the pool | 1000 | Long
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.client-properties* | Connection client properties (client info used in negotiating with the server) | | Map
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.connection-factory* | To use a custom RabbitMQ connection factory. When this option is set, all connection options (connectionTimeout, requestedChannelMax...) set on URI are not used. The option is a com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory type. | | String
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.connection-timeout* | Connection timeout | 60000 | Integer
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.dead-letter-exchange* | The name of the dead letter exchange | | String
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.dead-letter-exchange-type* | The type of the dead letter exchange | direct | String
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.dead-letter-queue* | The name of the dead letter queue | | String
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.dead-letter-routing-key* | The routing key for the dead letter exchange | | String
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.declare* | If the option is true, camel declare the exchange and queue name and bind them together. If the option is false, camel won't declare the exchange and queue name on the server. | true | Boolean
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.durable* | If we are declaring a durable exchange (the exchange will survive a server restart) | true | Boolean
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.enabled* | Enable rabbitmq component | true | Boolean
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.exclusive* | Exclusive queues may only be accessed by the current connection, and are deleted when that connection closes. | false | Boolean
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.exclusive-consumer* | Request exclusive access to the queue (meaning only this consumer can access the queue). This is useful when you want a long-lived shared queue to be temporarily accessible by just one consumer. | false | Boolean
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.guaranteed-deliveries* | When true, an exception will be thrown when the message cannot be delivered (basic.return) and the message is marked as mandatory. PublisherAcknowledgement will also be activated in this case. See also publisher acknowledgements - When will messages be confirmed. | false | Boolean
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.hostname* | The hostname of the running RabbitMQ instance or cluster. | | String
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.immediate* | This flag tells the server how to react if the message cannot be routed to a queue consumer immediately. If this flag is set, the server will return an undeliverable message with a Return method. If this flag is zero, the server will queue the message, but with no guarantee that it will ever be consumed. If the header is present rabbitmq.IMMEDIATE it will override this option. | false | Boolean
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.lazy-start-producer* | Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel's routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. | false | Boolean
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.mandatory* | This flag tells the server how to react if the message cannot be routed to a queue. If this flag is set, the server will return an unroutable message with a Return method. If this flag is zero, the server silently drops the message. If the header is present rabbitmq.MANDATORY it will override this option. | false | Boolean
| ** | Network recovery interval in milliseconds (interval used when recovering from network failure) | 5000 | Integer
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.passive* | Passive queues depend on the queue already to be available at RabbitMQ. | false | Boolean
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.password* | Password for authenticated access | guest | String
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.port-number* | Port number for the host with the running rabbitmq instance or cluster. | 5672 | Integer
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.prefetch-count* | The maximum number of messages that the server will deliver, 0 if unlimited. You need to specify the option of prefetchSize, prefetchCount, prefetchGlobal at the same time | | Integer
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.prefetch-enabled* | Enables the quality of service on the RabbitMQConsumer side. You need to specify the option of prefetchSize, prefetchCount, prefetchGlobal at the same time | false | Boolean
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.prefetch-global* | If the settings should be applied to the entire channel rather than each consumer You need to specify the option of prefetchSize, prefetchCount, prefetchGlobal at the same time | false | Boolean
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.prefetch-size* | The maximum amount of content (measured in octets) that the server will deliver, 0 if unlimited. You need to specify the option of prefetchSize, prefetchCount, prefetchGlobal at the same time | | Integer
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.publisher-acknowledgements* | When true, the message will be published with publisher acknowledgements turned on | false | Boolean
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.publisher-acknowledgements-timeout* | The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a basic.ack response from RabbitMQ server | | Long
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.request-timeout* | Set timeout for waiting for a reply when using the InOut Exchange Pattern (in milliseconds) | 20000 | Long
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.request-timeout-checker-interval* | Set requestTimeoutCheckerInterval for inOut exchange | 1000 | Long
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.requested-channel-max* | Connection requested channel max (max number of channels offered) | 2047 | Integer
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.requested-frame-max* | Connection requested frame max (max size of frame offered) | 0 | Integer
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.requested-heartbeat* | Connection requested heartbeat (heart-beat in seconds offered) | 60 | Integer
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.skip-exchange-declare* | This can be used if we need to declare the queue but not the exchange | false | Boolean
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.skip-queue-bind* | If true the queue will not be bound to the exchange after declaring it | false | Boolean
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.skip-queue-declare* | If true the producer will not declare and bind a queue. This can be used for directing messages via an existing routing key. | false | Boolean
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.ssl-protocol* | Enables SSL on connection, accepted value are true, TLS and 'SSLv3 | | String
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.thread-pool-size* | The consumer uses a Thread Pool Executor with a fixed number of threads. This setting allows you to set that number of threads. | 10 | Integer
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.topology-recovery-enabled* | Enables connection topology recovery (should topology recovery be performed) | | Boolean
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.transfer-exception* | When true and an inOut Exchange failed on the consumer side send the caused Exception back in the response | false | Boolean
| ** | Configure SSL trust manager, SSL should be enabled for this option to be effective. The option is a type. | | String
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.username* | Username in case of authenticated access | guest | String
| *camel.component.rabbitmq.vhost* | The vhost for the channel | / | String
// spring-boot-auto-configure options: END
and the AMQP specification for more information on connection options.
== Using connection factory
To connect to RabbitMQ you can setup a `ConnectionFactory` (same as with JMS) with the login details such as:
<bean id="rabbitConnectionFactory" class="com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory">
<property name="host" value="localhost"/>
<property name="port" value="5672"/>
<property name="username" value="camel"/>
<property name="password" value="bugsbunny"/>
And then refer to the connection factory in the endpoint uri as shown below:
<from uri="direct:rabbitMQEx2"/>
<to uri="rabbitmq:ex2?connectionFactory=#rabbitConnectionFactory"/>
The `ConnectionFactory` is auto-detected by default, so you can just do
<from uri="direct:rabbitMQEx2"/>
<to uri="rabbitmq:ex2"/>
== Message Headers
The following headers are set on exchanges when consuming messages.
|Property |Value
|`rabbitmq.ROUTING_KEY` |The routing key that was used to receive the message, or the routing key
that will be used when producing a message
|`rabbitmq.EXCHANGE_NAME` |The exchange the message was received from
|`rabbitmq.DELIVERY_TAG` |The rabbitmq delivery tag of the received message
|`rabbitmq.REDELIVERY_TAG` |Whether the message is a redelivered
|`rabbitmq.REQUEUE` |This is used by the consumer to control rejection of the
message. When the consumer is complete processing the exchange, and if
the exchange failed, then the consumer is going to reject the message
from the RabbitMQ broker. The value of this header controls this
behavior. If the value is false (by default) then the message is
discarded/dead-lettered. If the value is true, then the message is
The following headers are used by the producer. If these are set on the
camel exchange then they will be set on the RabbitMQ message.
|Property |Value
|`rabbitmq.ROUTING_KEY` |The routing key that will be used when sending the message
|`rabbitmq.EXCHANGE_NAME` |The exchange the message was received from
|`rabbitmq.EXCHANGE_OVERRIDE_NAME` |Used for force sending the message to this exchange instead of the endpoint configured name on the producer
|`rabbitmq.CONTENT_TYPE` |The contentType to set on the RabbitMQ message
|`rabbitmq.PRIORITY` |The priority header to set on the RabbitMQ message
|`rabbitmq.CORRELATIONID` |The correlationId to set on the RabbitMQ message
|`rabbitmq.MESSAGE_ID` |The message id to set on the RabbitMQ message
|`rabbitmq.DELIVERY_MODE` |If the message should be persistent or not
|`rabbitmq.USERID` |The userId to set on the RabbitMQ message
|`rabbitmq.CLUSTERID` |The clusterId to set on the RabbitMQ message
|`rabbitmq.REPLY_TO` |The replyTo to set on the RabbitMQ message
|`rabbitmq.CONTENT_ENCODING` |The contentEncoding to set on the RabbitMQ message
|`rabbitmq.TYPE` |The type to set on the RabbitMQ message
|`rabbitmq.EXPIRATION` |The expiration to set on the RabbitMQ message
|`rabbitmq.TIMESTAMP` |The timestamp to set on the RabbitMQ message
|`rabbitmq.APP_ID` |The appId to set on the RabbitMQ message
Headers are set by the consumer once the message is received. The
producer will also set the headers for downstream processors once the
exchange has taken place. Any headers set prior to production that the
producer sets will be overridden.
== Message Body
The component will use the camel exchange in body as the rabbit mq
message body. The camel exchange in object must be convertible to a byte
array. Otherwise the producer will throw an exception of unsupported
body type.
== Samples
To receive messages from a queue that is bound to an exchange A with the
routing key B,
To receive messages from a queue with a single thread with auto
acknowledge disabled.
To send messages to an exchange called C
Declaring a headers exchange and queue
and place corresponding `Map<String, Object>` with the id of "bindArgs" in the Registry.
For example declaring a method in Spring
@Bean(name = "bindArgs")
public Map<String, Object> bindArgsBuilder() {
return Collections.singletonMap("foo", "bar");