blob: c630d81b9b8da2766fda7e4379be7eaecfc44bd4 [file] [log] [blame]
= OpenTracing Component
*Available as of Camel 2.19*
The OpenTracing component is used for tracing and timing incoming and
outgoing Camel messages using[OpenTracing].
Events (spans) are captured for incoming and outgoing messages being sent
to/from Camel.
See the[OpenTracing] website for a list of supported tracers.
== Configuration
The configuration properties for the OpenTracing tracer are:
|Option |Default |Description
|excludePatterns | | Sets exclude pattern(s) that will disable tracing for Camel
messages that matches the pattern. The content is a Set<String> where the key is a pattern. The pattern
uses the rules from Intercept.
|encoding |false| Sets whether the header keys need to be encoded (connector specific) or not. The value is a boolean.
Dashes need for instances to be encoded for JMS property keys.
There are three ways in which an OpenTracing tracer can be configured to provide distributed tracing for a Camel application:
=== Explicit
Include the `camel-opentracing` component in your POM, along with any specific dependencies associated with the chosen OpenTracing compliant Tracer.
To explicitly configure OpenTracing support, instantiate the `OpenTracingTracer` and initialize the camel
context. You can optionally specify a `Tracer`, or alternatively it can be implicitly discovered using the
`Registry` or `ServiceLoader`.
OpenTracingTracer ottracer = new OpenTracingTracer();
// By default it uses a Noop Tracer, but you can override it with a specific OpenTracing implementation.
// And then initialize the context
To use OpenTracingTracer in XML, all you need to do is to define the
OpenTracing tracer beans. Camel will automatically discover and use them.
<bean id="tracer" class="..."/>
<bean id="ottracer" class="org.apache.camel.opentracing.OpenTracingTracer">
<property name="tracer" ref="tracer"/>
== Spring Boot
If you are using Spring Boot then you can add
the `camel-opentracing-starter` dependency, and turn on OpenTracing by annotating
the main class with `@CamelOpenTracing`.
The `Tracer` will be implicitly obtained from the camel context's `Registry`, or the `ServiceLoader`, unless
a `Tracer` bean has been defined by the application.
// spring-boot-auto-configure options: START
== Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->
The component supports 2 options, which are listed below.
| Name | Description | Default | Type
| *camel.opentracing.encoding* | Activate or deactivate dash encoding in headers (required by JMS) for messaging | | Boolean
| *camel.opentracing.exclude-patterns* | Sets exclude pattern(s) that will disable tracing for Camel messages that matches the pattern. | | Set
// spring-boot-auto-configure options: END
== Java Agent
The third approach is to use a Java Agent to automatically configure the OpenTracing support.
Include the `camel-opentracing` component in your POM, along with any specific dependencies associated with the chosen OpenTracing compliant Tracer.
The OpenTracing Java Agent is associated with the following dependency:
IMPORTANT: It is necessary to use an OpenTracing compliant tracer that is
compatible with OpenTracing Java API version 0.31 or higher.
The `Tracer` used will be implicitly loaded from the camel context `Registry` or using the `ServiceLoader`.
How this agent is used will be specific to how you execute your application. _Service2_ in the[camel-example-opentracing] downloads the agent into a local folder and then uses the `exec-maven-plugin` to launch the service with the `-javaagent` command line option.
== Example
You can find an example demonstrating the three ways to configure OpenTracing here:[camel-example-opentracing]