blob: 8950f0d714cd2883777e487c256bf5768424429f [file] [log] [blame]
= Camel Example Netty Custom Correlation
This example shows how to use TCP communication with Netty using a custom codec
to encode and decode the data over the wire.
The example also uses a single shared connection between the client and the server
to multiplex concurrent messages over the same connection. A custom correlation manager
is implemented to be able to correlate the request and response message pairs so you
do not mix-data to wrong replies.
== How to run
You can run this example using two JVMs.
To start the server run:
mvn compile exec:java -P server
To start the client run:
mvn compile exec:java -P client
In the client output you should see it logs request/response pairs.
For requests that contains the word `beer` is delayed on the server side, and you
should notice that its corresponding reply is correlated correclty to its beloing request thread.
Also the messages can be inter-leaved when some messages are faster than others.
== More information
You can find more information about Apache Camel at the website: