blob: c3f7de5292238541cf3a98a0e3ae1e4e13a4a300 [file] [log] [blame]
=== URIs
Camel makes extensive use of URIs to allow you to refer to endpoints
which are lazily created by a link:component.adoc[Component] if you
refer to them within link:routes.adoc[Routes].
Make sure to read
link:faq/how-do-i-configure-endpoints.adoc[How do I configure endpoints]
to learn more about configuring endpoints. For
example how to refer to beans in the link:registry.adoc[Registry] or how
to use raw values for password options, and using
link:using-propertyplaceholder.adoc[property placeholders] etc.
==== Current Supported URIs
===== Core Components
===== Components