blob: 7ce937b7f12bd58e35a29e7407bd135bf0e5de50 [file] [log] [blame]
=== Type Converter
It is very common when routing messages from one endpoint to another to
need to convert the body payloads from one type to another such as to
convert to and from the following common types:
* File
* String
* byte[] and ByteBuffer
* InputStream and OutputStream
* Reader and Writer
* Document and Source
* ...
interface] defines a helper method to allow conversions to be done via
So in an endpoint you can convert a body to another type via:
Message message = exchange.getIn();
Document document = message.getBody(Document.class);
==== How Type Conversion works
The type conversion strategy is defined by the[TypeConverter]
interface that can be customized on a[CamelContext].
The default implementation,[DefaultTypeConverter],
uses pluggable strategies to load type converters via[TypeConverterLoader].
The default strategy,[AnnotationTypeConverterLoader],
uses a discovery mechanism to find converters.
*New in Camel 1.5*
The default implementation,[DefaultTypeConverter],
now throws a[NoTypeConversionAvailableException]
if a suitable conversion cannot be found
The semantical ambiguity of `null` (both valid result and indication
of no conversion found) is now resolved, but this may impact existing
code in that it should now catch the exception instead of checking
for `null`.
==== TypeConverterRegistry
*New in Camel 2.0*
Exposed the[TypeConverterRegistry]
from link:camelcontext.adoc[CamelContext] so end users more easily will
be able to add type converters at runtime. This is also usable in
situations where the default discovering of type converters fails on
platforms with classloading issues.
To access the registry, you get it from the `CamelContext`:
CamelContext context = ...
===== TypeConverterRegistry utilization statistics
Camel can gather utilization statistics of the runtime usage of type
converters. These stats are available in JMX, and as well as from the
`getStatistics()` method from `TypeConverterRegistry`.
From *Camel 2.11.0/2.10.5* onwards these statistics are turned off by
default as there is some performance overhead under very high concurrent
load. To enable the statistics in Java, do the following:
CamelContext context = ...
Or in the XML DSL with:
<camelContext xmlns="" typeConverterStatisticsEnabled="true">
===== Add type converter at runtime
The following sample demonstrates how to add a type converter at
runtime: +
And our type converter is implemented as: +
And then we can convert from String to MyOrder as we are used to with the
type converter: +
===== Add type converter classes at runtime
*Available as of Camel 2.16*
From Camel 2.16 onwards you type converter classes can
implement `org.apache.camel.TypeConverters` which is an marker
interface. Then for each type converter you want use
the `@Converter` annotation.
private class MyOrderTypeConverters implements TypeConverters {
public MyOrder toMyOrder(String orderId) {
MyOrder order = new MyOrder();
return order;
Then you can add these converters to the registry using:
MyOrderTypeConverters myClass = ...
If you are using Spring or Blueprint, then you can just declare a `<bean>`
then `CamelContext` will automatic discover and add the converters.
<bean id="myOrderTypeConverters" class="..."/>
<camelContext ...>
You can declare multiple `<bean>`s if you have more clases.
Using this technique do not require to scan the classpath and using the
file `META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/TypeConverter` as discussed in
the <<TypeConverter-DiscoveringTypeConverters,Discovering Type Converters>>
section. However the latter is highly
recommended when developing Camel components or data formats as then the
type converters is automatic included out of the box. The functionality
from this section requires the end users to explicit add the converters
to their Camel applications.
==== Discovering Type Converters
will search the classpath for a file called
`META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/TypeConverter`. The contents are
expected to be comma separated package names. These packages are then
recursively searched for any objects with the[@Converter]
annotation. Then any method marked with @Converter is assumed to be a
conversion method; where the parameter is the from value and the return
is the to value.
E.g. the following shows how to register a converter from `File` to
public class IOConverter {
public static InputStream toInputStream(File file) throws FileNotFoundException {
return new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
Static methods are invoked; non-static methods require an instance of
the converter object to be created (which is then cached). If a
converter requires configuration you can plug in an Injector interface
to the `DefaultTypeConverter` which can construct and inject converter
objects via Spring or Guice.
We have most of the common converters for common Java types in the[org.apache.camel.converter]
package and its children.
===== Returning null values
By default when using a method in a POJO annotation with @Converter
returning null is not a valid response. If null is returned, then Camel
will regard that type converter as a _miss_, and prevent from using it
in the future. If null should be allowed as a valid response, then from
*Camel 2.11.2/2.12* onwards you can specify this in the annotation as
@Converter(allowNull = true)
public static InputStream toInputStream(File file) throws IOException {
if (file.exist()) {
return new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
} else {
return null;
==== Discovering Fallback Type Converters
*Available in Camel 2.0*
has been enhanced to also look for methods defined with a
`@FallbackConverter` annotation, and register it as a fallback type
Fallback type converters are used as a last resort for converting a
given value to another type. Its used when the regular type converters
give up.
The fallback converters is also meant for a broader scope, so its method
signature is a bit different:
public static <T> T convertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value, TypeConverterRegistry registry)
Or you can use the non generic signature.
public static Object convertTo(Class type, Exchange exchange, Object value, TypeConverterRegistry registry)
And the method name can be anything (`convertTo` is not required as a
name), so it can be named `convertMySpecialTypes` if you like. +
The `Exchange` parameter is optional, just as its with the regular
`@Converter` methods.
The purpose with this broad scope method signature is allowing you to
control if you can convert the given type or not. The `type` parameter
holds the type we want the `value` converted to. Its used internally in
Camel for wrapper objects so we can delegate the type convertions to the
body that is wrapped.
For instance in the method below we will handle all type conversions
that is based on the wrapper class `GenericFile` and we let Camel do the
type conversions on its body instead.
public static <T> T convertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value, TypeConverterRegistry registry) {
// use a fallback type converter so we can convert the embedded body
// if the value is GenericFile
if (GenericFile.class.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) {
GenericFile file = (GenericFile) value;
Class from = file.getBody().getClass();
TypeConverter tc = registry.lookup(type, from);
if (tc != null) {
Object body = file.getBody();
return tc.convertTo(type, exchange, body);
return null;
==== Writing your own Type Converters
*Use FQN*
In Camel 2.8 the TypeConverter file now supports specifying the FQN
class name. This is recommended to be used. See below for more details.
Using FQN must be used. The older way with just package name is
deprecated and should not be used, and it may also not work in some
application servers due to classpath scanning issues.
You are welcome to write your own converters. Remember to use the
`@Converter` annotations on the classes and methods you wish to use. Then
add the packages to a file called
`META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/TypeConverter` in your jar. Remember
to make sure that :
* static methods are encouraged to reduce caching, but instance methods
are fine, particularly if you want to allow optional dependency
injection to customize the converter
* converter methods should be thread safe and reentrant
===== Examples of TypeConverter file
The file in the JAR: `META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/TypeConverter`
contains the following line(s):
Each line in the file is a package name. This tells Camel to go scan
those packages for any classes that has been annotated with the
===== Improved TypeConverter by using FQN class names
*Available as of Camel 2.8*
In Camel 2.8 we improved the type converter loader to support specifying
the FQN class name of the converter classes. This has the advantage of
avoiding having to scan packages for `@Converter` classes. Instead it
loads the `@Converter` class directly. This is a *highly* recommend
approach to use going forward.
===== Examples of TypeConverter file
The file in the JAR: `META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/TypeConverter`
contains the following line(s) for FQN class names:
As you can see each line in the file now contains a FQN class name. This
is the recommended approach.
==== Encoding support for byte[] and String Conversion
*Available in Camel 1.5*
Since Java provides converting the `byte[]` to `String` and `String` to `byte[]`
with the[charset
name] parameter. You can define the charset name by setting the exchange
property name `Exchange.CHARSET_NAME` with the charset name, such as
`"UTF-8"` or `"iso-8859-1"`.
==== Exchange parameter
*Available in Camel 1.5*
The type converter accepts the `Exchange` as an optional 2nd parameter.
This is usable if the type converter for instance needs information from
the current exchange. For instance combined with the encoding support
its possible for type converters to convert with the configured
encoding. An example from camel-core for the `byte[]` -> `String`
public static String toString(byte[] data, Exchange exchange) {
if (exchange != null) {
String charsetName = exchange.getProperty(Exchange.CHARSET_NAME, String.class);
if (charsetName != null) {
try {
return new String(data, charsetName);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
LOG.warn("Can't convert the byte to String with the charset " + charsetName, e);
return new String(data);