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=== FAQ
Here are a list of commonly asked questions and answers. If you have any
questions which are not on this list, please talk to us on the
link:mailing-lists.adoc[Mailing Lists].
We link:../../../[welcome contributions] and
this entire website is in
link:faq/how-does-the-website-work.adoc[the GitHub repository you can send a pull request],
so please join in and help us make the documentation better!
==== General Questions
General questions about Camel
* link:faq/can-i-get-commercial-support.adoc[Can I get commercial support?]
* link:faq/can-i-use-camel-on-java-14.adoc[Can I use Camel on Java 1.4?]
* link:faq/does-camel-work-on-ibms-jdk.adoc[Does Camel work on IBM's JDK?]
* link:support.adoc[How can I get help?]
* link:faq/how-can-i-get-the-source-code.adoc[How can I get the source code?]
* link:faq/how-does-camel-compare-to-mule.adoc[How does Camel compare to
* link:faq/how-does-camel-compare-to-servicemix.adoc[How does Camel compare
to ServiceMix?]
* link:faq/how-does-camel-compare-to-servicemix-eip.adoc[How does Camel
compare to ServiceMix EIP?]
* link:faq/how-does-camel-compare-to-synapse.adoc[How does Camel compare to
* link:faq/how-does-camel-work.adoc[How does Camel work?]
* link:faq/how-does-camel-work-with-activemq.adoc[How does Camel work with
* link:faq/how-does-camel-work-with-servicemix.adoc[How does Camel work with
* link:faq/how-does-the-camel-api-compare-to.adoc[How does the Camel API
compare to?]
* link:faq/how-does-the-website-work.adoc[How does the website work?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-become-a-committer.adoc[How do I become a committer?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-compile-the-code.adoc[How do I compile the code?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-edit-the-website.adoc[How do I edit the website?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-run-camel-using-java-webstart.adoc[How do I run Camel
using Java WebStart?]
* link:faq/if-i-use-servicemix-when-should-i-use-camel.adoc[If I use
ServiceMix when should I use Camel?]
* link:faq/is-camel-an-esb.adoc[Is Camel an ESB?]
* link:faq/is-camel-ioc-friendly.adoc[Is Camel IoC friendly?]
* link:faq/running-camel-standalone.adoc[Running Camel standalone]
* link:faq/what-are-the-dependencies.adoc[What are the dependencies?]
* link:faq/what-is-a-router.adoc[What is a router?]
* link:faq/what-is-camel.adoc[What is Camel?]
* link:faq/what-is-the-license.adoc[What is the license?]
* link:faq/what-jars-do-i-need.adoc[What jars do I need?]
* link:languages.adoc[What languages are supported?]
* link:faq/what-platforms-are-supported.adoc[What platforms are supported?]
* link:faq/why-the-name-camel.adoc[Why the name Camel?]
==== Using Camel Questions
Questions on using Apache Camel
* link:faq/classloader-issue-of-servicemix-camel-component.adoc[Classloader issue of servicemix-camel component]
* link:faq/how-do-i-specify-which-method-to-use-when-using-beans-in-routes.adoc[How do I specify which method to use when using beans in routes?]
* link:faq/how-can-i-create-a-custom-component-or-endpoint.adoc[How can I create a custom component or endpoint?]
* link:faq/how-can-i-get-the-remote-connection-ip-address-from-the-camel-cxf-consumer-.adoc[How can I get the remote connection IP address from the camel-cxf consumer ?]
* link:faq/how-can-i-stop-a-route-from-a-route.adoc[How can I stop a route from a route?]
* link:faq/how-can-webservice-clients-see-remote-faults-with-stacktraces-when-using-camel-cxf.adoc[How can webservice clients see remote faults with stacktraces when using camel-cxf?]
* link:faq/how-does-camel-look-up-beans-and-endpoints.adoc[How does Camel look up beans and endpoints?]
* link:configuring-camel.adoc[How do I add a component?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-change-the-logging.adoc[How do I change the logging?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-configure-endpoints.adoc[How do I configure endpoints?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-configure-password-options-on-camel-endpoints-without-the-value-being-encoded.adoc[How do I configure password options on Camel endpoints without the value being encoded?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-configure-the-default-maximum-cache-size-for-producercache-or-producertemplate.adoc[How do I configure the default maximum cache size for ProducerCache or ProducerTemplate?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-configure-the-maximum-endpoint-cache-size-for-camelcontext.adoc[How do I configure the maximum endpoint cache size for CamelContext?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-debug-my-route.adoc[How do I debug my route?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-disable-jmx.adoc[How do I disable JMX?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-enable-streams-when-debug-logging-messages-in-camel.adoc[How do I enable streams when debug logging messages in Camel?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-handle-failures-when-consuming-for-example-from-a-ftp-server.adoc[How do I handle failures when consuming for example from a FTP server?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-import-rests-from-other-xml-files.adoc[How do I import rests from other XML files?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-import-routes-from-other-xml-files.adoc[How do I import routes from other XML files?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-let-jetty-match-wildcards.adoc[How do I let Jetty match wildcards?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-name-my-routes.adoc[How do I name my routes?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-restart-camelcontext.adoc[How do I restart CamelContext?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-retrieve-the-thrown-exception-during-processing-an-exchange.adoc[How do I retrieve the thrown Exception during processing an Exchange?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-retry-failed-messages-forever.adoc[How do I retry failed messages forever?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-retry-processing-a-message-from-a-certain-point-back-or-an-entire-route.adoc[How do I retry processing a message from a certain point back or an entire route?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-reuse-the-contexttestsupport-class-in-my-unit-tests.adoc[How do I reuse the ContextTestSupport class in my unit tests?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-run-activemq-and-camel-in-jboss.adoc[How do I run ActiveMQ and Camel in JBoss?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-set-the-max-chars-when-debug-logging-messages-in-camel.adoc[How do I set the max chars when debug logging messages in Camel?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-specify-time-period-in-a-human-friendly-syntax.adoc[How do I specify time period in a human friendly syntax?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-use-a-big-uber-jar.adoc[How do I use a big (uber) JAR?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-use-camel-inside-servicemix.adoc[How do I use Camel inside ServiceMix?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-use-spring-property-placeholder-with-camel-xml.adoc[How do I use Spring Property Placeholder with Camel XML?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-use-uris-with-parameters-in-xml.adoc[How do I use URIs with parameters in XML?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-write-a-custom-processor-which-sends-multiple-messages.adoc[How do I write a custom Processor which sends multiple messages?]
* link:faq/how-should-i-invoke-my-pojos-or-spring-services.adoc[How should I invoke my POJOs or Spring Services?]
* link:faq/how-should-i-package-applications-using-camel-and-activemq.adoc[How should I package applications using Camel and ActiveMQ?]
* link:faq/how-to-avoid-importing-bunch-of-cxf-packages-when-start-up-the-camel-cxf-endpoint-from-osgi-platform-.adoc[How to avoid importing bunch of cxf packages when start up the camel-cxf endpoint from OSGi platform?]
* link:faq/how-to-avoid-sending-some-or-all-message-headers.adoc[How to avoid sending some or all message headers?]
* link:faq/how-to-define-a-static-camel-converter-method-in-scala.adoc[How to define a static Camel converter method in Scala?]
* link:faq/how-to-remove-the-http-protocol-headers-in-the-camel-message.adoc[How to remove the http protocol headers in the camel message?]
* link:faq/how-to-send-the-same-message-to-multiple-endpoints.adoc[How to send the same message to multiple endpoints?]
* link:faq/how-to-switch-the-cxf-consumer-between-http-and-https-without-touching-the-spring-configuration.adoc[How to switch the CXF consumer between HTTP and HTTPS without touching the Spring configuration?]
* link:faq/how-to-use-a-dynamic-uri-in-to.adoc[How to use a dynamic URI in to()?]
* link:faq/how-to-use-extra-camel-componets-in-servicemix-camel.adoc[How to use extra Camel componets in servicemix-camel?]
* link:faq/how-to-validate-the-camel-1x-context-xml-from-apache-camel-web-site.adoc[How to validate the camel 1.x context xml from Apache Camel web site?]
* link:faq/is-there-an-ide.adoc[Is there an IDE?]
* link:faq/should-i-deploy-camel-inside-the-activemq-broker-or-in-another-application.adoc[Should I deploy Camel inside the ActiveMQ broker or in another application?]
* link:faq/using-camel-core-testsjar.adoc[Using camel-core-tests.jar]
* link:faq/using-getin-or-getout-methods-on-exchange.adoc[Using getIn or getOut methods on Exchange]
* link:faq/why-cant-i-use-sign-in-my-password.adoc[Why can't I use + sign in my password?]
* link:faq/why-can-i-not-use-when-or-otherwise-in-a-java-camel-route.adoc[Why can I not use when or otherwise in a Java Camel route?]
* link:faq/why-does-ftp-component-not-download-any-files.adoc[Why does FTP component not download any files?]
* link:faq/why-does-my-file-consumer-not-pick-up-the-file-and-how-do-i-let-the-file-consumer-use-the-camel-error-handler.adoc[Why does my file consumer not pick up the file, and how do I let the file consumer use the Camel error handler?]
* link:faq/why-does-useoriginalmessage-with-error-handler-not-work-as-expected.adoc[Why does useOriginalMessage with error handler not work as expected?]
* link:faq/why-do-my-message-lose-its-headers-during-routing.adoc[Why do my message lose its headers during routing?]
* link:faq/why-is-my-message-body-empty.adoc[Why is my message body empty?]
* link:faq/why-is-my-processor-not-showing-up-in-jconsole.adoc[Why is my processor not showing up in JConsole?]
* link:faq/why-is-the-exception-null-when-i-use-onexception.adoc[Why is the exception null when I use onException?]
* link:faq/why-use-multiple-camelcontext.adoc[Why use multiple CamelContext?]
==== Logging Questions
Questions on logging output from Camel to a console, using the
<<log-component,Log>> endpoint or JDK 1.4 logging or Log4j etc
* link:faq/how-do-i-enable-debug-logging.adoc[How do I enable debug logging?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-use-java-14-logging.adoc[How do I use Java 1.4 logging?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-use-log4j.adoc[How do I use log4j?]
==== Camel Endpoint Questions
Questions on using the various Camel link:components.adoc[Components]
and link:endpoint.adoc[Endpoint] implementations
* link:faq/how-do-i-invoke-camel-routes-from-jbi.adoc[How do I invoke Camel routes from JBI?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-make-my-jms-endpoint-transactional.adoc[How Do I Make My JMS Endpoint Transactional?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-set-the-mep-when-interacting-with-jbi.adoc[How do I set the MEP when interacting with JBI?]
* link:faq/how-do-the-direct-event-seda-and-vm-endpoints-compare.adoc[How do the direct, event, seda and vm endpoints compare?]
* link:faq/how-do-the-timer-and-quartz-endpoints-compare.adoc[How do the Timer and Quartz endpoints compare?]
==== Component Questions
Questions on using specific components
===== JMS Questions
Questions on using the <<jms-component,JMS>> endpoints in Camel
* link:faq/why-does-my-jms-route-only-consume-one-message-at-once.adoc[Why does my JMS route only consume one message at once?]
==== Common Problems
Common Problems that people have when riding the Camel
* link:faq/exception-beandefinitionstoreexception.adoc[Exception - BeanDefinitionStoreException]
* link:faq/exception-javaxnamingnoinitialcontextexception.adoc[Exception - javax.naming.NoInitialContextException]
* link:faq/exception-orgapachecamelnosuchendpointexception.adoc[Exception - org.apache.camel.NoSuchEndpointException]
* link:faq/exception-orgxmlsaxsaxparseexception.adoc[Exception - org.xml.sax.SAXParseException]
* link:faq/memory-leak-when-adding-and-removing-routes-at-runtime.adoc[Memory leak when adding and removing routes at runtime]
* link:faq/why-do-camel-throw-so-many-noclassdeffoundexception-on-startup.adoc[Why do Camel throw so many NoClassDefFoundException on startup?]
* link:faq/why-does-camel-use-too-many-threads-with-producertemplate.adoc[Why does Camel use too many threads with ProducerTemplate?]
* link:faq/why-does-maven-not-download-dependencies.adoc[Why does maven not download dependencies?]
==== Acknowledgement
Many thanks to the following organizations for helping the Camel
|[Headway Software] provided free
licenses of[Structure101]
for analyzing and managing the[architecture
of Camel] Java code.
|[YourKit], LLC kindly provide free licenses for
the YourKit Java Profiler to open source projects. YourKit Java Profiler
is primarily used to investigate performance and memory leak issues
reported in Apache Camel.