blob: 9a7781f6c1a0ea9bddd18b99c2fb189982a30a05 [file] [log] [blame]
=== Components
A Component is essentially a factory of link:endpoint.adoc[Endpoint] instances.
You can explicitly configure Component instances
and add them to a link:camelcontext.adoc[CamelContext] in an IoC
container like Spring or Guice, or they can be auto-discovered using
==== Components Included
Camel includes the following Component implementations via link:uris.adoc[URIs].
Make sure to read link:faq/how-do-i-configure-endpoints.adoc[How do I configure endpoints?]
to learn more about configuring endpoints. For
example how to refer to beans in the link:registry.adoc[Registry] or how
to use raw values for password options, and using
link:using-propertyplaceholder.adoc[property placeholders] etc.
===== Core Components
===== Components
==== See Also
* link:endpoint.adoc[Endpoint]
* link:uris.adoc[URIs]
* link:writing-components.adoc[Writing Components]
* link:configuring-camel.adoc[How do I add a component?]
* link:faq/how-do-i-configure-endpoints.adoc[How do I configure endpoints?]
* link:using-propertyplaceholder.adoc[Using `PropertyPlaceholder`]