blob: b63090cb32e25674e312c23c5230478b201dcd90 [file] [log] [blame]
Camel JAR Dependencies
Camel core itself is lightweight and can run with a few .jars.
`camel-core` dependencies for Camel 2.0 or lower
* `commons-logging-api.jar` - API for commons logging
* JAXB 2.1.x - XML stuff - Is provided in the JDK core from Java 1.6
* `activation.jar` - For Attachments support - Is provided in the JDK
core from Java 1.6
`camel-core` dependencies for Camel 2.1 - 2.6
* `commons-logging-api-1.1.jar` - API for commons logging
* `commons-management-1.0.jar` - API for JMX
* JAXB 2.1.x - XML stuff - Is provided in the JDK core from Java 1.6
* `activation-1.1.jar` - For Attachments support - Is provided in the
JDK core from Java 1.6
`camel-core` dependencies for Camel 2.7 - 2.8
* `slf4j-api-1.5.11.jar` - API for slf4j logging
* `commons-management-1.0.jar` - API for JMX
`camel-core` dependencies for Camel 2.9
* `slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar` - API for slf4j logging
Optional dependencies for JMX for Camel 1.x - 2.8
* `spring-core.jar`, `spring-beans.jar`,
`spring-context.jar``spring-aop.jar` - All 4 jars needed to use JMX
with Camel (subject to change in the future).
From *Camel 2.9*: the Spring JARs are no longer required for using JMX.
Other Components
All the other link:component.adoc[Components] have a range of 3rd party
.jars they depend on. They are listed in the maven pom files which files
they require.