blob: fdea7fe7796c7fe1aa0b9e37ab7a80b63d5e8c49 [file] [log] [blame]
=== Annotation Based Expression Language
You can also use any of the link:languages.adoc[Languages] supported in
Camel to bind expressions to method parameters when using
link:bean-integration.adoc[Bean Integration]. For example you can use
any of these annotations:
|Annotation |Description
|Inject a <<bean-language,Bean>> expression
|Inject a <<beanshell-language,BeanShell>> expression
|Inject a <<constant-language,Constant>> expression
|Inject an <<el-language,EL>> expression
|Inject a <<groovy-language,Groovy>> expression
|Inject a <<header-language,Header>> expression
|Inject a <<javascript-language,JavaScript>> expression
|Inject a <<mvel-language,MVEL>> expression
|Inject an <<ognl-language,OGNL>> expression
|Inject a <<php-language,PHP>> expression
|Inject a <<python-language,Python>> expression
|Inject a <<ruby-language,Ruby>> expression
|Inject an <<simple-language,Simple>> expression
|Inject an <<xpath-language,XPath>> expression
|Inject an <<xquery-language,XQuery>> expression
===== Example
public class Foo {
@MessageDriven(uri = "activemq:my.queue")
public void doSomething(@XPath("/foo/bar/text()") String correlationID, @Body String body) {
// process the inbound message here
===== Advanced example using @Bean
And an example of using the the[@Bean]
binding annotation, where you can use a <<bean-component,POJO>> where you
can do whatever java code you like:
public class Foo {
@MessageDriven(uri = "activemq:my.queue")
public void doSomething(@Bean("myCorrelationIdGenerator") String correlationID, @Body String body) {
// process the inbound message here
And then we can have a spring bean with the id
`myCorrelationIdGenerator` where we can compute the id.
public class MyIdGenerator {
private UserManager userManager;
public String generate(@Header(name = "user") String user, @Body String payload) throws Exception {
User user = userManager.lookupUser(user);
String userId = user.getPrimaryId();
String id = userId + generateHashCodeForPayload(payload);
return id;
The <<bean-component,POJO>> `MyIdGenerator` has one public method that
accepts two parameters. However we have also annotated this one with the
`@Header` and `@Body` annotation to help Camel know what to bind here from
the Message from the Exchange being processed.
Of course this could be simplified a lot if you for instance just have a
simple id generator. But we wanted to demonstrate that you can use the
link:bean-binding.adoc[Bean Binding] annotations anywhere.
public class MySimpleIdGenerator {
public static int generate() {
// generate a unique id
return 123;
And finally we just need to remember to have our bean registered in the
Spring link:registry.adoc[Registry]:
<bean id="myCorrelationIdGenerator" class="com.mycompany.MySimpleIdGenerator"/>
===== Example using <<groovy-language,Groovy>>
In this example we have an Exchange that has a User object stored in the
in header. This User object has methods to get some user information. We
want to use <<groovy.adoc[Groovy] to inject an expression that
extracts and concats the fullname of the user into the fullName
public void doSomething(@Groovy("$request.header['user'].firstName $request.header['user'].familyName) String fullName, @Body String body) {
// process the inbound message here
Groovy supports GStrings that is like a template where we can insert $
placeholders that will be evaluated by Groovy.