blob: 1738926f115580a3e04c39036ec4de0e49e67f20 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.camel.component.mongodb3;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.client.model.Filters;
import com.mongodb.client.result.DeleteResult;
import com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult;
import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
import org.apache.camel.Processor;
import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
import org.bson.Document;
import org.bson.conversions.Bson;
import org.bson.types.ObjectId;
import org.junit.Test;
import static com.mongodb.client.model.Accumulators.sum;
import static;
import static com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.match;
import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.eq;
import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.or;
import static com.mongodb.client.model.Updates.combine;
import static com.mongodb.client.model.Updates.currentTimestamp;
import static com.mongodb.client.model.Updates.set;
import static org.apache.camel.component.mongodb3.MongoDbConstants.MONGO_ID;
public class MongoDbOperationsTest extends AbstractMongoDbTest {
public void testCountOperation() throws Exception {
// Test that the collection has 0 documents in it
assertEquals(0, testCollection.count());
Object result = template.requestBody("direct:count", "irrelevantBody");
assertTrue("Result is not of type Long", result instanceof Long);
assertEquals("Test collection should not contain any records", 0L, result);
// Insert a record and test that the endpoint now returns 1
result = template.requestBody("direct:count", "irrelevantBody");
assertTrue("Result is not of type Long", result instanceof Long);
assertEquals("Test collection should contain 1 record", 1L, result);
testCollection.deleteOne(new Document());
// test dynamicity
result = template.requestBodyAndHeader("direct:count", "irrelevantBody", MongoDbConstants.COLLECTION, dynamicCollectionName);
assertTrue("Result is not of type Long", result instanceof Long);
assertEquals("Dynamic collection should contain 1 record", 1L, result);
public void testInsertString() throws Exception {
assertEquals(0, testCollection.count());
Object result = template.requestBody("direct:insert", new Document(MONGO_ID, "testInsertString").append("scientist", "Einstein").toJson());
assertTrue(result instanceof Document);
Document b = testCollection.find(eq(MONGO_ID, "testInsertString")).first();
assertNotNull("No record with 'testInsertString' _id", b);
public void testStoreOidOnInsert() throws Exception {
Document document = new Document();
ObjectId oid = template.requestBody("direct:testStoreOidOnInsert", document, ObjectId.class);
assertEquals(document.get(MONGO_ID), oid);
public void testStoreOidsOnInsert() throws Exception {
Document firsDocument = new Document();
Document secondDoocument = new Document();
List<?> oids = template.requestBody("direct:testStoreOidOnInsert", asList(firsDocument, secondDoocument), List.class);
public void testSave() throws Exception {
// Prepare test
assertEquals(0, testCollection.count());
Object[] req = new Object[] {new Document(MONGO_ID, "testSave1").append("scientist", "Einstein").toJson(),
new Document(MONGO_ID, "testSave2").append("scientist", "Copernicus").toJson()};
Object result = template.requestBody("direct:insert", req);
assertTrue(result instanceof List);
assertEquals("Number of records persisted must be 2", 2, testCollection.count());
// Testing the save logic
Document record1 = testCollection.find(eq(MONGO_ID, "testSave1")).first();
assertEquals("Scientist field of 'testSave1' must equal 'Einstein'", "Einstein", record1.get("scientist"));
record1.put("scientist", "Darwin");
result = template.requestBody("direct:save", record1);
assertTrue(result instanceof UpdateResult);
record1 = testCollection.find(eq(MONGO_ID, "testSave1")).first();
assertEquals("Scientist field of 'testSave1' must equal 'Darwin' after save operation", "Darwin", record1.get("scientist"));
public void testSaveWithoutId() {
// Prepare test
assertEquals(0, testCollection.count());
// This document should not be modified
Document doc = new Document("scientist", "Copernic");
template.requestBody("direct:insert", doc);
// save (upsert) a document without Id => insert with new Id
doc = new Document("scientist", "Einstein");
UpdateResult result = template.requestBody("direct:save", doc, UpdateResult.class);
// Without Id save perform an insert not an update.
assertEquals(0, result.getModifiedCount());
// Testing the save logic
Document record1 = testCollection.find(eq(MONGO_ID, result.getUpsertedId())).first();
assertEquals("Scientist field of '" + result.getUpsertedId() + "' must equal 'Einstein'", "Einstein", record1.get("scientist"));
public void testStoreOidOnSaveWithoutId() throws Exception {
Document document = new Document();
ObjectId oid = template.requestBody("direct:testStoreOidOnSave", document, ObjectId.class);
public void testStoreOidOnSave() throws Exception {
Document document = new Document(MONGO_ID, new ObjectId("5847e39e0824d6b54194e197"));
ObjectId oid = template.requestBody("direct:testStoreOidOnSave", document, ObjectId.class);
assertEquals(document.get(MONGO_ID), oid);
public void testUpdate() throws Exception {
// Prepare test
assertEquals(0, testCollection.count());
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
String body = null;
try (Formatter f = new Formatter();) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
body = f.format("{\"_id\":\"testSave%d\", \"scientist\":\"Einstein\"}", i).toString();
} else {
body = f.format("{\"_id\":\"testSave%d\", \"scientist\":\"Einstein\", \"extraField\": true}", i).toString();
template.requestBody("direct:insert", body);
assertEquals(100L, testCollection.count());
// Testing the update logic
Bson extraField = eq("extraField", true);
assertEquals("Number of records with 'extraField' flag on must equal 50", 50L, testCollection.count(extraField));
assertEquals("Number of records with 'scientist' field = Darwin on must equal 0", 0, testCollection.count(new Document("scientist", "Darwin")));
Bson updateObj = combine(set("scientist", "Darwin"), currentTimestamp("lastModified"));
Exchange resultExchange = template.request("direct:update", new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
exchange.getIn().setBody(new Bson[] {extraField, updateObj});
exchange.getIn().setHeader(MongoDbConstants.MULTIUPDATE, true);
Object result = resultExchange.getOut().getBody();
assertTrue(result instanceof UpdateResult);
assertEquals("Number of records updated header should equal 50", 50L, resultExchange.getOut().getHeader(MongoDbConstants.RECORDS_AFFECTED));
assertEquals("Number of records with 'scientist' field = Darwin on must equal 50 after update", 50, testCollection.count(new Document("scientist", "Darwin")));
public void testUpdateFromString() throws Exception {
// Prepare test
assertEquals(0, testCollection.count());
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
String body = null;
try (Formatter f = new Formatter();) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
body = f.format("{\"_id\":\"testSave%d\", \"scientist\":\"Einstein\"}", i).toString();
} else {
body = f.format("{\"_id\":\"testSave%d\", \"scientist\":\"Einstein\", \"extraField\": true}", i).toString();
template.requestBody("direct:insert", body);
assertEquals(100L, testCollection.count());
// Testing the update logic
Bson extraField = eq("extraField", true);
assertEquals("Number of records with 'extraField' flag on must equal 50", 50L, testCollection.count(extraField));
assertEquals("Number of records with 'scientist' field = Darwin on must equal 0", 0, testCollection.count(new Document("scientist", "Darwin")));
Bson updateObj = combine(set("scientist", "Darwin"), currentTimestamp("lastModified"));
String updates = "[" + extraField.toBsonDocument(Document.class, MongoClient.getDefaultCodecRegistry()).toJson() + ","
+ updateObj.toBsonDocument(Document.class, MongoClient.getDefaultCodecRegistry()).toJson() + "]";
Exchange resultExchange = template.request("direct:update", new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
exchange.getIn().setHeader(MongoDbConstants.MULTIUPDATE, true);
Object result = resultExchange.getOut().getBody();
assertTrue(result instanceof UpdateResult);
assertEquals("Number of records updated header should equal 50", 50L, resultExchange.getOut().getHeader(MongoDbConstants.RECORDS_AFFECTED));
assertEquals("Number of records with 'scientist' field = Darwin on must equal 50 after update", 50, testCollection.count(new Document("scientist", "Darwin")));
public void testUpdateUsingFieldsFilterHeader() throws Exception {
// Prepare test
assertEquals(0, testCollection.count());
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
String body = null;
try (Formatter f = new Formatter();) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
body = f.format("{\"_id\":\"testSave%d\", \"scientist\":\"Einstein\"}", i).toString();
} else {
body = f.format("{\"_id\":\"testSave%d\", \"scientist\":\"Einstein\", \"extraField\": true}", i).toString();
template.requestBody("direct:insert", body);
assertEquals(100L, testCollection.count());
// Testing the update logic
Bson extraField = eq("extraField", true);
assertEquals("Number of records with 'extraField' flag on must equal 50", 50L, testCollection.count(extraField));
assertEquals("Number of records with 'scientist' field = Darwin on must equal 0", 0, testCollection.count(new Document("scientist", "Darwin")));
Bson updateObj = combine(set("scientist", "Darwin"), currentTimestamp("lastModified"));
HashMap<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<>();
headers.put(MongoDbConstants.MULTIUPDATE, true);
headers.put(MongoDbConstants.CRITERIA, extraField);
Object result = template.requestBodyAndHeaders("direct:update", updateObj, headers);
assertTrue(result instanceof UpdateResult);
assertEquals("Number of records updated header should equal 50", 50L, UpdateResult.class.cast(result).getModifiedCount());
assertEquals("Number of records with 'scientist' field = Darwin on must equal 50 after update", 50, testCollection.count(new Document("scientist", "Darwin")));
public void testRemove() throws Exception {
// Prepare test
assertEquals(0, testCollection.count());
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
String body = null;
try (Formatter f = new Formatter()) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
body = f.format("{\"_id\":\"testSave%d\", \"scientist\":\"Einstein\"}", i).toString();
} else {
body = f.format("{\"_id\":\"testSave%d\", \"scientist\":\"Einstein\", \"extraField\": true}", i).toString();
template.requestBody("direct:insert", body);
assertEquals(100L, testCollection.count());
// Testing the update logic
Bson extraField = Filters.eq("extraField", true);
assertEquals("Number of records with 'extraField' flag on must equal 50", 50L, testCollection.count(extraField));
Exchange resultExchange = template.request("direct:remove", new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
Object result = resultExchange.getOut().getBody();
assertTrue(result instanceof DeleteResult);
assertEquals("Number of records deleted header should equal 50", 50L, resultExchange.getOut().getHeader(MongoDbConstants.RECORDS_AFFECTED));
assertEquals("Number of records with 'extraField' flag on must be 0 after remove", 0, testCollection.count(extraField));
public void testAggregate() throws Exception {
// Test that the collection has 0 documents in it
assertEquals(0, testCollection.count());
// Repeat ten times, obtain 10 batches of 100 results each time
List<Bson> aggregate = Arrays.asList(match(or(eq("scientist", "Darwin"), eq("scientist", "Einstein"))), group("$scientist", sum("count", 1)));
Object result = template.requestBody("direct:aggregate", aggregate);
assertTrue("Result is not of type List", result instanceof List);
List<Document> resultList = (List<Document>)result;
assertListSize("Result does not contain 2 elements", resultList, 2);
// TODO Add more asserts
public void testDbStats() throws Exception {
assertEquals(0, testCollection.count());
Object result = template.requestBody("direct:getDbStats", "irrelevantBody");
assertTrue("Result is not of type Document", result instanceof Document);
assertTrue("The result should contain keys", Document.class.cast(result).keySet().size() > 0);
public void testColStats() throws Exception {
assertEquals(0, testCollection.count());
// Add some records to the collection (and do it via camel-mongodb)
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
String body = null;
try (Formatter f = new Formatter();) {
body = f.format("{\"_id\":\"testSave%d\", \"scientist\":\"Einstein\"}", i).toString();
template.requestBody("direct:insert", body);
Object result = template.requestBody("direct:getColStats", "irrelevantBody");
assertTrue("Result is not of type Document", result instanceof Document);
assertTrue("The result should contain keys", Document.class.cast(result).keySet().size() > 0);
public void testCommand() throws Exception {
// Call hostInfo, command working with every configuration
Object result = template.requestBody("direct:command", "{\"hostInfo\":\"1\"}");
assertTrue("Result is not of type Document", result instanceof Document);
assertTrue("The result should contain keys", Document.class.cast(result).keySet().size() > 0);
public void testOperationHeader() throws Exception {
// Test that the collection has 0 documents in it
assertEquals(0, testCollection.count());
// check that the count operation was invoked instead of the insert
// operation
Object result = template.requestBodyAndHeader("direct:insert", "irrelevantBody", MongoDbConstants.OPERATION_HEADER, "count");
assertTrue("Result is not of type Long", result instanceof Long);
assertEquals("Test collection should not contain any records", 0L, result);
// check that the count operation was invoked instead of the insert
// operation
result = template.requestBodyAndHeader("direct:insert", "irrelevantBody", MongoDbConstants.OPERATION_HEADER, MongoDbOperation.count);
assertTrue("Result is not of type Long", result instanceof Long);
assertEquals("Test collection should not contain any records", 0L, result);
protected RouteBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception {
return new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {