blob: b8a644bd4e29fbcc3b41bb6105396f7811af3aa6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.camel.component.xmlsecurity.processor;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.xml.crypto.URIDereferencer;
import javax.xml.crypto.XMLCryptoContext;
import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.XMLSignContext;
import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.XMLValidateContext;
import org.apache.camel.CamelContext;
import org.apache.camel.CamelContextAware;
import org.apache.camel.component.xmlsecurity.api.XmlSignatureConstants;
import org.apache.camel.spi.UriParam;
import org.apache.camel.spi.UriParams;
public abstract class XmlSignatureConfiguration implements Cloneable, CamelContextAware {
private CamelContext context;
@UriParam(label = "common")
private String baseUri;
@UriParam(label = "common")
private Map<String, ?> cryptoContextProperties;
@UriParam(label = "common", defaultValue = "true")
private Boolean disallowDoctypeDecl = Boolean.TRUE;
@UriParam(label = "common", defaultValue = "false")
private Boolean omitXmlDeclaration = Boolean.FALSE;
@UriParam(label = "common", defaultValue = "true")
private Boolean clearHeaders = Boolean.TRUE;
@UriParam(label = "common")
private String schemaResourceUri;
@UriParam(label = "common")
private String outputXmlEncoding;
@UriParam(label = "advanced")
private URIDereferencer uriDereferencer;
public XmlSignatureConfiguration() {
public CamelContext getCamelContext() {
return context;
public void setCamelContext(CamelContext camelContext) {
this.context = camelContext;
public URIDereferencer getUriDereferencer() {
return uriDereferencer;
* If you want to restrict the remote access via reference URIs, you can set
* an own dereferencer. Optional parameter. If not set the provider default
* dereferencer is used which can resolve URI fragments, HTTP, file and
* XPpointer URIs.
* <p>
* Attention: The implementation is provider dependent!
* @see XMLCryptoContext#setURIDereferencer(URIDereferencer)
public void setUriDereferencer(URIDereferencer uriDereferencer) {
this.uriDereferencer = uriDereferencer;
public String getBaseUri() {
return baseUri;
* You can set a base URI which is used in the URI dereferencing. Relative
* URIs are then concatenated with the base URI.
* @see XMLCryptoContext#setBaseURI(String)
public void setBaseUri(String baseUri) {
this.baseUri = baseUri;
public Map<String, ? extends Object> getCryptoContextProperties() {
return cryptoContextProperties;
* Sets the crypto context properties. See
* {@link XMLCryptoContext#setProperty(String, Object)}. Possible properties
* are defined in {@link XMLSignContext} an {@link XMLValidateContext} (see
* Supported Properties).
* <p>
* The following properties are set by default to the value
* {@link Boolean#TRUE} for the XML validation. If you want to switch these
* features off you must set the property value to {@link Boolean#FALSE}.
* <ul>
* <li><code>""</code></li>
* <li><code>"javax.xml.crypto.dsig.cacheReference"</code></li>
* </ul>
public void setCryptoContextProperties(Map<String, ? extends Object> cryptoContextProperties) {
this.cryptoContextProperties = cryptoContextProperties;
public Boolean getDisallowDoctypeDecl() {
return disallowDoctypeDecl;
* Disallows that the incoming XML document contains DTD DOCTYPE
* declaration. The default value is {@link Boolean#TRUE}.
* @param disallowDoctypeDecl if set to {@link Boolean#FALSE} then DOCTYPE declaration is allowed, otherwise not
public void setDisallowDoctypeDecl(Boolean disallowDoctypeDecl) {
this.disallowDoctypeDecl = disallowDoctypeDecl;
public Boolean getOmitXmlDeclaration() {
return omitXmlDeclaration;
* Indicator whether the XML declaration in the outgoing message body should
* be omitted. Default value is <code>false</code>. Can be overwritten by
* the header {@link XmlSignatureConstants#HEADER_OMIT_XML_DECLARATION}.
public void setOmitXmlDeclaration(Boolean omitXmlDeclaration) {
this.omitXmlDeclaration = omitXmlDeclaration;
* Determines if the XML signature specific headers be cleared after signing
* and verification. Defaults to true.
* @return true if the Signature headers should be unset, false otherwise
public Boolean getClearHeaders() {
return clearHeaders;
* Determines if the XML signature specific headers be cleared after signing
* and verification. Defaults to true.
public void setClearHeaders(Boolean clearHeaders) {
this.clearHeaders = clearHeaders;
public String getSchemaResourceUri() {
return schemaResourceUri;
* Classpath to the XML Schema. Must be specified in the detached XML
* Signature case for determining the ID attributes, might be set in the
* enveloped and enveloping case. If set, then the XML document is validated
* with the specified XML schema. The schema resource URI can be overwritten
* by the header {@link XmlSignatureConstants#HEADER_SCHEMA_RESOURCE_URI}.
public void setSchemaResourceUri(String schemaResourceUri) {
this.schemaResourceUri = schemaResourceUri;
public String getOutputXmlEncoding() {
return outputXmlEncoding;
* The character encoding of the resulting signed XML document. If
* <code>null</code> then the encoding of the original XML document is used.
public void setOutputXmlEncoding(String outputXmlEncoding) {
this.outputXmlEncoding = outputXmlEncoding;