blob: f9fa0bde72aa24b603e1a8c3da63abce45e7910b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.camel.component.debezium.configuration;
import io.debezium.config.Configuration;
import io.debezium.config.Field;
import io.debezium.embedded.EmbeddedEngine;
import io.debezium.embedded.spi.OffsetCommitPolicy;
import org.apache.camel.component.debezium.DebeziumConstants;
import org.apache.camel.spi.Metadata;
import org.apache.camel.spi.UriParam;
import org.apache.camel.spi.UriParams;
import org.apache.camel.spi.UriPath;
import org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter;
public abstract class EmbeddedDebeziumConfiguration {
private static final String LABEL_NAME = "consumer";
private Class<?> connectorClass;
// name
@UriPath(label = LABEL_NAME)
@Metadata(required = true)
private String name;
@UriParam(label = LABEL_NAME, defaultValue = "")
private String offsetStorage = DebeziumConstants.DEFAULT_OFFSET_STORAGE;
@UriParam(label = LABEL_NAME)
private String offsetStorageFileName;
@UriParam(label = LABEL_NAME)
private String offsetStorageTopic;
@UriParam(label = LABEL_NAME)
private int offsetStoragePartitions;
@UriParam(label = LABEL_NAME)
private int offsetStorageReplicationFactor;
// offset.commit.policy
@UriParam(label = LABEL_NAME, defaultValue = "io.debezium.embedded.spi.OffsetCommitPolicy.PeriodicCommitOffsetPolicy")
private String offsetCommitPolicy = OffsetCommitPolicy.PeriodicCommitOffsetPolicy.class.getName();
@UriParam(label = LABEL_NAME, defaultValue = "60000")
private long offsetFlushIntervalMs = 60000;
@UriParam(label = LABEL_NAME, defaultValue = "5000")
private long offsetCommitTimeoutMs = 5000;
// internal.key.converter
@UriParam(label = LABEL_NAME, defaultValue = "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter")
private String internalKeyConverter = JsonConverter.class.getName();
// internal.value.converter
@UriParam(label = LABEL_NAME, defaultValue = "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter")
private String internalValueConverter = JsonConverter.class.getName();
public EmbeddedDebeziumConfiguration() {
ObjectHelper.notNull(configureConnectorClass(), "connectorClass");
this.connectorClass = configureConnectorClass();
* Configure the Debezium connector class that is supported by Debezium
* @return {@link Class}
protected abstract Class<?> configureConnectorClass();
* Create a specific {@link Configuration} for a concrete configuration
* @return {@link Configuration}
protected abstract Configuration createConnectorConfiguration();
* Validate a concrete configuration
* @return {@link ConfigurationValidation}
protected abstract ConfigurationValidation validateConnectorConfiguration();
* The Debezium connector type that is supported by Camel Debezium component.
* @return {@link String}
public abstract String getConnectorDatabaseType();
* Creates a Debezium configuration of type {@link Configuration} in order to be
* used in the engine.
* @return {@link Configuration}
public Configuration createDebeziumConfiguration() {
final Configuration connectorConfiguration = createConnectorConfiguration();
ObjectHelper.notNull(connectorConfiguration, "createConnectorConfiguration");
return Configuration.create().with(createDebeziumEmbeddedEngineConfiguration())
private Configuration createDebeziumEmbeddedEngineConfiguration() {
final Configuration.Builder configBuilder = Configuration.create();
addPropertyIfNotNull(configBuilder, EmbeddedEngine.ENGINE_NAME, name);
addPropertyIfNotNull(configBuilder, EmbeddedEngine.CONNECTOR_CLASS, connectorClass.getName());
addPropertyIfNotNull(configBuilder, EmbeddedEngine.OFFSET_STORAGE, offsetStorage);
addPropertyIfNotNull(configBuilder, EmbeddedEngine.OFFSET_STORAGE_FILE_FILENAME,
addPropertyIfNotNull(configBuilder, EmbeddedEngine.OFFSET_STORAGE_KAFKA_TOPIC, offsetStorageTopic);
addPropertyIfNotNull(configBuilder, EmbeddedEngine.OFFSET_STORAGE_KAFKA_PARTITIONS,
addPropertyIfNotNull(configBuilder, EmbeddedEngine.OFFSET_STORAGE_KAFKA_REPLICATION_FACTOR,
addPropertyIfNotNull(configBuilder, EmbeddedEngine.OFFSET_COMMIT_POLICY, offsetCommitPolicy);
addPropertyIfNotNull(configBuilder, EmbeddedEngine.OFFSET_FLUSH_INTERVAL_MS, offsetFlushIntervalMs);
addPropertyIfNotNull(configBuilder, EmbeddedEngine.OFFSET_COMMIT_TIMEOUT_MS, offsetCommitTimeoutMs);
if (internalKeyConverter != null && internalValueConverter != null) {
configBuilder.with("internal.key.converter", internalKeyConverter);
configBuilder.with("internal.value.converter", internalValueConverter);
protected static <T> void addPropertyIfNotNull(final Configuration.Builder configBuilder,
final Field field, final T value) {
if (value != null) {
configBuilder.with(field, value);
protected static <T> void addPropertyIfNotNull(final Configuration.Builder configBuilder,
final String key, final T value) {
if (value != null) {
configBuilder.with(key, value);
* Validate all configurations defined and return
* {@link ConfigurationValidation} instance which contains the validation
* results
* @return {@link ConfigurationValidation}
public ConfigurationValidation validateConfiguration() {
final ConfigurationValidation embeddedEngineValidation = validateDebeziumEmbeddedEngineConfiguration();
// only if embeddedEngineValidation is true, we check the connector validation
if (embeddedEngineValidation.isValid()) {
final ConfigurationValidation connectorValidation = validateConnectorConfiguration();
ObjectHelper.notNull(connectorValidation, "validateConnectorConfiguration");
return connectorValidation;
return embeddedEngineValidation;
private ConfigurationValidation validateDebeziumEmbeddedEngineConfiguration() {
if (isFieldValueNotSet(name)) {
return ConfigurationValidation.notValid("Required field 'name' must be set.");
// check for offsetStorageFileName
if (offsetStorage.equals(DebeziumConstants.DEFAULT_OFFSET_STORAGE)
&& isFieldValueNotSet(offsetStorageFileName)) {
return ConfigurationValidation.notValid(String
.format("Required field 'offsetStorageFileName' must be set since 'offsetStorage' is set to '%s'",
return ConfigurationValidation.valid();
protected static boolean isFieldValueNotSet(final Object field) {
return ObjectHelper.isEmpty(field);
* The name of the Java class for the connector
public Class<?> getConnectorClass() {
return connectorClass;
public void setConnectorClass(Class<?> connectorClass) {
this.connectorClass = connectorClass;
* Unique name for the connector. Attempting to register again with the same
* name will fail.
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
* The name of the Java class that is responsible for persistence of connector
* offsets.
public String getOffsetStorage() {
return offsetStorage;
public void setOffsetStorage(String offsetStorage) {
this.offsetStorage = offsetStorage;
* Path to file where offsets are to be stored. Required when is
* set to the FileOffsetBackingStore
public String getOffsetStorageFileName() {
return offsetStorageFileName;
public void setOffsetStorageFileName(String offsetStorageFileName) {
this.offsetStorageFileName = offsetStorageFileName;
* The name of the Kafka topic where offsets are to be stored. Required when
* is set to the KafkaOffsetBackingStore.
public String getOffsetStorageTopic() {
return offsetStorageTopic;
public void setOffsetStorageTopic(String offsetStorageTopic) {
this.offsetStorageTopic = offsetStorageTopic;
* Replication factor used when creating the offset storage topic. Required when
* is set to the KafkaOffsetBackingStore
public int getOffsetStorageReplicationFactor() {
return offsetStorageReplicationFactor;
public void setOffsetStorageReplicationFactor(int offsetStorageReplicationFactor) {
this.offsetStorageReplicationFactor = offsetStorageReplicationFactor;
* The name of the Java class of the commit policy. It defines when offsets
* commit has to be triggered based on the number of events processed and the
* time elapsed since the last commit. This class must implement the interface
* 'OffsetCommitPolicy'. The default is a periodic commit policy based upon
* time intervals.
public String getOffsetCommitPolicy() {
return offsetCommitPolicy;
public void setOffsetCommitPolicy(String offsetCommitPolicy) {
this.offsetCommitPolicy = offsetCommitPolicy;
* Interval at which to try committing offsets. The default is 1 minute.
public long getOffsetFlushIntervalMs() {
return offsetFlushIntervalMs;
public void setOffsetFlushIntervalMs(long offsetFlushIntervalMs) {
this.offsetFlushIntervalMs = offsetFlushIntervalMs;
* Maximum number of milliseconds to wait for records to flush and partition
* offset data to be committed to offset storage before cancelling the process
* and restoring the offset data to be committed in a future attempt. The
* default is 5 seconds.
public long getOffsetCommitTimeoutMs() {
return offsetCommitTimeoutMs;
public void setOffsetCommitTimeoutMs(long offsetCommitTimeoutMs) {
this.offsetCommitTimeoutMs = offsetCommitTimeoutMs;
* The number of partitions used when creating the offset storage topic.
* Required when is set to the 'KafkaOffsetBackingStore'.
public int getOffsetStoragePartitions() {
return offsetStoragePartitions;
public void setOffsetStoragePartitions(int offsetStoragePartitions) {
this.offsetStoragePartitions = offsetStoragePartitions;
* The Converter class that should be used to serialize and deserialize key data
* for offsets. The default is JSON converter.
public String getInternalKeyConverter() {
return internalKeyConverter;
public void setInternalKeyConverter(String internalKeyConverter) {
this.internalKeyConverter = internalKeyConverter;
* The Converter class that should be used to serialize and deserialize value
* data for offsets. The default is JSON converter.
public String getInternalValueConverter() {
return internalValueConverter;
public void setInternalValueConverter(String internalValueConverter) {
this.internalValueConverter = internalValueConverter;