blob: c4f889f32a75d872c2f0c7a877039dcdc883872e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.camel.spi;
import java.util.EventObject;
import org.apache.camel.CamelContext;
import org.apache.camel.Endpoint;
import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
import org.apache.camel.Processor;
import org.apache.camel.Route;
* Factory to create {@link java.util.EventObject events} that are emitted when such an event occur.
* <p/>
* For example when an {@link Exchange} is being created and then later when its done.
* @version
public interface EventFactory {
* Creates an {@link EventObject} for Camel is starting.
* @param context camel context
* @return the created event
EventObject createCamelContextStartingEvent(CamelContext context);
* Creates an {@link EventObject} for Camel has been started successfully.
* @param context camel context
* @return the created event
EventObject createCamelContextStartedEvent(CamelContext context);
* Creates an {@link EventObject} for Camel failing to start
* @param context camel context
* @param cause the cause exception
* @return the created event
EventObject createCamelContextStartupFailureEvent(CamelContext context, Throwable cause);
* Creates an {@link EventObject} for Camel failing to stop cleanly
* @param context camel context
* @param cause the cause exception
* @return the created event
EventObject createCamelContextStopFailureEvent(CamelContext context, Throwable cause);
* Creates an {@link EventObject} for Camel is stopping.
* @param context camel context
* @return the created event
EventObject createCamelContextStoppingEvent(CamelContext context);
* Creates an {@link EventObject} for Camel has been stopped successfully.
* @param context camel context
* @return the created event
EventObject createCamelContextStoppedEvent(CamelContext context);
* Creates an {@link EventObject} for a Service failed to start cleanly
* @param context camel context
* @param service the service
* @param cause the cause exception
* @return the created event
EventObject createServiceStartupFailureEvent(CamelContext context, Object service, Throwable cause);
* Creates an {@link EventObject} for a Service failed to stop cleanly
* @param context camel context
* @param service the service
* @param cause the cause exception
* @return the created event
EventObject createServiceStopFailureEvent(CamelContext context, Object service, Throwable cause);
* Creates an {@link EventObject} for {@link Route} has been started successfully.
* @param route the route
* @return the created event
EventObject createRouteStartedEvent(Route route);
* Creates an {@link EventObject} for {@link Route} has been stopped successfully.
* @param route the route
* @return the created event
EventObject createRouteStoppedEvent(Route route);
* Creates an {@link EventObject} when an {@link org.apache.camel.Exchange} has been created
* @param exchange the exchange
* @return the created event
EventObject createExchangeCreatedEvent(Exchange exchange);
* Creates an {@link EventObject} when an {@link org.apache.camel.Exchange} has been completed successfully
* @param exchange the exchange
* @return the created event
EventObject createExchangeCompletedEvent(Exchange exchange);
* Creates an {@link EventObject} when an {@link org.apache.camel.Exchange} has failed
* @param exchange the exchange
* @return the created event
EventObject createExchangeFailedEvent(Exchange exchange);
* Creates an {@link EventObject} when an {@link org.apache.camel.Exchange} has failed
* but was handled by the Camel error handlers such as an dead letter channel.
* @param exchange the exchange
* @param failureHandler the failure handler such as moving the message to a dead letter queue
* @param deadLetterChannel whether it was a dead letter channel or not handling the failure
* @return the created event
EventObject createExchangeFailureHandledEvent(Exchange exchange, Processor failureHandler, boolean deadLetterChannel);
* Creates an {@link EventObject} when an {@link org.apache.camel.Exchange} is about to be redelivered
* @param exchange the exchange
* @param attempt the current redelivery attempt (starts from 1)
* @return the created event
EventObject createExchangeRedeliveryEvent(Exchange exchange, int attempt);
* Creates an {@link EventObject} when an {@link org.apache.camel.Exchange} is about to be sent to the endpoint (eg before).
* @param exchange the exchange
* @param endpoint the destination
* @return the created event
EventObject createExchangeSendingEvent(Exchange exchange, Endpoint endpoint);
* Creates an {@link EventObject} when an {@link org.apache.camel.Exchange} has completely been sent to the endpoint (eg after).
* @param exchange the exchange
* @param endpoint the destination
* @param timeTaken time in millis taken
* @return the created event
EventObject createExchangeSentEvent(Exchange exchange, Endpoint endpoint, long timeTaken);
* Creates an {@link EventObject} for Camel is suspending.
* @param context camel context
* @return the created event
EventObject createCamelContextSuspendingEvent(CamelContext context);
* Creates an {@link EventObject} for Camel has been suspended successfully.
* @param context camel context
* @return the created event
EventObject createCamelContextSuspendedEvent(CamelContext context);
* Creates an {@link EventObject} for Camel is resuming.
* @param context camel context
* @return the created event
EventObject createCamelContextResumingEvent(CamelContext context);
* Creates an {@link EventObject} for Camel has been resumed successfully.
* @param context camel context
* @return the created event
EventObject createCamelContextResumedEvent(CamelContext context);
* Creates an {@link EventObject} for Camel failing to resume
* @param context camel context
* @param cause the cause exception
* @return the created event
EventObject createCamelContextResumeFailureEvent(CamelContext context, Throwable cause);