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=== Camel Guice
We have support for[Google Guice]
as a dependency injection framework.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their `pom.xml`
for this component:
<!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->
==== Dependency Injecting Camel with Guice
is designed to work nicely inside Guice. You then need to bind it using
some Guice Module.
The camel-guice library comes with a number of reusable Guice Modules
you can use if you wish - or you can bind the GuiceCamelContext yourself
in your own module.
is the base module which binds the GuiceCamelContext but leaves it up
you to bind the RouteBuilder instances
extends CamelModule so that in the constructor of the module you specify
the RouteBuilder classes or instances to use
extends CamelModule so that all bound RouteBuilder instances will be
injected into the CamelContext or you can supply an optional Matcher to
find RouteBuilder instances matching some kind of predicate.
So you can specify the exact xref:route-builder.adoc[RouteBuilder]
instances you want:
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new CamelModuleWithRouteTypes(MyRouteBuilder.class, AnotherRouteBuilder.class));
// if required you can lookup the CamelContext
CamelContext camelContext = injector.getInstance(CamelContext.class);
Or inject them all:
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new CamelModuleWithRouteTypes());
// if required you can lookup the CamelContext
CamelContext camelContext = injector.getInstance(CamelContext.class);
You can then use Guice in the usual way to inject the route instances or
any other dependent objects.
==== Bootstrapping with JNDI
A common pattern used in J2EE is to bootstrap your application or root
objects by looking them up in JNDI. This has long been the approach when
working with JMS for example - looking up the JMS ConnectionFactory in
JNDI for example.
You can follow a similar pattern with Guice using the[GuiceyFruit JNDI
Provider] which lets you bootstrap Guice from a `` file
which can include the Guice Modules to create along with environment
specific properties you can inject into your modules and objects.
If the `` is conflict with other component, you can
specify the jndi properties file name in the Guice Main with option `-j`
or `-jndiProperties` with the properties file location to let Guice Main
to load right jndi properties file.
==== Configuring Component, Endpoint or RouteBuilder instances
You can use Guice to dependency inject whatever objects
you need to create, be it an xref:endpoint.adoc[Endpoint],
xref:component.adoc[Component], xref:route-builder.adoc[RouteBuilder] or
arbitrary xref:bean-integration.adoc[bean used within a route].
The easiest way to do this is to create your own Guice Module class
which extends one of the above module classes and add a provider method
for each object you wish to create. A provider method is annotated with
`@Provides` as follows:
public class MyModule extends CamelModuleWithMatchingRoutes {
JmsComponent jms(@Named("activemq.brokerURL") String brokerUrl) {
return JmsComponent.jmsComponent(new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(brokerUrl));
You can optionally annotate the method with `@JndiBind` to bind the
object to JNDI at some name if the object is a component, endpoint or
bean you wish to refer to by name in your routes.
You can inject any environment specific properties (such as URLs,
machine names, usernames/passwords and so forth) from the
`` file easily using the `@Named` annotation as shown
above. This allows most of your configuration to be in Java code which
is typesafe and easily refactorable - then leaving some properties to be
environment specific (the `` file) which you can then
change based on development, testing, production, etc.
==== Creating multiple RouteBuilder instances per type
It is sometimes useful to create multiple instances of a particular
xref:route-builder.adoc[RouteBuilder] with different configurations.
To do this just create multiple provider methods for each configuration;
or create a single provider method that returns a collection of
RouteBuilder instances.
For example:
import org.apache.camel.guice.CamelModuleWithMatchingRoutes;
public class MyModule extends CamelModuleWithMatchingRoutes {
Collection<RouteBuilder> foo(@Named("fooUrl") String fooUrl) {
return Lists.newArrayList(new MyRouteBuilder(fooUrl), new MyRouteBuilder("activemq:CheeseQueue"));
==== See Also
* There are a number of xref:examples.adoc[Examples] you can look at to
see Guice and Camel being used such as xref:guice-jms-example.adoc[Guice
JMS Example]
* xref:guice-maven-plugin.adoc[Guice Maven Plugin] for running your
Guice based routes via Maven