blob: 260efb8290ac5eb3f8fda531e30c14e23b063011 [file] [log] [blame]
=== Delay Interceptor
*Available in Camel 1.5*
The Delay interceptor is an route interceptor that is used for slowing
processing of messages down. This allows you to enable this interceptor
and set a fixed amount of delay between each step a message passes in
the route path, to show how things is happening nice and slowly, so you
are not bombarded with a zillion lines of logging output.
The delay interceptor can be configured as follows:
* setting the delay attribute in the spring camelContext tag.
* adding the delay interceptor to the CamelContext in Java code.
==== Configuring using Spring
Just set the delay attribute of the camelContext tag as shown below:
<camelContext id="camel" delayer="500" xmlns="">
<from uri="direct:start"/>
<to uri="mock:result"/>
==== Configuring using Java
You can add the delayer interceptor in the RouteBulder:
==== Granularity
In *Camel 2.0* you can configure it on both camel context and per route
as you like. Per route will override the camel context setting. +
For example the route below is only the first route that has a delayer
with 200 millis.
<camelContext ...>
<route delayer="200">
==== See Also
* Tracer
* xref:debugger.adoc[Debugger]