blob: 1a6ffb45ebd7420aa7603760743ae923b52224ef [file] [log] [blame]
== Constant Language
*Available as of Camel version 1.5*
The Constant Expression Language is really just a way to specify
constant strings as a type of expression.
NOTE: This is a fixed constant value that is only set once during starting up the route,
do not use this if you want dynamic values during routing.
=== Constant Options
// language options: START
The Constant language supports 1 options, which are listed below.
| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
| trim | true | Boolean | Whether to trim the value to remove leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks
// language options: END
=== Example usage
The setHeader element of the Spring DSL can utilize a constant
expression like:
<from uri="seda:a"/>
<setHeader name="theHeader">
<constant>the value</constant>
<to uri="mock:b"/>
in this case, the Message coming from the seda:a
Endpoint will have 'theHeader' header set to the
constant value 'the value'.
And the same example using Java DSL:
.setHeader("theHeader", constant("the value"))
=== Loading constant from external resource
You can externalize the constant and have Camel load it from a resource
such as `"classpath:"`, `"file:"`, or `"http:"`. +
This is done using the following syntax: `"resource:scheme:location"`,
eg to refer to a file on the classpath you can do:
=== Dependencies
The Constant language is part of *camel-core*.