blob: 14e6d076a6beb9f5b7004f2c85b24a1b4247fc5b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.camel.component.soroushbot.component;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.camel.Consumer;
import org.apache.camel.Processor;
import org.apache.camel.Producer;
import org.apache.camel.component.soroushbot.models.SoroushAction;
import org.apache.camel.component.soroushbot.models.SoroushMessage;
import org.apache.camel.component.soroushbot.models.response.UploadFileResponse;
import org.apache.camel.component.soroushbot.service.SoroushService;
import org.apache.camel.component.soroushbot.utils.BackOffStrategy;
import org.apache.camel.component.soroushbot.utils.ExponentialBackOffStrategy;
import org.apache.camel.component.soroushbot.utils.FixedBackOffStrategy;
import org.apache.camel.component.soroushbot.utils.LinearBackOffStrategy;
import org.apache.camel.component.soroushbot.utils.MaximumConnectionRetryReachedException;
import org.apache.camel.component.soroushbot.utils.SoroushException;
import org.apache.camel.component.soroushbot.utils.StringUtils;
import org.apache.camel.spi.Metadata;
import org.apache.camel.spi.UriEndpoint;
import org.apache.camel.spi.UriParam;
import org.apache.camel.spi.UriPath;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* To integrate with the Soroush chat bot.
@UriEndpoint(firstVersion = "3.0", scheme = "soroush", title = "Soroush", syntax = "soroush:action/authorizationToken", label = "chat")
public class SoroushBotEndpoint extends DefaultEndpoint {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SoroushBotEndpoint.class);
@UriPath(name = "action", description = "The action to do.")
@Metadata(required = true)
private SoroushAction action;
@UriParam(label = "common,security", description = "The authorization token for using"
+ " the bot. if uri path does not contain authorization token, this token will be used.", secret = true)
private String authorizationToken;
@UriParam(label = "common", description = "Connection timeout in ms when connecting to soroush API", defaultValue = "30000")
private int connectionTimeout = 30000;
@UriParam(label = "common", description = "Maximum connection retry when fail to connect to soroush API, if the quota is reached,"
+ " `MaximumConnectionRetryReachedException` is thrown for that message.", defaultValue = "4")
private int maxConnectionRetry = 4;
@UriParam(label = "consumer", description = "Number of Thread created by consumer in the route."
+ " if you use this method for parallelism, it is guaranteed that messages from same user always execute in the same"
+ " thread and therefore messages from the same user are processed sequentially", defaultValue = "1",
defaultValueNote = "using SoroushBotSingleThreadConsumer")
private int concurrentConsumers = 1;
@UriParam(label = "consumer", description = "Maximum capacity of each queue when `concurrentConsumers` is greater than 1."
+ " if a queue become full, every message that should go to that queue will be dropped. If `bridgeErrorHandler`"
+ " is set to `true`, an exchange with `CongestionException` is directed to ErrorHandler. You can then processed the"
+ " error using `onException(CongestionException.class)` route", defaultValue = "0", defaultValueNote = "infinite capacity")
private int queueCapacityPerThread;
@UriParam(label = "producer", description = "Automatically upload attachments when a message goes to the sendMessage endpoint "
+ "and the `SoroushMessage.file` (`SoroushMessage.thumbnail`) has been set and `SoroushMessage.fileUrl`(`SoroushMessage.thumbnailUrl`) is null",
defaultValue = "true")
private boolean autoUploadFile = true;
@UriParam(label = "producer", description = "Force to upload `SoroushMessage.file`(`SoroushMessage.thumbnail`) if exists, even if the "
+ "`SoroushMessage.fileUrl`(`SoroushMessage.thumbnailUrl`) is not null in the message", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean forceUpload;
@UriParam(label = "producer", description = "If true, when downloading an attached file, thumbnail will be downloaded if provided in the message."
+ " Otherwise, only the file will be downloaded ", defaultValue = "true")
private boolean downloadThumbnail = true;
@UriParam(label = "producer", description = "Force to download `SoroushMessage.fileUrl`(`SoroushMessage.thumbnailUrl`)"
+ " if exists, even if the `SoroushMessage.file`(`SoroushMessage.thumbnail`) was not null in that message",
defaultValue = "false")
private boolean forceDownload;
@UriParam(label = "producer", description = "Automatically download `SoroushMessage.fileUrl` and `SoroushMessage.thumbnailUrl` "
+ "if exists for the message and store them in `SoroushMessage.file` and `SoroushMessage.thumbnail` field ",
defaultValue = "false")
private boolean autoDownload;
@UriParam(label = "scheduling", description = "Waiting time before retry failed request (Millisecond)."
+ " If backOffStrategy is not Fixed this is the based value for computing back off waiting time."
+ " the first retry is always happen immediately after failure and retryWaitingTime do not apply to the first retry.",
defaultValue = "1000")
private long retryWaitingTime = 1000L;
@UriParam(label = "scheduling", description = "The strategy to backoff in case of connection failure. Currently 3 strategies are supported:"
+ " 1. `Exponential` (default): It multiply `retryWaitingTime` by `retryExponentialCoefficient` after each connection failure."
+ " 2. `Linear`: It increase `retryWaitingTime` by `retryLinearIncrement` after each connection failure."
+ " 3. `Fixed`: Always use `retryWaitingTime` as the time between retries.",
defaultValue = "Exponential")
private String backOffStrategy = "Exponential";
@UriParam(label = "scheduling", description = "Coefficient to compute back off time when using `Exponential` Back Off strategy", defaultValue = "2")
private long retryExponentialCoefficient = 2L;
@UriParam(label = "scheduling", description = "The amount of time (in millisecond) which adds to waiting time when using `Linear` back off strategy", defaultValue = "10000")
private long retryLinearIncrement = 10000L;
@UriParam(label = "scheduling", description = "Maximum amount of time (in millisecond) a thread wait before retrying failed request.",
defaultValue = "3600000")
private long maxRetryWaitingTime = 3600000L;
@UriParam(label = "scheduling", description = "The timeout in millisecond to reconnect the existing getMessage connection"
+ " to ensure that the connection is always live and does not dead without notifying the bot. this value should not be changed.",
defaultValue = "300000")
private long reconnectIdleConnectionTimeout = 5 * 60 * 1000;
* lazy instance of {@link WebTarget} to used for uploading file to soroush Server, since the url is always the same, we reuse this WebTarget for all requests
private WebTarget uploadFileTarget;
* lazy instance of webTarget to used for send message to soroush Server, since the url is always the same, we reuse this WebTarget for all requests
private WebTarget sendMessageTarget;
private BackOffStrategy backOffStrategyHelper;
public SoroushBotEndpoint(String endpointUri, SoroushBotComponent component) {
super(endpointUri, component);
* @return supported Soroush endpoint as string to display in error.
private String getSupportedEndpointAsString() {
return "[" + String.join(", ", getSupportedEndpoint().stream().map(SoroushAction::value).collect(Collectors.toList())) + "]";
* @return supported Soroush endpoint by this component which is all Soroush Bot API
private List<SoroushAction> getSupportedEndpoint() {
return Arrays.asList(SoroushAction.values());
* Sets the remaining configuration parameters available in the URI.
* @param remaining the URI part after the scheme
* @param defaultAuthorizationToken the default authorization token to use if not present in the URI
* @param uri full uri
void updatePathConfiguration(String remaining, String defaultAuthorizationToken, String uri) {
List<String> pathParts;
if (remaining == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected URI format. Expected soroush://" + getSupportedEndpointAsString() + "[/<authorizationToken>][?options]', found " + uri);
pathParts = Arrays.asList(remaining.split("/"));
for (int i = pathParts.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (pathParts.get(i).trim().isEmpty()) {
if (pathParts.size() > 2 || pathParts.size() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected URI format. Expected soroush://" + getSupportedEndpointAsString() + "[/<authorizationToken>][?options]', found " + uri);
for (SoroushAction supported : getSupportedEndpoint()) {
if (supported.value().equals(pathParts.get(0))) {
action = supported;
if (action == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected URI format. Expected soroush://" + getSupportedEndpointAsString() + "[/<authorizationToken>][?options]', found " + uri);
if (this.authorizationToken == null) {
String authorizationToken = defaultAuthorizationToken;
if (pathParts.size() > 1) {
authorizationToken = pathParts.get(1);
this.authorizationToken = authorizationToken;
if (authorizationToken == null || authorizationToken.trim().isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The authorization token must be provided and cannot be empty");
* check and fix invalid value in uri parameter.
void normalizeConfiguration() {
if (reconnectIdleConnectionTimeout <= 0) {
reconnectIdleConnectionTimeout = 5 * 60 * 1000;
connectionTimeout = Math.max(0, connectionTimeout);
maxConnectionRetry = Math.max(0, maxConnectionRetry);
retryExponentialCoefficient = Math.max(1, retryExponentialCoefficient);
retryLinearIncrement = Math.max(0, retryLinearIncrement);
if (backOffStrategy.equalsIgnoreCase("fixed")) {
backOffStrategyHelper = new FixedBackOffStrategy(retryWaitingTime, maxRetryWaitingTime);
} else if (backOffStrategy.equalsIgnoreCase("linear")) {
backOffStrategyHelper = new LinearBackOffStrategy(retryWaitingTime, retryLinearIncrement, maxRetryWaitingTime);
} else {
backOffStrategyHelper = new ExponentialBackOffStrategy(retryWaitingTime, retryExponentialCoefficient, maxRetryWaitingTime);
* create producer based on uri {@link SoroushAction}
* @return created producer
public Producer createProducer() {
if (action == SoroushAction.sendMessage) {
return new SoroushBotSendMessageProducer(this);
if (action == SoroushAction.uploadFile) {
return new SoroushBotUploadFileProducer(this);
if (action == SoroushAction.downloadFile) {
return new SoroushBotDownloadFileProducer(this);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("only [" + SoroushAction.sendMessage + ", " + SoroushAction.downloadFile + ", " + SoroushAction.uploadFile
+ "] supported for producer(from) and process");
* create consumer based on concurrentConsumers value,
* if concurrentConsumers is greater than 1,
* we use {@link SoroushBotMultiThreadConsumer} that use a thread pool in order to process exchanges.
* the consumer use multiple queue to ensure that every message from a same user
* goes to the same thread and therefore every message from the same user will be processed in the order of arrival time.
* <p>
* if concurrentConsumers is lower than 2 then we use {@link SoroushBotSingleThreadConsumer} that process all received message
* in the order of their arrival time.
* @param processor processor
* @return consumer
public Consumer createConsumer(Processor processor) throws Exception {
Consumer consumer;
if (action != SoroushAction.getMessage) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("only " + SoroushAction.getMessage + " support for consumer(from)");
if (concurrentConsumers < 2) {
consumer = new SoroushBotSingleThreadConsumer(this, processor);
return consumer;
} else {
consumer = new SoroushBotMultiThreadConsumer(this, processor);
//configure consumer using method available by DefaultConsumer
return consumer;
public boolean isSingleton() {
return true;
* create a {@link WebTarget} that could be used to download file from soroush based on {@link SoroushBotEndpoint#authorizationToken},
* {@link SoroushBotEndpoint#connectionTimeout} and {@code fileUrl} (fileId)
* @param fileUrl fileId to download
* @return WebTarget
private WebTarget getDownloadFileTarget(String fileUrl) {
return SoroushService.get().createDownloadFileTarget(authorizationToken, fileUrl, connectionTimeout);
* return the lazily created instance of {@link SoroushBotEndpoint#uploadFileTarget} to used for uploading file to soroush.
private WebTarget getUploadFileTarget() {
if (uploadFileTarget == null) {
synchronized (this) {
if (uploadFileTarget == null) {
uploadFileTarget = SoroushService.get().createUploadFileTarget(authorizationToken, connectionTimeout);
return uploadFileTarget;
* return the lazily created instance of {@link SoroushBotEndpoint#sendMessageTarget} to used for sending message to soroush.
WebTarget getSendMessageTarget() {
if (sendMessageTarget == null) {
synchronized (this) {
if (sendMessageTarget == null) {
sendMessageTarget = SoroushService.get().createSendMessageTarget(authorizationToken, connectionTimeout);
return sendMessageTarget;
public SoroushAction getAction() {
return action;
public void setAction(SoroushAction action) {
this.action = action;
public String getAuthorizationToken() {
return authorizationToken;
public void setAuthorizationToken(String authorizationToken) {
this.authorizationToken = authorizationToken;
public int getConnectionTimeout() {
return connectionTimeout;
public void setConnectionTimeout(int connectionTimeout) {
this.connectionTimeout = connectionTimeout;
public int getMaxConnectionRetry() {
return maxConnectionRetry;
public void setMaxConnectionRetry(int maxConnectionRetry) {
this.maxConnectionRetry = maxConnectionRetry;
public int getConcurrentConsumers() {
return concurrentConsumers;
public void setConcurrentConsumers(int concurrentConsumers) {
this.concurrentConsumers = concurrentConsumers;
public int getQueueCapacityPerThread() {
return queueCapacityPerThread;
public void setQueueCapacityPerThread(int queueCapacityPerThread) {
this.queueCapacityPerThread = queueCapacityPerThread;
public boolean isAutoUploadFile() {
return autoUploadFile;
public void setAutoUploadFile(boolean autoUploadFile) {
this.autoUploadFile = autoUploadFile;
public boolean isForceUpload() {
return forceUpload;
public void setForceUpload(boolean forceUpload) {
this.forceUpload = forceUpload;
public boolean isDownloadThumbnail() {
return downloadThumbnail;
public void setDownloadThumbnail(boolean downloadThumbnail) {
this.downloadThumbnail = downloadThumbnail;
public boolean isForceDownload() {
return forceDownload;
public void setForceDownload(boolean forceDownload) {
this.forceDownload = forceDownload;
public boolean isAutoDownload() {
return autoDownload;
public void setAutoDownload(boolean autoDownload) {
this.autoDownload = autoDownload;
public long getRetryWaitingTime() {
return retryWaitingTime;
public void setRetryWaitingTime(long retryWaitingTime) {
this.retryWaitingTime = retryWaitingTime;
public String getBackOffStrategy() {
return backOffStrategy;
public void setBackOffStrategy(String backOffStrategy) {
this.backOffStrategy = backOffStrategy;
public long getRetryExponentialCoefficient() {
return retryExponentialCoefficient;
public void setRetryExponentialCoefficient(long retryExponentialCoefficient) {
this.retryExponentialCoefficient = retryExponentialCoefficient;
public long getRetryLinearIncrement() {
return retryLinearIncrement;
public void setRetryLinearIncrement(long retryLinearIncrement) {
this.retryLinearIncrement = retryLinearIncrement;
public long getMaxRetryWaitingTime() {
return maxRetryWaitingTime;
public void setMaxRetryWaitingTime(long maxRetryWaitingTime) {
this.maxRetryWaitingTime = maxRetryWaitingTime;
public long getReconnectIdleConnectionTimeout() {
return reconnectIdleConnectionTimeout;
public void setReconnectIdleConnectionTimeout(long reconnectIdleConnectionTimeout) {
this.reconnectIdleConnectionTimeout = reconnectIdleConnectionTimeout;
public void setUploadFileTarget(WebTarget uploadFileTarget) {
this.uploadFileTarget = uploadFileTarget;
public void setSendMessageTarget(WebTarget sendMessageTarget) {
this.sendMessageTarget = sendMessageTarget;
public BackOffStrategy getBackOffStrategyHelper() {
return backOffStrategyHelper;
public void setBackOffStrategyHelper(BackOffStrategy backOffStrategyHelper) {
this.backOffStrategyHelper = backOffStrategyHelper;
* try to upload an inputStream to server
private UploadFileResponse uploadToServer(InputStream inputStream, SoroushMessage message, String fileType) throws SoroushException, InterruptedException { response;
//this for handle connection retry if sending request failed.
for (int count = 0; count <= maxConnectionRetry; count++) {
MultiPart multipart = new MultiPart();
multipart.bodyPart(new StreamDataBodyPart("file", inputStream, null, MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE));
try {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("try to upload " + fileType + " for the " + StringUtils.ordinal(count + 1) + " time for message:" + message);
response = getUploadFileTarget().request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE)
.post(Entity.entity(multipart, multipart.getMediaType()));
return SoroushService.get().assertSuccessful(response, UploadFileResponse.class, message);
} catch (IOException | ProcessingException ex) {
//if maximum connection retry reached, abort sending the request.
if (count == maxConnectionRetry) {
throw new MaximumConnectionRetryReachedException("uploading " + fileType + " for message " + message + " failed. Maximum retry limit reached!"
+ " aborting upload file and send message", ex, message);
if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
LOG.warn("uploading " + fileType + " for message " + message + " failed", ex);
LOG.error("should never reach this line of code because maxConnectionRetry is greater than -1 and at least the above for must execute single time and");
//for backup
throw new MaximumConnectionRetryReachedException("uploading " + fileType + " for message " + message + " failed. Maximum retry limit reached! aborting "
+ "upload file and send message", message);
* check if {@link SoroushMessage#file} or {@link SoroushMessage#thumbnail} is populated and upload them to the server.
* after that it set {@link SoroushMessage#fileUrl} and {@link SoroushMessage#thumbnailUrl} to appropriate value
* @throws SoroushException if soroush reject the file
void handleFileUpload(SoroushMessage message) throws SoroushException, InterruptedException {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("try to upload file(s) to server if exists for message:" + message.toString());
InputStream file = message.getFile();
if (file != null && (message.getFileUrl() == null || forceUpload)) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("uploading file to server for message: " + message);
UploadFileResponse response = uploadToServer(file, message, "file");
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("uploaded file url is: " + response.getFileUrl() + " for message: " + message);
InputStream thumbnail = message.getThumbnail();
if (thumbnail != null && message.getThumbnailUrl() == null) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("uploading thumbnail to server for message: " + message);
UploadFileResponse response = uploadToServer(thumbnail, message, "thumbnail");
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("uploaded thumbnail url is: " + response.getFileUrl() + " for message: " + message);
* check whether {@link SoroushMessage#fileUrl}({@link SoroushMessage#thumbnailUrl}) is null or not, and download the resource if it is not null
* this function only set {@link SoroushMessage#file} to {@link InputStream} get from {@link Response#readEntity(Class)} )}
* and does not store the resource in file.
* @throws SoroushException if the file does not exists on soroush or soroush reject the request
public void handleDownloadFiles(SoroushMessage message) throws SoroushException {
if (message.getFileUrl() != null && (message.getFile() == null || forceDownload)) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("downloading file from server for message: " + message);
InputStream inputStream = downloadFromServer(message.getFileUrl(), message, "file");
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("file successfully downloaded for message: " + message);
if (downloadThumbnail && message.getThumbnailUrl() != null && (message.getThumbnail() == null || forceDownload)) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("downloading thumbnail from server for message: " + message);
InputStream inputStream = downloadFromServer(message.getThumbnailUrl(), message, "thumbnail");
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("thumbnail successfully downloaded for message: " + message);
* download the resource stored with the key {@code fileUrl} from Soroush Server.
* other parameters are used only for logging.
* @throws SoroushException if soroush reject the request
private InputStream downloadFromServer(String fileUrl, SoroushMessage message, String type) throws SoroushException {
Response response = null;
for (int i = 0; i <= maxConnectionRetry; i++) {
WebTarget target = getDownloadFileTarget(fileUrl);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
if (i != 0) {
LOG.debug("retry downloading " + type + ": " + fileUrl + " for the " + StringUtils.ordinal(i) + " time");
LOG.debug("try to download " + type + ": " + fileUrl + " with url: " + target.getUri() + "\nfor message: " + message);
try {
response = target.request().get();
return SoroushService.get().assertSuccessful(response, InputStream.class, message);
} catch (IOException | ProcessingException ex) {
if (i == maxConnectionRetry) {
throw new MaximumConnectionRetryReachedException("maximum connection retry reached for " + type + ": " + fileUrl, ex, message);
if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
LOG.warn("can not download " + type + ": " + fileUrl + " from soroush. Response code is", ex);
//should never reach this line
LOG.error("should never reach this line. An exception should have been thrown by catch block for target.request().get");
throw new MaximumConnectionRetryReachedException("can not upload " + type + ": " + fileUrl + " response:" + ((response == null) ? null : response.getStatus()), message);
public void waitBeforeRetry(int retryCount) throws InterruptedException {