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= Messaging Gateway
Camel supports the[Messaging Gateway]
from the xref:enterprise-integration-patterns.adoc[EIP patterns] book.
How do you encapsulate access to the messaging system from the rest of the application?
Use a Messaging Gateway, a class than wraps messaging-specific method calls and exposes domain-specific methods to the application.
Camel has several endpoint components that support the Messaging Gateway from the EIP patterns.
Components like xref:components::bean-component.adoc[Bean] and xref:components::bean-component.adoc[CXF] provide a a way
to bind a Java interface to the message exchange.
Another approach is to use `@Produce` annotations which you can read about in xref:pojo-producing.adoc[POJO Producing]
which also can be used as a Messaging Gateway EIP solution.