blob: 49e2d0c90c62b1ed7a58d0fba99103e987bec473 [file] [log] [blame]
Camel Spring Web Services Example
This example shows how to expose a SOAP-based web service using Camel and Spring Web Services.
It can be run using Maven.
The web service endpoint address is:
The WSDL is available at:
You will need to compile this example first:
mvn clean install
To run the example, you need to start up the server by typing
mvn jetty:run
To stop the server hit ctrl + c
You can test the web service using for example SOAP-UI. This excellent tool is freely available from
There's a ready to use SOAP-UI project available in the "client" directory.
This example is documented at
If you hit any problems please talk to us on the Camel Forums
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may have.
The Camel riders!