blob: 4107a9705ea4d86618682ad7b59926d4d8164c72 [file] [log] [blame]
style (anything that could affect painting)
- backgroundColor
* backgroundImage
* color
- font
- noClip
- display (show, block, inline, none; not laid out and not painted)
- visibility (visible, hidden; laid out but not painted)
- defaultSize (used by SplitPanel, HorizontalTree)
- border
- backgroundColorOdd (used by List, HorizontalTree)
- scrollTopImage (used by ScrollBar)
- scrollMiddleImage (used by ScrollBar)
- scrollBottomImage (used by ScrollBar)
- scrollHandleTopImage (used by ScrollBar)
- scrollHandleMiddleImage (used by ScrollBar)
- scrollHandleBottomImage (used by ScrollBar)
attributes (not related to painting)
- regions (used by SplitPanel)
- size (% or px)
- contents (component)
- orientation (TH.HORIZONTAL, TH.VERTICAL; used by SplitPanel, Splitter)
- text (used by Label)
- dragstart (fired by ResizeNib, Splitter; start position)
- dragstop (fired by ResizeNib, Splitter; startPos, currentPos)
- drag (fired by ResizeNib, Splitter; startPos, currentPos)