blob: a232c31f5ea29290a63e1074757bfd3b74d0fabb [file] [log] [blame]
Camel will use JNDI as the default xref:registry.adoc[Registry]
implementation if you do not use xref:components::spring.adoc[Spring]. This means
that using a DefaultCamelContext will try and create a[JndiRegistry]
which uses the JNDI InitialContext as the registry.
This means you need to configure some JNDI provider to be able to use
this. This is described in this
xref:faq/exception-javaxnamingnoinitialcontextexception.adoc[FAQ entry],
but essentially you just need to create a file called `` on
the classpath and configure it with the JNDI provider you wish.
You can use the Camel JNDI provider by using the following
`` file:
java.naming.factory.initial = org.apache.camel.util.jndi.CamelInitialContextFactory