blob: 6f64c4b6842d0bcf6cfd782ade5c2bc68ffa258b [file] [log] [blame]
= Debugger
*Available as of Camel 2.6*
Camel Debugger is much related to
Tracer, in fact they are sisters. Debugger is a
enhanced tracer with a debugger framework so that tooling can be
developed to easily monitor Camel routes, trace messages and set
breakpoints at points in a route etc.
TIP:There is also a BacklogDebugger which allows
to debug from JMX, and 3rd party tooling.
== About the Debugger
The Debugger allows tooling or the likes to attach breakpoints which is
being invoked when Exchanges is being routed.
== Default implementation
Camel provides a default implementation
`org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultDebugger` which you can set on the
`CamelContext` using the `setDebugger` method. +
Likewise you can get hold of the Debugger using the
`getDebugger` method on `CamelContext`.
The `org.apache.camel.spi.Debugger` has methods to attach and remove
breakpoints. And to suspend/resume all breakpoints etc. +
You can also attach a condition to the breakpoint so it only reacts if
the condition matches.
== Easily debugging Camel routes from `camel-test`
If you are developing unit tests using the `camel-test` component, then
the Debugger comes out of the box. +
From *Camel 2.9* onwards you would need to explicit enable the
debugger, by overriding `isUseDebugger()` method and return `true`.
=== Example
In this unit test
public class DebugTest extends CamelTestSupport
We want to debug the following route
protected RouteBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception {
return new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() throws Exception {
// this is the route we want to debug
.transform(body().prepend("Hello "))
Which can easily done by overriding the `debugBefore` method as shown
public boolean isUseDebugger() {
// must enable debugger
return true;
protected void debugBefore(Exchange exchange, Processor processor,
ProcessorDefinition<?> definition, String id, String shortName) {
// this method is invoked before we are about to enter the given processor
// from your Java editor you can just add a breakpoint in the code line below"Before " + definition + " with body " + exchange.getIn().getBody());
Then from your Java editor just add a breakpoint inside the
`debugBefore` method. Then fire up the unit test and wait for the Java
editor to hit the breakpoint. Then you can inspect the
Exchange during debugging while it advances during
routing. The `ProcessorDefinition` and the `id` and `shortName`
parameters is all information which tells you where in the route the
breakpoint was hit.
TIP:There is also a `debugAfter` method which is invoked after the processor
has been invoked. This allows you to _see_ what happens to the
Exchange right after it has invoked a processor in
the route.
The screenshot below shows the Debugger in action.
The IDE (IDEA) has hit the breakpoint and we can inspect the
parameters. +
Notice how we can see that the message is to be send to the "mock:a"