blob: 17351d6faf3745f12e67e5d9ac56700ec327b4e9 [file] [log] [blame]
*Available as of Camel 2.10*[Leveldb] is a very lightweight and
embedable key value database. It allows together with Camel to provide
persistent support for various Camel features such as
Current features it provides:
* LevelDBAggregationRepository
Using LevelDBAggregationRepository
`LevelDBAggregationRepository` is an `AggregationRepository` which on
the fly persists the aggregated messages. This ensures that you will not
loose messages, as the default aggregator will use an in memory only
It has the following options:
|Option |Type |Description
|`repositoryName` |String |A mandatory repository name. Allows you to use a shared `LevelDBFile`
for multiple repositories.
|`persistentFileName` |String |Filename for the persistent storage. If no file exists on startup a new
file is created.
|`levelDBFile` |LevelDBFile |Use an existing configured
`org.apache.camel.component.leveldb.LevelDBFile` instance.
|`sync` |boolean |*Camel 2.12:* Whether or not the LevelDBFile should sync on write or
not. Default is false. By sync on write ensures that its always waiting
for all writes to be spooled to disk and thus will not loose updates.
See[LevelDB docs]
for more details about async vs sync writes.
|`returnOldExchange` |boolean |Whether the get operation should return the old existing Exchange if any
existed. By default this option is `false` to optimize as we do not need
the old exchange when aggregating.
|`useRecovery` |boolean |Whether or not recovery is enabled. This option is by default `true`.
When enabled the Camel link:aggregator2.html[Aggregator] automatic
recover failed aggregated exchange and have them resubmitted.
|`recoveryInterval` |long |If recovery is enabled then a background task is run every x'th time to
scan for failed exchanges to recover and resubmit. By default this
interval is 5000 millis.
|`maximumRedeliveries` |int |Allows you to limit the maximum number of redelivery attempts for a
recovered exchange. If enabled then the Exchange will be moved to the
dead letter channel if all redelivery attempts failed. By default this
option is disabled. If this option is used then the `deadLetterUri`
option must also be provided.
|`deadLetterUri` |String |An endpoint uri for a link:dead-letter-channel.html[Dead Letter Channel]
where exhausted recovered Exchanges will be moved. If this option is
used then the `maximumRedeliveries` option must also be provided.
The `repositoryName` option must be provided. Then either the
`persistentFileName` or the `levelDBFile` must be provided.
What is preserved when persisting
`LevelDBAggregationRepository` will only preserve any `Serializable`
compatible message body data types. Message headers must be primitive /
string / numbers / etc. If a data type is not such a type its dropped
and a `WARN` is logged. And it only persists the `Message` body and the
`Message` headers. The `Exchange` properties are *not* persisted.
The `LevelDBAggregationRepository` will by default recover any failed
link:exchange.html[Exchange]. It does this by having a background tasks
that scans for failed link:exchange.html[Exchange]s in the persistent
store. You can use the `checkInterval` option to set how often this task
runs. The recovery works as transactional which ensures that Camel will
try to recover and redeliver the failed link:exchange.html[Exchange].
Any link:exchange.html[Exchange] which was found to be recovered will be
restored from the persistent store and resubmitted and send out again.
The following headers is set when an link:exchange.html[Exchange] is
being recovered/redelivered:
|Header |Type |Description
|`Exchange.REDELIVERED` |Boolean |Is set to true to indicate the link:exchange.html[Exchange] is being
|`Exchange.REDELIVERY_COUNTER` |Integer |The redelivery attempt, starting from 1.
Only when an link:exchange.html[Exchange] has been successfully
processed it will be marked as complete which happens when the `confirm`
method is invoked on the `AggregationRepository`. This means if the same
link:exchange.html[Exchange] fails again it will be kept retried until
it success.
You can use option `maximumRedeliveries` to limit the maximum number of
redelivery attempts for a given recovered link:exchange.html[Exchange].
You must also set the `deadLetterUri` option so Camel knows where to
send the link:exchange.html[Exchange] when the `maximumRedeliveries` was
You can see some examples in the unit tests of camel-leveldb, for
Using LevelDBAggregationRepository in Java DSL
In this example we want to persist aggregated messages in the
`target/data/leveldb.dat` file.
Using LevelDBAggregationRepository in Spring XML
The same example but using Spring XML instead:
To use link:leveldb.html[LevelDB] in your camel routes you need to add
the a dependency on *camel-leveldb*.
If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml,
substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see
link:download.html[the download page for the latest versions]).
See Also
* link:configuring-camel.html[Configuring Camel]
* link:component.html[Component]
* link:endpoint.html[Endpoint]
* link:getting-started.html[Getting Started]
* link:aggregator2.html[Aggregator]
* link:hawtdb.html[HawtDB]
* link:components.html[Components]