blob: 5ccbeeefdbdc5a949efee5cc2949bf5a6fbb45dd [file] [log] [blame]
== CM SMS Gateway Component
*Available as of Camel version 2.18*
*Camel-Cm-Sms* is an[Apache Camel] component
for the [CM SMS Gateway](
It allows to integrate[CM SMS API]in an application as a camel component.
You must have a valid account. More information are available at[CM Telecom].
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component:
 <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->
### Options
// component options: START
The CM SMS Gateway component has no options.
// component options: END
// endpoint options: START
The CM SMS Gateway endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
==== Path Parameters (1 parameters):
| Name | Description | Default | Type
| *host* | *Required* SMS Provider HOST with scheme | | String
==== Query Parameters (5 parameters):
| Name | Description | Default | Type
| *defaultFrom* (producer) | This is the sender name. The maximum length is 11 characters. | | String
| *defaultMaxNumberOfParts* (producer) | If it is a multipart message forces the max number. Message can be truncated. Technically the gateway will first check if a message is larger than 160 characters if so the message will be cut into multiple 153 characters parts limited by these parameters. | 8 | int
| *productToken* (producer) | *Required* The unique token to use | | String
| *testConnectionOnStartup* (producer) | Whether to test the connection to the SMS Gateway on startup | false | boolean
| *synchronous* (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be strictly used or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if supported). | false | boolean
// endpoint options: END
### Sample
You can try[this project] to see how camel-cm-sms can be integrated in a camel route.