Camel-AWS2-STS: Added example for pojoRequest
diff --git a/components/camel-aws2-sts/src/main/docs/aws2-sts-component.adoc b/components/camel-aws2-sts/src/main/docs/aws2-sts-component.adoc
index c1ef0ef..58a2733 100644
--- a/components/camel-aws2-sts/src/main/docs/aws2-sts-component.adoc
+++ b/components/camel-aws2-sts/src/main/docs/aws2-sts-component.adoc
@@ -132,6 +132,19 @@
 If it's the only instance of that type it will be used as client and you won't have to define it as uri parameter.
 This may be really useful for smarter configuration of the endpoint.
+== Using a POJO as body
+Sometimes build an AWS Request can be complex, because of multiple options. We introduce the possibility to use a POJO as body.
+In AWS STS, as example for Assume Role request, you can do something like:
+     .setBody(AssumeRoleRequest.builder().roleArn("arn:123").roleSessionName("groot").build())
+    .to("aws2-sts://test?stsClient=#amazonSTSClient&operation=assumeRole&pojoRequest=true")
+In this way you'll pass the request directly without the need of passing headers and options specifically related to this operation.
 == Dependencies
 Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml.