blob: 7befeae5cd771f486382ad82e7c8b803bfd08f7f [file] [log] [blame]
{{ partial "header.html" . }}
<header class="frontpage">
<div class="main-heading">
<h1>Apache Camel</h1>
Camel is an Open Source integration framework that empowers you
to quickly and easily integrate various systems consuming or producing data.
<a class="button dark" href="/manual/getting-started.html">Get Started</a> <a class="button light" href="/manual/faq/what-is-camel.html">What is Camel?</a>
<img alt="Computer with gears depicting data processing" src="./img/camel-gears.svg" />
<div class="frontpage news">
<h2>What's New?</h2>
<section class="frontpage columns blog-posts">
{{with .Site.GetPage "section" "blog"}}
{{range .Pages | first 3}}
<li class="blog-post">
<time datetime="{{ dateFormat "2006-01-02" .PublishDate }}" class="date">
<data class="day">
{{ dateFormat "2" .PublishDate }}
<data class="month">
{{ dateFormat "Jan" .PublishDate }}
{{ dateFormat "2006" .PublishDate }}
<div class="content">
<h2>{{ .Title }}</h2>
<p>{{ .Params.preview }}... <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">Read More</a></p>
{{ .Content }}
{{ partial "footer.html" . }}