blob: 4454271ab85e452ffa2452690b2a0eb07784fb59 [file] [log] [blame]
<h2 id="maven"><a class="anchor" href="#maven"></a>Getting the Binaries using Maven</h2>
<p>To use this release in your <a href="">Apache Maven</a> <code>pom.xml</code>, import the Camel Bill of Materials (BOM) and then include the <code>camel-core</code> and any other components needed without specifying the version.</p>
<p><mark>Note:</mark> <code>camel-bom</code> is available from Camel 2.20.0 onward.</p>
<p>Replace the <code>COMPONENT</code> with the artifact outlined in the <a href="/components/latest/">component documentation</a></p>
<pre><code>{{ htmlUnescape (printf `<dependencyManagement>
` .Params.version) }}</code></pre>
<p>To use this release in a Spring Boot application, use the <code>camel-spring-boot-dependencies</code> Bill of Materials (BOM):
<p><mark>Note:</mark> for Camel 3.0.0 and newer releases the <code>groupId</code> for Camel Spring Boot support changed from <code>org.apache.camel</code> to <code>org.apache.camel.springbooot</code>, so be sure to check that the appropriate <code>groupId</code> is used for the Camel version.</p>
<p><mark>Note:</mark> for Camel 3.8.0 and newer releases there is another BOM available with the <code>artifactId</code> of <code>camel-spring-boot-bom</code> which you could instead make use of. For details see <a href="/camel-spring-boot/latest/#_camel_spring_boot_bom_vs_camel_spring_boot_dependencies_bom">the corresponding documentation.</a></p>
<p>Replace the <code>COMPONENT</code> with the artifact outlined in the <a href="/components/latest/">component documentation</a></p>
<pre><code>{{ htmlUnescape (printf `<dependencyManagement>
` .Params.version) }}</code></pre>
{{ partial "releases/downloads.html" (dict "Category" (index (index $.Site.Data "release-categories") "camel") "Pages" $.Site.Pages "Version" .Params.version) }}
<h2 id="git"><a class="anchor" href="#git"></a>Git tag checkout</h2>
<p>Release is tagged with <code>camel-{{ .Params.version }}</code> in the Git, to fetch it use:</p>
<pre>git clone
cd camel
git checkout camel-{{ .Params.version }}</pre>
<h2 id="resolved"><a class="anchor" href="#resolved"></a>Resolved issues</h2>
<p>Here is a list of all the issues that have been resolved for this release</p>
{{ $issues_json := getJSON "" (string .Params.jiraVersionId) "&fields=issuetype,summary&maxResults=1000" }}
{{ $issues := dict }}
{{ range $issues_json.issues }}
{{ $issues_by_type := (or (index $issues slice) | append (dict "issue" .key "summary" .fields.summary) }}
{{ $issues = merge $issues (dict $issues_by_type ) }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $type, $data := $issues }}
<h3>{{ $type }} ({{ len $data }})</h3>
{{ range $data }}
<dt><a href="{{ .issue }}">{{ .issue }}</a></dt><dd>{{ .summary }}</dd>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}