blob: 1646c4b6393a59bf861077f437ec4e2247fde345 [file] [log] [blame]
{{/* after 2018-11-10 we started using SHA512 */}}
{{ $sha1_cutoff := time "2018-11-10" }}
{{/* default base URLs for current releases */}}
{{ $artifact_base_url := "" }}
{{ $meta_base_url := "" }}
{{/* an slice of maps with single entry kind and version for each of the downloads (lts, latest, legacy, ...) in a particular category (camel, camel-k, ...), there could be more than one item in the slice with the same kind (e.g. two lts items) */}}
{{ $versions := slice }}
{{/* all versions from a category (camel, camel-k...) */}}
{{ $category_releases := where (where (where .Pages "Section" "releases") ".Params.rc" "ne" "true") ".Params.category" $ }}
{{/* are we featuring a current versions or an archived ones */}}
{{ $is_current_versions := false }}
{{ range $kind := $.Category.kinds }}
{{ if eq $kind.filter "latest" }}
{{/* there can be only single latest version, and we sort by version to find it, there could be newer by date versions that are not the latest, e.g. patching a legacy or lts release */}}
{{ $released_versions := partial "releases/version_sort.html" $category_releases }}
{{ $version := (index $released_versions 0).Param "version" }}
{{ $versions = $versions | append (dict $ $version) }}
{{ else }}
{{/* non-latest versions we need to sort by date of release */}}
{{ $released_versions := partial "releases/version_sort.html" $category_releases }}
{{ if $kind.last }}
{{/* we need to feature more than one of this kind, up to $kind.last */}}
{{/* if we need to feature more than one, we don't want the last N of the same major.minor, we want previous N major.minor versions */}}
{{ $last_major_minor := "" }}
{{/* number of versions of this kind found so far */}}
{{ $no_last := 0 }}
{{/* take only this kind into consideration */}}
{{ range $release := where $released_versions ".Params.kind" $kind.filter }}
{{ $version := $release.Param "version" }}
{{ $major_minor := replaceRE "\\.\\d+$" "" $version }}
{{ if (and (ne $last_major_minor $major_minor) (lt $no_last $kind.last)) }}
{{ $versions = $versions | append (dict $ $version) }}
{{ $no_last = $no_last | add 1 }}
{{ end }}
{{ $last_major_minor = $major_minor }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ $version := (index (where $released_versions ".Params.kind" $kind.filter) 0).Param "version" }}
{{ $versions = $versions | append (dict $ $version) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{/* if the version we're asked to render ($.Version is specifically set) and that version is contained within $versions, i.e. it will be featured on the downloads page, that version is current */}}
{{ if $.Version }}
{{/* when version is specified, this is included from the release page */}}
{{ range $version := $versions }}
{{ range $kind, $v := $version }}
{{ if eq $v $.Version }}
{{ $is_current_versions = true }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{/* we have determined that the $.Version will not be rendered on the downloads page, so we need to link to archive */}}
{{ if not $is_current_versions }}
{{ $artifact_base_url = "" }}
{{ $meta_base_url = "" }}
{{ end }}
{{/* we're rendering a specific version, we don't need all collected kinds/versions above */}}
{{ $versions = slice (dict "" $.Version) }}
{{ else }}
{{/* no $.Version requested, we're rendering the downloads page, all versions should be current */}}
{{ $is_current_versions = true }}
{{ end }}
{{/* the same version can be matched by two kinds (say be latest and lts at the same time), this merges the multiple version entries into single */}}
{{ $versions_grouped := slice }}
{{/* check by cartesian product, we don't have much option with the capabilities we have here */}}
{{ range $version1 := $versions }}
{{ $groupped := false }}
{{ range $k1, $v1 := $version1 }}
{{ range $version2 := $versions }}
{{ range $k2, $v2 := $version2 }}
{{ if and (eq $v1 $v2) (ne $k1 $k2) }}
{{ $groupped = true }}
{{/* version equals but kind differs, i.e. same version appears in two kinds */}}
{{ $kind := printf "%s, %s" $k1 $k2 }}
{{/* we'll encounter $v1 == $v2 and $v2 == $v1, and we don't want the same version twice */}}
{{ $contained := false }}
{{ range $g := $versions_grouped }}
{{ range $x, $v := $g }}
{{ if eq $v $v1 }}
{{ $contained = true }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if not $contained }}
{{ $versions_grouped = $versions_grouped | append (dict $kind $v1) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if not $groupped }}
{{/* this version did not belong to multiple kinds, we need to add it */}}
{{ $versions_grouped = $versions_grouped | append $version1 }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{/* subsitute as we did the grouping above */}}
{{ $versions = $versions_grouped }}
<h2 id="{{ $ }}"><a class="anchor" href="#{{ $ }}"></a>{{ $ }}</h2>
<div class="table-wrapper">
<table class="tableblock frame-all grid-all stretch">
{{ if eq $.Section "download" }}
{{ end }}
<th>Signature and checksum</th>
{{ range $version := $versions }}
{{ range $kind, $v := $version }}
{{ $release_note := (index (where (where (where $.Pages "Section" "releases") ".Params.category" $ ".Params.version" $v) 0) }}
{{ $hash_extension := ".sha512" }}
{{ if le $release_note.Date $sha1_cutoff }}
{{ $hash_extension = ".sha1" }}
{{ end }}
{{ if eq $.Section "download" }}
{{ if gt (len $.Category.downloads) 1 }}
<td rowspan="{{ len $.Category.downloads }}">
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
<strong><a href="{{ $release_note.Permalink | relURL }}">{{ $v }}</a></strong>
{{ with $kind }}
<em class="kind">{{ . }}</em>
{{ end }}
{{ if gt (len $.Category.downloads) 1 }}
<td rowspan="{{ len $.Category.downloads }}">
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ $release_note.Permalink | relURL }}">Release notes</a>
{{ with (index (where (where (where $.Pages "Section" "releases") ".Params.category" $ ".Params.version" $v) 0) }}
Released in {{ (.Param "date").Format "Jan 2006" }}{{ if .Param "eol" }}, end of life in {{ dateFormat "Jan 2006" (.Param "eol") }}{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $idx, $download := $.Category.downloads }}
{{ if ne $idx 0 }}
{{ end }}
{{ $path := replace $download.path_format "{version}" $v }}
{{ $filename := replace $download.filename_format "{version}" $v }}
{{ if $path }}
<td><a href="{{ $artifact_base_url }}{{ $path }}">{{ $filename }}</a> ({{ $}})</td>
<td><a href="{{ $meta_base_url }}{{ $path }}.asc">PGP Signature</a>, <a href="{{ $meta_base_url }}{{ $path }}{{ $hash_extension }}">SHA512 Checksum</a></td>
{{ else }}
<td colspan="3"><a href="{{ .link }}">{{ replace .title "{version}" $v }}</a></td>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}