blob: 325ab4e74ac8560ac2f8f8bdaa2d7a5c475beb2d [file] [log] [blame]
<h2 id="maven"><a class="anchor" href="#maven"></a>Getting the binaries from Maven Central</h2>
<p>We maintain a handy table linking to binary packages for the latest release on the <a href="/camel-kafka-connector/latest/reference/index.html">connector list</a>.</p>
<p>For this release you can use Maven Central Repository Search to find and download the binary packages. This search will show the packages from this release: <code>g:org.apache.camel.kafkaconnector AND l:package AND v:{{ .Params.version }}</code>, or you can follow this link to the <a href="{{ .Params.version }}">search results</a>.</p>
<h2 id="source"><a class="anchor" href="#source"></a>Source Distribution</h2>
Source distribution contains all the artifacts Apache Camel project
distributes in source form
{{ partial "releases/downloads.html" (dict "Category" (index (index $.Site.Data "release-categories") "camel-kafka-connector") "Pages" $.Site.Pages "Version" .Params.version) }}
<h2 id="git"><a class="anchor" href="#git"></a>Git tag checkout</h2>
Release is tagged with
<code>camel-kafka-connector{{ .Params.version }}</code> in the Git, to fetch
it use:
git clone
cd camel-kafka-connector
git checkout camel-kafka-connector-{{ .Params.version }}</pre>
<h2 id="resolved"><a class="anchor" href="#resolved"></a>Resolved issues</h2>
<p>Here is a list of all the issues that have been resolved for this release</p>
{{ $issues := getJSON "" (string .Params.version) (dict "Authorization" (printf "%s:%s" $.Site.Params.GitHubUsername $.Site.Params.GitHubToken | base64Encode)) }}
{{ range $issues }}
<dt><a href="{{ .html_url }}">#{{ .number }}</a></dt><dd>{{ .title }}</dd>
{{ end }}