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# Welcome to the Apache Camel Examples
= Introduction
This directory contains the various examples for working with Apache
Camel. The examples can be run using Maven. When using the Maven
command, Maven will attempt to download the required dependencies from a
central repository to your local repository.
View the individual example READMEs for details.
== Examples
// examples: START
Number of Examples: 35 (0 deprecated)
| Example | Category | Description
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-webhook/readme.adoc[Spring Boot Webhook] (camel-example-spring-boot-webhook) | Advanced | Example on how to use the Camel Webhook component
| link:camel-example-spring-boot/readme.adoc[Spring Boot] (camel-example-spring-boot) | Beginner | An example showing how to work with Camel and Spring Boot
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-health-checks/readme.adoc[Spring Boot Health Checks] (camel-example-spring-boot-health-checks) | Beginner | An example showing how to work with Camel's Health Checks and Spring Boot
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-jira/README.adoc[Spring Boot Jira] (camel-example-spring-boot-jira) | Beginner | An example that uses Jira Camel API
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-pojo/README.adoc[Spring Boot Pojo] (camel-example-spring-boot-pojo) | Beginner | An example showing how to work with Camel POJO routing with Spring Boot
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-rest-swagger-simple/README.adoc[REST Swagger] (camel-example-spring-boot-rest-swagger-simple) | Beginner | This example shows how to call a Rest service defined using Swagger specification
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-xml/readme.adoc[Spring Boot XML] (camel-example-spring-boot-xml) | Beginner | An example showing how to work with Camel routes in XML files and Spring Boot
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-grpc/README.adoc[gRPC Spring Boot] (camel-example-spring-boot-grpc) | Cloud | An example showing the Camel gRPC component with Spring Boot
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-grpc-kubernetes/README.adoc[gRPC Kubernetes] (camel-example-spring-boot-grpc-kubernetes) | Cloud | An example showing the Camel gRPC component with Spring Boot running on Kubernetes
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-infinispan/README.adoc[Spring Boot Infinispan] (camel-example-spring-boot-infinispan) | Cloud | An example showing the Camel Infinispan component with Spring Boot
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-servicecall/README.adoc[Spring Boot ServiceCall] (camel-example-spring-boot-servicecall) | Cloud | An example showing how to work with Camel ServiceCall EIP and Spring Boot
| link:camel-example-spring-cloud-servicecall/README.adoc[Spring Cloud Servicecall] (camel-example-spring-cloud-servicecall) | Cloud | An example showing how to work with Camel ServiceCall EIP and Spring Cloud
| link:camel-example-spring-cloud-serviceregistry/README.adoc[Spring Cloud ServiceRegistry] (camel-example-spring-cloud-serviceregistry) | Cloud | An example showing how to work with Camel Service registry and Spring Cloud
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-clustered-route-controller/readme.adoc[Spring Boot Clustered Route Controller] (camel-example-spring-boot-clustered-route-controller) | Clustering | An example showing how to work with Camel's Clustered Route Controller and Spring Boot
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-master/readme.adoc[Spring Boot Master] (camel-example-spring-boot-master) | Clustering | An example showing how to work with Camel's Master component and Spring Boot
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-rest-jpa/README.adoc[Spring Boot REST JPA] (camel-example-spring-boot-rest-jpa) | Database | An example demonstrating how to use Camel REST DSL with JPA to expose a RESTful API that performs CRUD
operations on a database
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-hystrix/README.adoc[Spring Boot Hystrix] (camel-example-spring-boot-hystrix) | EIP | An example showing how to use Hystrix EIP as circuit breaker in Camel routes
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-resilience4j/README.adoc[Spring Boot Resilience4j] (camel-example-spring-boot-resilience4j) | EIP | An example showing how to use Resilience4j EIP as circuit breaker in Camel routes
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-fhir/readme.adoc[Spring Boot Fhir] (camel-example-spring-boot-fhir) | Health Care | An example showing how to work with Camel, FHIR and Spring Boot
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-fhir-auth-tx/readme.adoc[Spring Boot Fhir Auth Tx] (camel-example-spring-boot-fhir-auth-tx) | Health Care | An example showing how to work with Camel, FHIR Authorization, FHIR Transaction and Spring Boot
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-validator/readme.adoc[Validator Spring Boot] (camel-example-spring-boot-validator) | Input/Output Type Contract | An example showing how to work with declarative validation and Spring Boot
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-metrics/README.adoc[Spring Boot Metrics] (camel-example-spring-boot-metrics) | Management and Monitoring | An example showing how to work with Camel and Spring Boot and report metrics to Graphite
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-opentracing/README.adoc[OpenTracing] (camel-example-spring-boot-opentracing) | Management and Monitoring | An example showing how to trace incoming and outgoing messages from Camel with OpenTracing
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-supervising-route-controller/readme.adoc[Spring Boot Supervising Route Controller] (camel-example-spring-boot-supervising-route-controller) | Management and Monitoring | An example showing how to work with Camel's Supervising Route Controller and Spring Boot
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-zipkin/README.adoc[Spring Boot Zipkin] (camel-example-spring-boot-zipkin) | Management and Monitoring | An example showing how to trace incoming and outgoing messages from Camel with Zipkin
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-activemq/readme.adoc[Spring Boot Activemq] (camel-example-spring-boot-activemq) | Messaging | An example showing how to work with Camel, ActiveMQ and Spring Boot
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-amqp/readme.adoc[Spring Boot Amqp] (camel-example-spring-boot-amqp) | Messaging | An example showing how to work with Camel, ActiveMQ Amqp and Spring Boot
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-kafka-avro/README.adoc[Spring Boot Kafka Avro] (camel-example-spring-boot-kafka-avro) | Messaging | An example for Kafka avro
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-kafka-offsetrepository/README.adoc[Spring Boot Kafka Offsetrepository] (camel-example-spring-boot-kafka-offsetrepository) | Messaging | An example for Kafka offsetrepository
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-rabbitmq/readme.adoc[Spring Boot Rabbitmq] (camel-example-spring-boot-rabbitmq) | Messaging | An example showing how to work with Camel and RabbitMQ
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-reactive-streams/readme.adoc[Spring Boot Reactive Streams] (camel-example-spring-boot-reactive-streams) | Reactive | An example that shows how Camel can exchange data using reactive streams with Spring Boot reactor
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-geocoder/README.adoc[Spring Boot Geocoder] (camel-example-spring-boot-geocoder) | Rest | An example showing the Camel Geocoder component via REST DSL with Spring Boot
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-rest-producer/readme.adoc[Spring Boot Rest Producer] (camel-example-spring-boot-rest-producer) | Rest | An example showing how to use Camel Rest to call a REST service
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-rest-swagger/README.adoc[Spring Boot Rest Swagger] (camel-example-spring-boot-rest-swagger) | Rest | An example showing Camel REST DSL and Swagger with Spring Boot
| link:camel-example-spring-boot-twitter-salesforce/README.adoc[Spring Boot Twitter Salesforce] (camel-example-spring-boot-twitter-salesforce) | Social | Twitter mentions is created as contacts in Salesforce
// examples: END
== Help and contributions
If you hit any problem using Camel or have some feedback,
then please[let us know].
We also love contributors,
so[get involved] :-)
The Camel riders!