blob: e1a41c1bb29b9cc6a659c86c03b85ed848a5dcc7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.camel.component.debezium.springboot;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.Generated;
import org.apache.camel.component.debezium.configuration.PostgresConnectorEmbeddedDebeziumConfiguration;
import org.apache.camel.spring.boot.ComponentConfigurationPropertiesCommon;
* Capture changes from a PostgresSQL database.
* Generated by camel-package-maven-plugin - do not edit this file!
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "camel.component.debezium-postgres")
public class DebeziumPostgresComponentConfiguration
ComponentConfigurationPropertiesCommon {
* Whether to enable auto configuration of the debezium-postgres component.
* This is enabled by default.
private Boolean enabled;
* Additional properties for debezium components in case they can't be set
* directly on the camel configurations (e.g: setting Kafka Connect
* properties needed by Debezium engine, for example setting
* KafkaOffsetBackingStore), the properties have to be prefixed with
* additionalProperties.. E.g:
private Map<String, Object> additionalProperties;
* Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler,
* which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup
* incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and
* handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use
* the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that
* will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored.
private Boolean bridgeErrorHandler = false;
* Allow pre-configured Configurations to be set. The option is a
* org.apache.camel.component.debezium.configuration.PostgresConnectorEmbeddedDebeziumConfiguration type.
private PostgresConnectorEmbeddedDebeziumConfiguration configuration;
* The Converter class that should be used to serialize and deserialize key
* data for offsets. The default is JSON converter.
private String internalKeyConverter = "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter";
* The Converter class that should be used to serialize and deserialize
* value data for offsets. The default is JSON converter.
private String internalValueConverter = "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter";
* The name of the Java class of the commit policy. It defines when offsets
* commit has to be triggered based on the number of events processed and
* the time elapsed since the last commit. This class must implement the
* interface 'OffsetCommitPolicy'. The default is a periodic commit policy
* based upon time intervals.
private String offsetCommitPolicy = "io.debezium.embedded.spi.OffsetCommitPolicy.PeriodicCommitOffsetPolicy";
* Maximum number of milliseconds to wait for records to flush and partition
* offset data to be committed to offset storage before cancelling the
* process and restoring the offset data to be committed in a future
* attempt. The default is 5 seconds. The option is a long type.
private Long offsetCommitTimeoutMs = 5000L;
* Interval at which to try committing offsets. The default is 1 minute. The
* option is a long type.
private Long offsetFlushIntervalMs = 60000L;
* The name of the Java class that is responsible for persistence of
* connector offsets.
private String offsetStorage = "";
* Path to file where offsets are to be stored. Required when
* is set to the FileOffsetBackingStore.
private String offsetStorageFileName;
* The number of partitions used when creating the offset storage topic.
* Required when is set to the 'KafkaOffsetBackingStore'.
private Integer offsetStoragePartitions;
* Replication factor used when creating the offset storage topic. Required
* when is set to the KafkaOffsetBackingStore
private Integer offsetStorageReplicationFactor;
* The name of the Kafka topic where offsets are to be stored. Required when
* is set to the KafkaOffsetBackingStore.
private String offsetStorageTopic;
* Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring
* options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the
* registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which
* then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic
* configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients,
* etc.
private Boolean autowiredEnabled = true;
* Specify how binary (blob, binary, etc.) columns should be represented in
* change events, including:'bytes' represents binary data as byte array
* (default)'base64' represents binary data as base64-encoded string'hex'
* represents binary data as hex-encoded (base16) string
private String binaryHandlingMode = "bytes";
* Regular expressions matching columns to exclude from change events
* (deprecated, use column.exclude.list instead)
private String columnBlacklist;
* Regular expressions matching columns to exclude from change events
private String columnExcludeList;
* Regular expressions matching columns to include in change events
private String columnIncludeList;
* A comma-separated list of regular expressions matching fully-qualified
* names of columns that adds the columns original type and original length
* as parameters to the corresponding field schemas in the emitted change
* records.
private String columnPropagateSourceType;
* Regular expressions matching columns to include in change events
* (deprecated, use column.include.list instead)
private String columnWhitelist;
* Optional list of custom converters that would be used instead of default
* ones. The converters are defined using '.type' config option and
* configured using options '.'
private String converters;
* The name of the database from which the connector should capture changes
private String databaseDbname;
* The path to the file that will be used to record the database history
private String databaseHistoryFileFilename;
* Resolvable hostname or IP address of the database server.
private String databaseHostname;
* A semicolon separated list of SQL statements to be executed when a JDBC
* connection to the database is established. Note that the connector may
* establish JDBC connections at its own discretion, so this should
* typically be used for configurationof session parameters only, but not
* for executing DML statements. Use doubled semicolon (';;') to use a
* semicolon as a character and not as a delimiter.
private String databaseInitialStatements;
* Password of the database user to be used when connecting to the database.
private String databasePassword;
* Port of the database server.
private Integer databasePort = 5432;
* Unique name that identifies the database server and all recorded offsets,
* and that is used as a prefix for all schemas and topics. Each distinct
* installation should have a separate namespace and be monitored by at most
* one Debezium connector.
private String databaseServerName;
* File containing the SSL Certificate for the client. See the Postgres SSL
* docs for further information
private String databaseSslcert;
* A name of class to that creates SSL Sockets. Use
* org.postgresql.ssl.NonValidatingFactory to disable SSL validation in
* development environments
private String databaseSslfactory;
* File containing the SSL private key for the client. See the Postgres SSL
* docs for further information
private String databaseSslkey;
* Whether to use an encrypted connection to Postgres. Options
* include'disable' (the default) to use an unencrypted connection;
* 'require' to use a secure (encrypted) connection, and fail if one cannot
* be established; 'verify-ca' like 'required' but additionally verify the
* server TLS certificate against the configured Certificate Authority (CA)
* certificates, or fail if no valid matching CA certificates are found;
* or'verify-full' like 'verify-ca' but additionally verify that the server
* certificate matches the host to which the connection is attempted.
private String databaseSslmode = "disable";
* Password to access the client private key from the file specified by
* 'database.sslkey'. See the Postgres SSL docs for further information
private String databaseSslpassword;
* File containing the root certificate(s) against which the server is
* validated. See the Postgres JDBC SSL docs for further information
private String databaseSslrootcert;
* Enable or disable TCP keep-alive probe to avoid dropping TCP connection
private Boolean databaseTcpkeepalive = true;
* Name of the database user to be used when connecting to the database.
private String databaseUser;
* A comma-separated list of regular expressions matching the
* database-specific data type names that adds the data type's original type
* and original length as parameters to the corresponding field schemas in
* the emitted change records.
private String datatypePropagateSourceType;
* Specify how DECIMAL and NUMERIC columns should be represented in change
* events, including:'precise' (the default) uses java.math.BigDecimal to
* represent values, which are encoded in the change events using a binary
* representation and Kafka Connect's
* '' type; 'string' uses string to
* represent values; 'double' represents values using Java's 'double', which
* may not offer the precision but will be far easier to use in consumers.
private String decimalHandlingMode = "precise";
* Specify how failures during processing of events (i.e. when encountering
* a corrupted event) should be handled, including:'fail' (the default) an
* exception indicating the problematic event and its position is raised,
* causing the connector to be stopped; 'warn' the problematic event and its
* position will be logged and the event will be skipped;'ignore' the
* problematic event will be skipped.
private String eventProcessingFailureHandlingMode = "fail";
* The query executed with every heartbeat.
private String heartbeatActionQuery;
* Length of an interval in milli-seconds in in which the connector
* periodically sends heartbeat messages to a heartbeat topic. Use 0 to
* disable heartbeat messages. Disabled by default. The option is a int
* type.
private Integer heartbeatIntervalMs = 0;
* The prefix that is used to name heartbeat topics.Defaults to
* __debezium-heartbeat.
private String heartbeatTopicsPrefix = "__debezium-heartbeat";
* Specify how HSTORE columns should be represented in change events,
* including:'json' represents values as string-ified JSON (default)'map'
* represents values as a key/value map
private String hstoreHandlingMode = "json";
* Whether the connector parse table and column's comment to metadata
* object.Note: Enable this option will bring the implications on memory
* usage. The number and size of ColumnImpl objects is what largely impacts
* how much memory is consumed by the Debezium connectors, and adding a
* String to each of them can potentially be quite heavy. The default is
* 'false'.
private Boolean includeSchemaComments = false;
* Specify whether the fields of data type not supported by Debezium should
* be processed:'false' (the default) omits the fields; 'true' converts the
* field into an implementation dependent binary representation.
private Boolean includeUnknownDatatypes = false;
* The maximum size of chunk for incremental snapshotting
private Integer incrementalSnapshotChunkSize = 1024;
* Specify how INTERVAL columns should be represented in change events,
* including:'string' represents values as an exact ISO formatted
* string'numeric' (default) represents values using the inexact conversion
* into microseconds
private String intervalHandlingMode = "numeric";
* Maximum size of each batch of source records. Defaults to 2048.
private Integer maxBatchSize = 2048;
* Maximum size of the queue for change events read from the database log
* but not yet recorded or forwarded. Defaults to 8192, and should always be
* larger than the maximum batch size.
private Integer maxQueueSize = 8192;
* Maximum size of the queue in bytes for change events read from the
* database log but not yet recorded or forwarded. Defaults to 0. Mean the
* feature is not enabled
private Long maxQueueSizeInBytes = 0L;
* A semicolon-separated list of expressions that match fully-qualified
* tables and column(s) to be used as message key. Each expression must
* match the pattern ':',where the table names could be defined as
* (DB_NAME.TABLE_NAME) or (SCHEMA_NAME.TABLE_NAME), depending on the
* specific connector,and the key columns are a comma-separated list of
* columns representing the custom key. For any table without an explicit
* key configuration the table's primary key column(s) will be used as
* message key.Example:
* dbserver1.inventory.orderlines:orderId,orderLineId;dbserver1.inventory.orders:id
private String messageKeyColumns;
* A comma-separated list of regular expressions that match the logical
* decoding message prefixes to be excluded from monitoring.
private String messagePrefixExcludeList;
* A comma-separated list of regular expressions that match the logical
* decoding message prefixes to be monitored. All prefixes are monitored by
* default.
private String messagePrefixIncludeList;
* The name of the Postgres logical decoding plugin installed on the server.
* Supported values are 'decoderbufs', 'wal2json', 'pgoutput',
* 'wal2json_streaming', 'wal2json_rds' and 'wal2json_rds_streaming'.
* Defaults to 'decoderbufs'.
private String pluginName = "decoderbufs";
* Time to wait for new change events to appear after receiving no events,
* given in milliseconds. Defaults to 500 ms. The option is a long type.
private Long pollIntervalMs = 500L;
* Enables transaction metadata extraction together with event counting
private Boolean provideTransactionMetadata = false;
* Applies only when streaming changes using pgoutput.Determine how creation
* of a publication should work, the default is all_tables.DISABLED - The
* connector will not attempt to create a publication at all. The
* expectation is that the user has created the publication up-front. If the
* publication isn't found to exist upon startup, the connector will throw
* an exception and stop.ALL_TABLES - If no publication exists, the
* connector will create a new publication for all tables. Note this
* requires that the configured user has access. If the publication already
* exists, it will be used. i.e CREATE PUBLICATION FOR ALL TABLES;FILTERED -
* If no publication exists, the connector will create a new publication for
* all those tables matchingthe current filter configuration (see
* table/database include/exclude list properties). If the publication
* already exists, it will be used. i.e CREATE PUBLICATION FOR TABLE
private String publicationAutocreateMode = "all_tables";
* The name of the Postgres 10 publication used for streaming changes from a
* plugin.Defaults to 'dbz_publication'
private String publicationName = "dbz_publication";
* The maximum number of records that should be loaded into memory while
* streaming. A value of 0 uses the default JDBC fetch size.
private Integer queryFetchSize = 0;
* Time to wait before restarting connector after retriable exception
* occurs. Defaults to 10000ms. The option is a long type.
private Long retriableRestartConnectorWaitMs = 10000L;
* Whether field names will be sanitized to Avro naming conventions
private Boolean sanitizeFieldNames = false;
* The schemas for which events must not be captured (deprecated, use
* schema.exclude.list instead)
private String schemaBlacklist;
* The schemas for which events must not be captured
private String schemaExcludeList;
* The schemas for which events should be captured
private String schemaIncludeList;
* Specify the conditions that trigger a refresh of the in-memory schema for
* a table. 'columns_diff' (the default) is the safest mode, ensuring the
* in-memory schema stays in-sync with the database table's schema at all
* times. 'columns_diff_exclude_unchanged_toast' instructs the connector to
* refresh the in-memory schema cache if there is a discrepancy between it
* and the schema derived from the incoming message, unless unchanged
* TOASTable data fully accounts for the discrepancy. This setting can
* improve connector performance significantly if there are
* frequently-updated tables that have TOASTed data that are rarely part of
* these updates. However, it is possible for the in-memory schema to become
* outdated if TOASTable columns are dropped from the table.
private String schemaRefreshMode = "columns_diff";
* The schemas for which events should be captured (deprecated, use
* schema.include.list instead)
private String schemaWhitelist;
* The name of the data collection that is used to send signals/commands to
* Debezium. Signaling is disabled when not set.
private String signalDataCollection;
* The comma-separated list of operations to skip during streaming, defined
* as: 'c' for inserts/create; 'u' for updates; 'd' for deletes. By default,
* no operations will be skipped.
private String skippedOperations;
* Whether or not to drop the logical replication slot when the connector
* finishes orderlyBy default the replication is kept so that on restart
* progress can resume from the last recorded location
private Boolean slotDropOnStop = false;
* How many times to retry connecting to a replication slot when an attempt
* fails.
private Integer slotMaxRetries = 6;
* The name of the Postgres logical decoding slot created for streaming
* changes from a plugin.Defaults to 'debezium
private String slotName = "debezium";
* Time to wait between retry attempts when the connector fails to connect
* to a replication slot, given in milliseconds. Defaults to 10 seconds
* (10,000 ms). The option is a long type.
private Long slotRetryDelayMs = 10000L;
* Any optional parameters used by logical decoding plugin. Semi-colon
* separated. E.g. 'add-tables=public.table,public.table2;include-lsn=true'
private String slotStreamParams;
* When 'snapshot.mode' is set as custom, this setting must be set to
* specify a fully qualified class name to load (via the default class
* loader).This class must implement the 'Snapshotter' interface and is
* called on each app boot to determine whether to do a snapshot and how to
* build queries.
private String snapshotCustomClass;
* A delay period before a snapshot will begin, given in milliseconds.
* Defaults to 0 ms. The option is a long type.
private Long snapshotDelayMs = 0L;
* The maximum number of records that should be loaded into memory while
* performing a snapshot
private Integer snapshotFetchSize;
* this setting must be set to specify a list of tables/collections whose
* snapshot must be taken on creating or restarting the connector.
private String snapshotIncludeCollectionList;
* The maximum number of millis to wait for table locks at the beginning of
* a snapshot. If locks cannot be acquired in this time frame, the snapshot
* will be aborted. Defaults to 10 seconds. The option is a long type.
private Long snapshotLockTimeoutMs = 10000L;
* The maximum number of threads used to perform the snapshot. Defaults to
* 1.
private Integer snapshotMaxThreads = 1;
* The criteria for running a snapshot upon startup of the connector.
* Options include: 'always' to specify that the connector run a snapshot
* each time it starts up; 'initial' (the default) to specify the connector
* can run a snapshot only when no offsets are available for the logical
* server name; 'initial_only' same as 'initial' except the connector should
* stop after completing the snapshot and before it would normally start
* emitting changes;'never' to specify the connector should never run a
* snapshot and that upon first startup the connector should read from the
* last position (LSN) recorded by the server; and'exported' deprecated, use
* 'initial' instead; 'custom' to specify a custom class with
* 'snapshot.custom_class' which will be loaded and used to determine the
* snapshot, see docs for more details.
private String snapshotMode = "initial";
* This property contains a comma-separated list of fully-qualified tables
* thespecific connectors. Select statements for the individual tables are
* specified in further configuration properties, one for each table,
* identified by the id
* '' or
* '',
* respectively. The value of those properties is the select statement to
* use when retrieving data from the specific table during snapshotting. A
* possible use case for large append-only tables is setting a specific
* point where to start (resume) snapshotting, in case a previous
* snapshotting was interrupted.
private String snapshotSelectStatementOverrides;
* A version of the format of the publicly visible source part in the
* message
private String sourceStructVersion = "v2";
* Frequency for sending replication connection status updates to the
* server, given in milliseconds. Defaults to 10 seconds (10,000 ms). The
* option is a int type.
private Integer statusUpdateIntervalMs = 10000;
* A comma-separated list of regular expressions that match the
* fully-qualified names of tables to be excluded from monitoring
* (deprecated, use table.exclude.list instead)
private String tableBlacklist;
* A comma-separated list of regular expressions that match the
* fully-qualified names of tables to be excluded from monitoring
private String tableExcludeList;
* Flag specifying whether built-in tables should be ignored.
private Boolean tableIgnoreBuiltin = true;
* The tables for which changes are to be captured
private String tableIncludeList;
* The tables for which changes are to be captured (deprecated, use
* table.include.list instead)
private String tableWhitelist;
* Time, date, and timestamps can be represented with different kinds of
* precisions, including:'adaptive' (the default) bases the precision of
* time, date, and timestamp values on the database column's precision;
* 'adaptive_time_microseconds' like 'adaptive' mode, but TIME fields always
* use microseconds precision;'connect' always represents time, date, and
* timestamp values using Kafka Connect's built-in representations for Time,
* Date, and Timestamp, which uses millisecond precision regardless of the
* database columns' precision .
private String timePrecisionMode = "adaptive";
* Whether delete operations should be represented by a delete event and a
* subsquenttombstone event (true) or only by a delete event (false).
* Emitting the tombstone event (the default behavior) allows Kafka to
* completely delete all events pertaining to the given key once the source
* record got deleted.
private Boolean tombstonesOnDelete = false;
* The name of the transaction metadata topic. The placeholder
* ${} can be used for referring to the connector's
* logical name; defaults to ${}.transaction.
private String transactionTopic = "${}.transaction";
* Specify how TRUNCATE operations are handled for change events (supported
* only on pg11 pgoutput plugin), including: 'skip' to skip / ignore
* TRUNCATE events (default), 'include' to handle and include TRUNCATE
* events
private String truncateHandlingMode = "skip";
* Specify the constant that will be provided by Debezium to indicate that
* the original value is a toasted value not provided by the database. If
* starts with 'hex:' prefix it is expected that the rest of the string
* represents hexadecimal encoded octets.
private String unavailableValuePlaceholder = "__debezium_unavailable_value";
* Specify how often (in ms) the xmin will be fetched from the replication
* slot. This xmin value is exposed by the slot which gives a lower bound of
* where a new replication slot could start from. The lower the value, the
* more likely this value is to be the current 'true' value, but the bigger
* the performance cost. The bigger the value, the less likely this value is
* to be the current 'true' value, but the lower the performance penalty.
* The default is set to 0 ms, which disables tracking xmin. The option is a
* long type.
private Long xminFetchIntervalMs = 0L;
public Map<String, Object> getAdditionalProperties() {
return additionalProperties;
public void setAdditionalProperties(Map<String, Object> additionalProperties) {
this.additionalProperties = additionalProperties;
public Boolean getBridgeErrorHandler() {
return bridgeErrorHandler;
public void setBridgeErrorHandler(Boolean bridgeErrorHandler) {
this.bridgeErrorHandler = bridgeErrorHandler;
public PostgresConnectorEmbeddedDebeziumConfiguration getConfiguration() {
return configuration;
public void setConfiguration(
PostgresConnectorEmbeddedDebeziumConfiguration configuration) {
this.configuration = configuration;
public String getInternalKeyConverter() {
return internalKeyConverter;
public void setInternalKeyConverter(String internalKeyConverter) {
this.internalKeyConverter = internalKeyConverter;
public String getInternalValueConverter() {
return internalValueConverter;
public void setInternalValueConverter(String internalValueConverter) {
this.internalValueConverter = internalValueConverter;
public String getOffsetCommitPolicy() {
return offsetCommitPolicy;
public void setOffsetCommitPolicy(String offsetCommitPolicy) {
this.offsetCommitPolicy = offsetCommitPolicy;
public Long getOffsetCommitTimeoutMs() {
return offsetCommitTimeoutMs;
public void setOffsetCommitTimeoutMs(Long offsetCommitTimeoutMs) {
this.offsetCommitTimeoutMs = offsetCommitTimeoutMs;
public Long getOffsetFlushIntervalMs() {
return offsetFlushIntervalMs;
public void setOffsetFlushIntervalMs(Long offsetFlushIntervalMs) {
this.offsetFlushIntervalMs = offsetFlushIntervalMs;
public String getOffsetStorage() {
return offsetStorage;
public void setOffsetStorage(String offsetStorage) {
this.offsetStorage = offsetStorage;
public String getOffsetStorageFileName() {
return offsetStorageFileName;
public void setOffsetStorageFileName(String offsetStorageFileName) {
this.offsetStorageFileName = offsetStorageFileName;
public Integer getOffsetStoragePartitions() {
return offsetStoragePartitions;
public void setOffsetStoragePartitions(Integer offsetStoragePartitions) {
this.offsetStoragePartitions = offsetStoragePartitions;
public Integer getOffsetStorageReplicationFactor() {
return offsetStorageReplicationFactor;
public void setOffsetStorageReplicationFactor(
Integer offsetStorageReplicationFactor) {
this.offsetStorageReplicationFactor = offsetStorageReplicationFactor;
public String getOffsetStorageTopic() {
return offsetStorageTopic;
public void setOffsetStorageTopic(String offsetStorageTopic) {
this.offsetStorageTopic = offsetStorageTopic;
public Boolean getAutowiredEnabled() {
return autowiredEnabled;
public void setAutowiredEnabled(Boolean autowiredEnabled) {
this.autowiredEnabled = autowiredEnabled;
public String getBinaryHandlingMode() {
return binaryHandlingMode;
public void setBinaryHandlingMode(String binaryHandlingMode) {
this.binaryHandlingMode = binaryHandlingMode;
public String getColumnBlacklist() {
return columnBlacklist;
public void setColumnBlacklist(String columnBlacklist) {
this.columnBlacklist = columnBlacklist;
public String getColumnExcludeList() {
return columnExcludeList;
public void setColumnExcludeList(String columnExcludeList) {
this.columnExcludeList = columnExcludeList;
public String getColumnIncludeList() {
return columnIncludeList;
public void setColumnIncludeList(String columnIncludeList) {
this.columnIncludeList = columnIncludeList;
public String getColumnPropagateSourceType() {
return columnPropagateSourceType;
public void setColumnPropagateSourceType(String columnPropagateSourceType) {
this.columnPropagateSourceType = columnPropagateSourceType;
public String getColumnWhitelist() {
return columnWhitelist;
public void setColumnWhitelist(String columnWhitelist) {
this.columnWhitelist = columnWhitelist;
public String getConverters() {
return converters;
public void setConverters(String converters) {
this.converters = converters;
public String getDatabaseDbname() {
return databaseDbname;
public void setDatabaseDbname(String databaseDbname) {
this.databaseDbname = databaseDbname;
public String getDatabaseHistoryFileFilename() {
return databaseHistoryFileFilename;
public void setDatabaseHistoryFileFilename(
String databaseHistoryFileFilename) {
this.databaseHistoryFileFilename = databaseHistoryFileFilename;
public String getDatabaseHostname() {
return databaseHostname;
public void setDatabaseHostname(String databaseHostname) {
this.databaseHostname = databaseHostname;
public String getDatabaseInitialStatements() {
return databaseInitialStatements;
public void setDatabaseInitialStatements(String databaseInitialStatements) {
this.databaseInitialStatements = databaseInitialStatements;
public String getDatabasePassword() {
return databasePassword;
public void setDatabasePassword(String databasePassword) {
this.databasePassword = databasePassword;
public Integer getDatabasePort() {
return databasePort;
public void setDatabasePort(Integer databasePort) {
this.databasePort = databasePort;
public String getDatabaseServerName() {
return databaseServerName;
public void setDatabaseServerName(String databaseServerName) {
this.databaseServerName = databaseServerName;
public String getDatabaseSslcert() {
return databaseSslcert;
public void setDatabaseSslcert(String databaseSslcert) {
this.databaseSslcert = databaseSslcert;
public String getDatabaseSslfactory() {
return databaseSslfactory;
public void setDatabaseSslfactory(String databaseSslfactory) {
this.databaseSslfactory = databaseSslfactory;
public String getDatabaseSslkey() {
return databaseSslkey;
public void setDatabaseSslkey(String databaseSslkey) {
this.databaseSslkey = databaseSslkey;
public String getDatabaseSslmode() {
return databaseSslmode;
public void setDatabaseSslmode(String databaseSslmode) {
this.databaseSslmode = databaseSslmode;
public String getDatabaseSslpassword() {
return databaseSslpassword;
public void setDatabaseSslpassword(String databaseSslpassword) {
this.databaseSslpassword = databaseSslpassword;
public String getDatabaseSslrootcert() {
return databaseSslrootcert;
public void setDatabaseSslrootcert(String databaseSslrootcert) {
this.databaseSslrootcert = databaseSslrootcert;
public Boolean getDatabaseTcpkeepalive() {
return databaseTcpkeepalive;
public void setDatabaseTcpkeepalive(Boolean databaseTcpkeepalive) {
this.databaseTcpkeepalive = databaseTcpkeepalive;
public String getDatabaseUser() {
return databaseUser;
public void setDatabaseUser(String databaseUser) {
this.databaseUser = databaseUser;
public String getDatatypePropagateSourceType() {
return datatypePropagateSourceType;
public void setDatatypePropagateSourceType(
String datatypePropagateSourceType) {
this.datatypePropagateSourceType = datatypePropagateSourceType;
public String getDecimalHandlingMode() {
return decimalHandlingMode;
public void setDecimalHandlingMode(String decimalHandlingMode) {
this.decimalHandlingMode = decimalHandlingMode;
public String getEventProcessingFailureHandlingMode() {
return eventProcessingFailureHandlingMode;
public void setEventProcessingFailureHandlingMode(
String eventProcessingFailureHandlingMode) {
this.eventProcessingFailureHandlingMode = eventProcessingFailureHandlingMode;
public String getHeartbeatActionQuery() {
return heartbeatActionQuery;
public void setHeartbeatActionQuery(String heartbeatActionQuery) {
this.heartbeatActionQuery = heartbeatActionQuery;
public Integer getHeartbeatIntervalMs() {
return heartbeatIntervalMs;
public void setHeartbeatIntervalMs(Integer heartbeatIntervalMs) {
this.heartbeatIntervalMs = heartbeatIntervalMs;
public String getHeartbeatTopicsPrefix() {
return heartbeatTopicsPrefix;
public void setHeartbeatTopicsPrefix(String heartbeatTopicsPrefix) {
this.heartbeatTopicsPrefix = heartbeatTopicsPrefix;
public String getHstoreHandlingMode() {
return hstoreHandlingMode;
public void setHstoreHandlingMode(String hstoreHandlingMode) {
this.hstoreHandlingMode = hstoreHandlingMode;
public Boolean getIncludeSchemaComments() {
return includeSchemaComments;
public void setIncludeSchemaComments(Boolean includeSchemaComments) {
this.includeSchemaComments = includeSchemaComments;
public Boolean getIncludeUnknownDatatypes() {
return includeUnknownDatatypes;
public void setIncludeUnknownDatatypes(Boolean includeUnknownDatatypes) {
this.includeUnknownDatatypes = includeUnknownDatatypes;
public Integer getIncrementalSnapshotChunkSize() {
return incrementalSnapshotChunkSize;
public void setIncrementalSnapshotChunkSize(
Integer incrementalSnapshotChunkSize) {
this.incrementalSnapshotChunkSize = incrementalSnapshotChunkSize;
public String getIntervalHandlingMode() {
return intervalHandlingMode;
public void setIntervalHandlingMode(String intervalHandlingMode) {
this.intervalHandlingMode = intervalHandlingMode;
public Integer getMaxBatchSize() {
return maxBatchSize;
public void setMaxBatchSize(Integer maxBatchSize) {
this.maxBatchSize = maxBatchSize;
public Integer getMaxQueueSize() {
return maxQueueSize;
public void setMaxQueueSize(Integer maxQueueSize) {
this.maxQueueSize = maxQueueSize;
public Long getMaxQueueSizeInBytes() {
return maxQueueSizeInBytes;
public void setMaxQueueSizeInBytes(Long maxQueueSizeInBytes) {
this.maxQueueSizeInBytes = maxQueueSizeInBytes;
public String getMessageKeyColumns() {
return messageKeyColumns;
public void setMessageKeyColumns(String messageKeyColumns) {
this.messageKeyColumns = messageKeyColumns;
public String getMessagePrefixExcludeList() {
return messagePrefixExcludeList;
public void setMessagePrefixExcludeList(String messagePrefixExcludeList) {
this.messagePrefixExcludeList = messagePrefixExcludeList;
public String getMessagePrefixIncludeList() {
return messagePrefixIncludeList;
public void setMessagePrefixIncludeList(String messagePrefixIncludeList) {
this.messagePrefixIncludeList = messagePrefixIncludeList;
public String getPluginName() {
return pluginName;
public void setPluginName(String pluginName) {
this.pluginName = pluginName;
public Long getPollIntervalMs() {
return pollIntervalMs;
public void setPollIntervalMs(Long pollIntervalMs) {
this.pollIntervalMs = pollIntervalMs;
public Boolean getProvideTransactionMetadata() {
return provideTransactionMetadata;
public void setProvideTransactionMetadata(Boolean provideTransactionMetadata) {
this.provideTransactionMetadata = provideTransactionMetadata;
public String getPublicationAutocreateMode() {
return publicationAutocreateMode;
public void setPublicationAutocreateMode(String publicationAutocreateMode) {
this.publicationAutocreateMode = publicationAutocreateMode;
public String getPublicationName() {
return publicationName;
public void setPublicationName(String publicationName) {
this.publicationName = publicationName;
public Integer getQueryFetchSize() {
return queryFetchSize;
public void setQueryFetchSize(Integer queryFetchSize) {
this.queryFetchSize = queryFetchSize;
public Long getRetriableRestartConnectorWaitMs() {
return retriableRestartConnectorWaitMs;
public void setRetriableRestartConnectorWaitMs(
Long retriableRestartConnectorWaitMs) {
this.retriableRestartConnectorWaitMs = retriableRestartConnectorWaitMs;
public Boolean getSanitizeFieldNames() {
return sanitizeFieldNames;
public void setSanitizeFieldNames(Boolean sanitizeFieldNames) {
this.sanitizeFieldNames = sanitizeFieldNames;
public String getSchemaBlacklist() {
return schemaBlacklist;
public void setSchemaBlacklist(String schemaBlacklist) {
this.schemaBlacklist = schemaBlacklist;
public String getSchemaExcludeList() {
return schemaExcludeList;
public void setSchemaExcludeList(String schemaExcludeList) {
this.schemaExcludeList = schemaExcludeList;
public String getSchemaIncludeList() {
return schemaIncludeList;
public void setSchemaIncludeList(String schemaIncludeList) {
this.schemaIncludeList = schemaIncludeList;
public String getSchemaRefreshMode() {
return schemaRefreshMode;
public void setSchemaRefreshMode(String schemaRefreshMode) {
this.schemaRefreshMode = schemaRefreshMode;
public String getSchemaWhitelist() {
return schemaWhitelist;
public void setSchemaWhitelist(String schemaWhitelist) {
this.schemaWhitelist = schemaWhitelist;
public String getSignalDataCollection() {
return signalDataCollection;
public void setSignalDataCollection(String signalDataCollection) {
this.signalDataCollection = signalDataCollection;
public String getSkippedOperations() {
return skippedOperations;
public void setSkippedOperations(String skippedOperations) {
this.skippedOperations = skippedOperations;
public Boolean getSlotDropOnStop() {
return slotDropOnStop;
public void setSlotDropOnStop(Boolean slotDropOnStop) {
this.slotDropOnStop = slotDropOnStop;
public Integer getSlotMaxRetries() {
return slotMaxRetries;
public void setSlotMaxRetries(Integer slotMaxRetries) {
this.slotMaxRetries = slotMaxRetries;
public String getSlotName() {
return slotName;
public void setSlotName(String slotName) {
this.slotName = slotName;
public Long getSlotRetryDelayMs() {
return slotRetryDelayMs;
public void setSlotRetryDelayMs(Long slotRetryDelayMs) {
this.slotRetryDelayMs = slotRetryDelayMs;
public String getSlotStreamParams() {
return slotStreamParams;
public void setSlotStreamParams(String slotStreamParams) {
this.slotStreamParams = slotStreamParams;
public String getSnapshotCustomClass() {
return snapshotCustomClass;
public void setSnapshotCustomClass(String snapshotCustomClass) {
this.snapshotCustomClass = snapshotCustomClass;
public Long getSnapshotDelayMs() {
return snapshotDelayMs;
public void setSnapshotDelayMs(Long snapshotDelayMs) {
this.snapshotDelayMs = snapshotDelayMs;
public Integer getSnapshotFetchSize() {
return snapshotFetchSize;
public void setSnapshotFetchSize(Integer snapshotFetchSize) {
this.snapshotFetchSize = snapshotFetchSize;
public String getSnapshotIncludeCollectionList() {
return snapshotIncludeCollectionList;
public void setSnapshotIncludeCollectionList(
String snapshotIncludeCollectionList) {
this.snapshotIncludeCollectionList = snapshotIncludeCollectionList;
public Long getSnapshotLockTimeoutMs() {
return snapshotLockTimeoutMs;
public void setSnapshotLockTimeoutMs(Long snapshotLockTimeoutMs) {
this.snapshotLockTimeoutMs = snapshotLockTimeoutMs;
public Integer getSnapshotMaxThreads() {
return snapshotMaxThreads;
public void setSnapshotMaxThreads(Integer snapshotMaxThreads) {
this.snapshotMaxThreads = snapshotMaxThreads;
public String getSnapshotMode() {
return snapshotMode;
public void setSnapshotMode(String snapshotMode) {
this.snapshotMode = snapshotMode;
public String getSnapshotSelectStatementOverrides() {
return snapshotSelectStatementOverrides;
public void setSnapshotSelectStatementOverrides(
String snapshotSelectStatementOverrides) {
this.snapshotSelectStatementOverrides = snapshotSelectStatementOverrides;
public String getSourceStructVersion() {
return sourceStructVersion;
public void setSourceStructVersion(String sourceStructVersion) {
this.sourceStructVersion = sourceStructVersion;
public Integer getStatusUpdateIntervalMs() {
return statusUpdateIntervalMs;
public void setStatusUpdateIntervalMs(Integer statusUpdateIntervalMs) {
this.statusUpdateIntervalMs = statusUpdateIntervalMs;
public String getTableBlacklist() {
return tableBlacklist;
public void setTableBlacklist(String tableBlacklist) {
this.tableBlacklist = tableBlacklist;
public String getTableExcludeList() {
return tableExcludeList;
public void setTableExcludeList(String tableExcludeList) {
this.tableExcludeList = tableExcludeList;
public Boolean getTableIgnoreBuiltin() {
return tableIgnoreBuiltin;
public void setTableIgnoreBuiltin(Boolean tableIgnoreBuiltin) {
this.tableIgnoreBuiltin = tableIgnoreBuiltin;
public String getTableIncludeList() {
return tableIncludeList;
public void setTableIncludeList(String tableIncludeList) {
this.tableIncludeList = tableIncludeList;
public String getTableWhitelist() {
return tableWhitelist;
public void setTableWhitelist(String tableWhitelist) {
this.tableWhitelist = tableWhitelist;
public String getTimePrecisionMode() {
return timePrecisionMode;
public void setTimePrecisionMode(String timePrecisionMode) {
this.timePrecisionMode = timePrecisionMode;
public Boolean getTombstonesOnDelete() {
return tombstonesOnDelete;
public void setTombstonesOnDelete(Boolean tombstonesOnDelete) {
this.tombstonesOnDelete = tombstonesOnDelete;
public String getTransactionTopic() {
return transactionTopic;
public void setTransactionTopic(String transactionTopic) {
this.transactionTopic = transactionTopic;
public String getTruncateHandlingMode() {
return truncateHandlingMode;
public void setTruncateHandlingMode(String truncateHandlingMode) {
this.truncateHandlingMode = truncateHandlingMode;
public String getUnavailableValuePlaceholder() {
return unavailableValuePlaceholder;
public void setUnavailableValuePlaceholder(
String unavailableValuePlaceholder) {
this.unavailableValuePlaceholder = unavailableValuePlaceholder;
public Long getXminFetchIntervalMs() {
return xminFetchIntervalMs;
public void setXminFetchIntervalMs(Long xminFetchIntervalMs) {
this.xminFetchIntervalMs = xminFetchIntervalMs;